They hadn't left long ago, the banter with the boy still stuck in his mind. He liked the spunk that Kale had. He knew he'd go far if he kept it up. He just needed to not let the other older reavers get the best of him. Because they would try every time. It was in their bones, to give the newbies a hard time. It had happened to him, and he knew it would happen to his children as well.

The morning had given way to dark clouds, and Erykk wondered for a moment if it was maybe going to start pouring down on them. He didn't mind the rain, not so long as it didn't hinder him. If he could see in it, and still fight as needed, then the rain was alright.

He threw his head back to Kale who was walking a few steps behind him.
"Are you keeping up, kid?" He teased.

Kale's ears had been gradually flattening as the sky darkened and threatened rain. He had been born and raised in a pride where rain was a common occurrence, and he was used to it. It didn't mean he particularly enjoyed being soaked. With his mane coming in, real, heavy rainfall was a huge pain in the arse.

"Ja. I'm keeping up all right," he answered his ears returning to a more normal position as he replied. "It's not as if you older lions are setting a blistering pace."

Rain that hadn't even fallen yet was not enough to depress him. Just to make his ears lay funny.

"Are you calling us slow?" He laughed. Kale had a humor he quite enjoyed. Erykk had incredibly thick skin, and so the little quips of the male did little to ruffle his feathers. It just made him like him more.

Though he noticed that the boy had started looking a little down. He arched an eyebrow, but when a drop his his nose he snorted.
"Damn rain." He barked, wiping at his nose. It had caught him off guard, and it was enough to take his mind off Kale for just a moment.

"What's eating at you, Kale? Second thoughts on the raid, already?" He teased with a chuckle, slowing his steps so that he was walking alongside the smaller, younger male.

"Not slow," Kale replied with a smirk. "Old."

His ears began to flatten again as drops began to fall from above. It was hopeless. His growing-in mane was going to be absolutely ruined. He should've had that thrall braid the whole thing rather than just what she had done. Then he wouldn't have to worry about snarls.

"I'm still pleased to be on the raid. I'm just thinking how much nicer it would be if all you old men could move a little faster so we could get somewhere dry before it really starts to rain, you know?"

"Is that likely to happen?"

I'll show you old, if you'd like." Erykk grinned, shaking his head. He supposed that some of the lions in the group, were fairly seasoned. He, however.. He considered himself still in the prime of his life. Though he wouldn't expect a child to see that. The thought made him grin again.

"What do you say men? Can we move a bit faster? The lad says we move like turtles. Perhaps he's right." He jested, his voice carrying over the group. He got a few grumbles, some yells of insults, and some genuine laughter.. Proof their band was a mix of all temperments.

"I know youngsters have a hard time keeping up. Perhaps it's best we move slowly. So that your legs don't get tired."

"Oh, don't worry about me, grandda. I assure you, I'll be fine. I'm in more danger of tripping over you greymanes a you totter around."

As long as the sky continued to spit, Kale would manage all right, but his mood would probably turn downright sulky if an actual downpour began and he was stuck slogging through it. This was not a part of being a reaver that he had dreamt of when he was a cub imagining his future as a legendary warrior.

In a lower tone Kale added, "Do you think the captain will have us press on through the rain, or is there someplace we're likely to take shelter and wait out the rain?"

He found himself laughing a loud, unlike him laugh at Kale's comment. He shook his head, smiling to himself.. He continued walking a few paces, before he heard Kale ask something else. He had never traveled with this Captain before, but many Captains chose to find shelter to wait out the rain. It was easy to lose the scent of your enemies in heavy rain.

"We would probably stop." He speculated, though he gave a little shrug. "I can't garauntee, of course. But any Captain I've ever had the chance to serve under.. Rain was enough to have them seek shelter. Safer that way."

Truth was, he would probably have reacted quite a bit like Kale had it truly downpoured. He didn't want to walk in the torrential rain that was threatening to fall on them. Mud was bad enough to walk through.. when your visual range was messed with it was enough to anger him.

"Believe you me, lad. I have no interest in walking through the pouring rain either."

Kale knew he probably shouldn't have asked about stopping. It would make him look bad or whiny or something. He was really just curious though. This was not something anyone in his family had ever mentioned to him, and like Erykk he was aware that rain made tracking much more difficult. It was really sort of pointless to trek through rain unless there was a specific reason to do so.

"About that..." Kale continued, figuring he was already in for it, so why not indulge his curiosity. "How do they find places to shelter so many lions? Or is it one of those things where it's taken in shifts to be wet? I suppose I'll find out, won't I? So just forget I asked."

He had chickened out about his questions, which he was not proud of, but he was hoping that would be forgotten, too, along with the fact he had asked in the first place.

"I suppose it could be worse," he mused philosophically. "A little rain never hurt anyone."

He arched his eyebrow at all the questions Kale asked, a very small smirk on the corners of his mouth as he listened. The boy spoke a lot, or at least, he was incredibly curious. It was good to be curious, though he was lucky it was Erykk he was being curious with. Because Erykk had far more tolerance for the young ones.

"Well.. I suppose it depends on location. Around here we'd be lucky to find enough shelter for the lot of us. But trees, while not being the best shelter... can do a good bit of damage control." He chuckled.

"It could be far worse. We could run into a band of pirates and have to deal with the likes of them. Though that's eventful, and fun.." He grinned.

Overhead thunder crashed and Kale's ears flattened completely as he waited for the rain he was certain would follow.

"That sounds like it would be fun," Kale said with an answering grin. "Even in the rain. I bet they fight even worse in the rain than they do the rest of the time."

Not that Kale had any personal experience fighting pirates, or even interacting with pirates in a non-violent manner, or any sort of manner. But he had grown up hearing how inferior they are to the Stormborn in every respect, and so naturally that extended to their ability to fight in the rain. It required an odd bit of doublethink, actually, to simultaneously believe pirates were inferior to the Stormborn, and yet worthy opponents, should they meet.

That wasn't the point of this viking though. This was a more straightforward viking to capture thralls and the like. It didn't seem likely they would run into pirates. More's the pity.