Krem was flying around the edges of the forest he called home. Things were come he had just been "won" by a wonderfully green lioness who allowed him to have some freedom to fly. A freedom that Krem was loving today the winds were good today and he was coasting along the tree line.

The cream colour bird had a pretty easy life for an animal of prey. Living in the pride owned by a lioness he lived a pretty sheltered life, he barely even had to find food for himself much less defend himself.

Elenion wasn't sure where he found himself today, just that he had wandered quite far from his normal sleeping spot, but he had noticed that depending on how far from home he saw that the stars had shifted and he wasn't sure if it was just him, or the earth, or something else effected it, but the small cheetah decided to travel, sleeping under the stars in unfamiliar territories.

He paused at the edge of a forest, unsure if he wanted to go into it or not. Maybe there was something he could climb to see higher, but there was always a possibility that the trees would cover the clouds. He wasn't a particularly good climber after all.

As Krem drifted back and forth he spotted a male cheetah below him. It was a cheetah that he didn't recognize, the pride help all sorts of creatures, but none of them were coloured the way this malw was. He drifted down wings open making pretty much no noise as he lowered himself. He was trying to get a good look at the cheetah before he actually was spotted by him. The male might try to eat him.

Deciding to land in a branch about six feet in the air Krem gave up on just studying the cheetah and gave a little chirp, "Are you lost?" the cream coloured male asked. Krem liked to help those who might be wondering around the forest that were displaced.

Elenion whipped his head around, looking for the source of the voice. It took him a moment the voice was coming from above. "Um, no, not quite?" He told the bird, shyly. He looked down for a moment and frowned, but looked back up. "I was looking for a place to see the stars... do you know of any?" he asked.

He didn't know why, but talking to an avian was somehow less intimidating than another feline, or even a canine! He gave a gentle smile to the bird, hoping the winged creature would know of a place.

Krem deciding that the cheetah was likely not a threat hopped down so that he was on a branch closer to eye level with the cheetah this way he didn't hve to crane his neck upwards to talk, though it sounded like the cheetah was use to looking upwards if he was a star gazer.

"Well I wouldn't suggest going into the forrest, the trees would definitely block your view." the cream bird said with a nod. He thought about where the cheetah could go to look at the stars, he hadn't really been very far outside of the pride before.

He thought for a moment. "Well I think I saw big boulder out that way." Krem said motioning with his wing in the direction away from the forest.

Elenion glanced in the direction the bird pointed. He gazed at it for a moment before looking back up at the bird. "How do the stars look when you're flying?" he asked. He had never seen the stars that way.

What was it like to fly, he wondered? He would never know, though. He was simply a cheetah and there was no way he would ever become anything other than what he was.

He figured the trees would block the view, however. It was why he did not quite venture in. The canopy was thick after all. Elenion wouldn't thrive very well in a forest...

Krem thought about the star pelted cheetah's question. He had never really stopped to think about what the stars looked like when he was flying. The more he thought about it the more he realized that it was beautiful and he was sad he had never taken the time to see it.

"When you look straight at the horizon as you fly its almost as if you are flying to the stars and they go on forever before you. Its hard to see the stars above you though." his eyes weren't placed in his head to see much happening above him, only below and ahead really.

"There are a few places in the forrest that have clearings, you would be able to see the stars from in there, but only a section of the sky. I'm not sure it could help you focus on the stars in that section of the sky as they would be all you could see, and you could track there movement based on the trees around you." Krem was trying to come up wiht ways to help what seemed like a very shy cheetah.

Elenion's eyes nearly sparkled at the thought of being able to see never-ending stars ahead of him as the sky was before him. His heart ached that he would not experience it for himself. He gave a soft sigh instead.

Perhaps the tall boulder would be enough. It had to be - it would be the most he could achieve in his life, after all. He wondered briefly if the bird knew he was jealous of the flight the bird had.

"I shall seek out this boulder you pointed out I think," He decided after a moment of thought. "Thank you," he offered shyly to the bird.

Krem saw the light in the cheetah's eyes and smiled. The cheetah was quiet but he was clearly passionate. He wasn't surprised when he choose to head out to the boulders, the view point there would be much better.

"It wont be too far of a walk, once you break over the hill you will see it there." Krem said. He wasn't sure that his directions would be all that helpful. "I hope its a brillaint and clear night for you. I hear the stars tell storeis." Krem said hoping his enthusiasm would make up for his lack of help.

Elenion gave an enthusiastic nod, "Thank you, again!" he told the avain. He was glad the boulder would not be a far walk, as the sun was already setting and the sky was becoming and orange color.

"Goodbye!" He called as he walked away from the line of trees and towards the boulder, excited for chance to see the stars once again that night.