xxxxL O R E L E IxxxE S T E RxxxT O W N S E N D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES Lori

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 13 June 2018

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 inches, Pine with Demiguise hair, Pliable with a Decorated Shaft

              GENDER Female

              ROMANTIC ORIENTATION Demiromantic

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual

              FACECLAIM Summer Glau [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx

              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              YEAR Seventh

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy O
                  Charms O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts O
                  Herbology O
                  History of Magic O
                  Potions O
                  Transfiguration O
                  Alchemy A
                  Arithmancy O
                  Cursebreaking O
                  Divination EE
                  Healing O
                  Mythology O
                  Study of Ancient Runes O
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class O
                  Wandlore Studies O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Game Designer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  Lorelei was raised on the adage 'slow and steady wins the race.' She does not believe in rushing into things, preferring to take it slow and careful. She would rather take a long time completing a project than to have to start over or rework it because she did something wrong or less than perfectly in a rush to finish. She is exacting in her actions and careful to get things right the first time. When she makes a mistake, she is quick to correct it, doing so immediately rather than forcing herself to backtrack later on.

                  Cleverness seems to be a genetic trait on her biological father's side; it is also one valued greatly by her mother and stepfather, both of whom are quite proud of how creatively Lori solves problems. She is excellent at finding an unusual solution to a problem that leaves others scratching their heads; oftentimes, her solution does the same, and she finds herself having to break it down for people who can't understand how she got from Point A to Point B.

                  This trait is partially born of a deep-seated issue with Lori's biological father; while he always provided for her, he never seemed to care overmuch about her. Because of this, she has difficulty seeing her own self-worth at times. She isn't one to brag over accomplishments, because if they never attracted his attention, they must not have been particularly impressive. The rest of her modesty comes from an intense distaste for arrogance; she finds it pointless, and annoying. Thus she is quick to reconsider her prideful response to anything she does; if she feels she has not truly earned the right to her pride, she lets it go. Even if she has, she rarely bores those around her bragging about it.

                  She isn't a shy girl by any means, but oftentimes she finds interacting with other people utterly exhausting, and needs time alone to recuperate. She enjoys spending time with those close to her, but too much time spent in the presence of others wears her down and makes her feel drained. There are very few people in her life whose presence she will tolerate if she has dealt with overexposure to others, and even in these cases, time spent with them is preferred to be in silence. It doesn't help matters that she often comes across as quite awkward, due to her blunt nature and somewhat detached attitude.

                  Lorelei is fiercely loyal, to her morals, her ideals, and those she cares about. If she is entrusted with a secret, she will take it to her grave, provided the person who shares it is worthy of her loyalty. "Worthiness" is something she concerns herself with greatly, and she considers it one of the most valuable traits in a person. If one has earned her trust and affection, she is a staunch ally. By the same token, she takes her values very seriously. She isn't stubborn by any means, but her morals are quite important to her, as are her opinions. It will take a strong, well-reasoned argument to sway her away from them. She tends more towards the grey sort of morals, but is dedicated to those that she deems noble enough for her to care.

                  Lori prefers to remain on the outside of things looking in; she finds it quite useful to watch the world around her, to learn about the people she is surrounded by. She often sees things that other miss, and will file this information away for use at a later time, should it prove beneficial. She is well-versed in reading facial expressions and body language, and easily reads the people around her. She is quick to catch a person in a lie, and has little difficulty assessing the emotional state of those around her.

                  She believes firmly in using the knowledge she has in creative and useful ways. Lorelei dislikes being at a disadvantage and will do whatever it takes to ensure that she isn't. Another trait born of her relationship with her biological father, she believes that the easiest way to get through your life is to know the most and put what you know to good use. Good here meaning 'beneficial' and not necessarily 'noble.' She isn't one to shy away from doing something others might consider less than virtuous. She'll do whatever it takes to get ahead; the only people she won't step over on her way are the people she wants to take along with her, and those are few and far between.

                  Nature sounds
                  Rain and thunderstorms
                  Video games

                  Lindsay Lovell
                  "It's Magic!"
                  Loud music

                  Puzzle games
                  Exploring Hogwarts castle


                  Easily frustrated


          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  Lorelei was born of an affair between her mother Charlotte, a wealthy socialite, and Lindsay Lovell, a powerful businessman. Charlotte was only one of a series of affairs, and the only one to date which resulted in a child. Lorelei grew up knowing that her biological father was married to another woman, though he had gone through several other women over the course of her life. To date, he has had three wives since her birth. Lindsay remained a distant figure in her life, visiting on rare occasions to check in on her, and providing for her mother when it was needed, though this was rare. When Lori was four, her mother married her stepfather Emerson, who adopted her as his own. Of her three parents, she has always been the most fond of Emerson, who seems to love her more than both her biological parents combined. Her biological father never really showed much interest in her, at least until she received her Hogwarts letter. Emerson had been the only one she had entrusted with the knowledge of her unusual abilities, at least until she'd received the letter. At that time, her mother had tried to keep it a secret from Lindsay, but having been through a similar situation with his legitimate son Leslie, he caught on quickly that his daughter was magical.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  First Year Lori found herself challenged in many ways her first year at Hogwarts; to begin with, she was constantly confounded by the blithe acceptance of magic by her classmates. Not that it existed, that she understood perfectly. What she didn't understand was how every single one of them seemed to be perfectly okay with not understanding how it worked. Analytical by nature, and a puzzle solver, Lori couldn't stand the uncertainty. In this, she found a companion, her housemate Gianna, who was similarly frustrated. The two girls proceeded to spend their year rising to the second, more literal challenge, a gauntlet of sorts thrown by Lori's elder brother to locate the various secret passages and hidden rooms about the castle. Lori was quite impressed with their progress, but worried about getting caught sneaking around as they reached the more difficult portion of the list.
                  Second Year Lori's first year was followed by a calamitous event as the students attempted to return home. The village and train station were attacked, and she found herself in a desperate situation when she discovered that Gia had been hurt. Much to her surprise, a couple of her housemates, Carver and Tristan, rose to the occasion, and the four managed to sequester themselves in the backroom of the green grocer's to wait out the attack. The remainder of her Summer was blessedly uneventful, the most exciting portion of it being when her brother's... friend, insulted her mother and slammed the door in her face. Her second year was more of the same, frustration regarding the general apathy in regards to trying to understand how magic worked and hunting down hidden rooms in her spare time. This endeavor was helped by the acquisition of a lookout in the form of Tristan, who struck a deal with her; she would tell him any secrets she discovered, provided he stand guard while she searched. The arrangement worked quite well for her, though it did hit a snag. Through their close proximity to one another, Lori was unable not to notice a few odd things about the boy, and eventually put together he was a werewolf. Concerned that he might be angry with her for discovering his secret, she kept it to herself, until one day she slipped up and he realized she knew. They resolved things well enough, she supposes, but she still worries that he'll decide they are no longer friends due to what she views as a betrayal of his trust.
                  Third Year Lori's third year of school got off to a rather slow start, with nothing seeming to happen. She continued on with her studies and her exploration of the castle, aided as always by Gia and Trist, who seemed to have forgiven her for discovering his secret. Over the holiday break, her brother took her with him to a wedding, claiming that she needed to be 'better socialized', knowing that there would be at least one of her schoolmates, Zephyros Whitethorne, in attendance, as Leslie was close to the boy's family. Lori ended up accidentally revealing to Leslie's not-girlfriend Tassy that their mutual friend Adalaide Whitethorne was a vampire, a fact she had discovered through simple observation and been under the assumption Tassy would have already known. Frustrated with herself, she retreated, and found herself spending the evening with Zeph, as well as Gia, and Avian, another schoolmate of theirs who happened to be cousin to the bride. Later that year, the school hosted a Valentine's ball. The combination of the wedding and the ball, as well as the relationship between Gia and their housemate Carver, had made Lori curious and confused in regards to her own preferences, romantically speaking, as she had not noticed herself showing any interest. As a test, she bid on Zeph at the ball's Date Auction, and the pair spent the evening together. At the end of it, she found herself still lacking any reaction, going so far as to kiss him goodnight to be certain. Knowing that one date wasn't definitive proof, she later asked Trist if he would be her second subject, suggesting they have dinner and watch a film together over the Summer.
                  Fourth Year Lorelei's fourth year passed uneventfully. She mainly focused her attention on her studies, knowing that OWL exams were coming up the next year. She wanted to do well, still not entirely certain what she wanted to do post-graduation, other than not fall into the same trap as her elder half-brother and end up working for their father. Knowing she needed to keep her options open, she didn't spend much time on extracurricular activities. However, over the winter holiday, she noticed that something suspicious was happening with her mother. By the end of the school year, she'd determined that her mother was having an affair with Lindsay.
                  Fifth Year Being home over the Summer holiday was torture, as Lori found herself in an uncomfortable position regarding her mother's affair, not wanting to hurt her stepfather by telling him. In an attempt to distract herself, she reached out to Zeph, hoping to meet with him and get out of the house. During the outing, she discovered that he suffered anxiety regarding the coming exams due to issues with reading and writing, and became determined to help him. She spent the remainder of her holiday distracting herself by researching learning disorders, eventually coming to the conclusion that he suffered from dyslexia. When the year started up, she confirmed her suspicions as best she could and began working with him so that he could hopefully pass his exams. She also, later in the year, grew tired of her best friend's insistence that she wasn't attracted to their housemate Carver, and his insistence that the reverse was also true. Not sure what else to do, given that the pair seemed intent on ignoring their mutual feelings, she enlisted the help of Zeph's friend Pam, who was notoriously invested in the romantic lives of her classmates, to help her trap them both in a broom closet until they could sort out their 'issues'. She grew to regret this course of action, though, when Pam took advantage of the time to needle her regarding her own relationship with Zeph. Lori told the girl that they were just friends, but Pam seemed unconvinced... and by the end of the conversation, Lori wasn't entirely certain, either.
                  Sixth Year xx
                  Seventh Year xx

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  Father Lindsay Lovell, Mother Charlotte Townsend, Step-Father Emerson Townsend
                  Half-Brother Leslie Lovell, Niece Ridley Lovell

                  Best Friend Gianna Donati
                  Tristan Hastings
                  Zephyros Whitethorne
                  Carver Bryson (?)

                  Boyfriend Zephyros Whitethorne


                  Owl Chell
                  Cat Sheik


UPDATED 10/26/2016

■ Age
■ Year

PENDED BY - Marked Pending by Weasley 4/29/15