This is the log of an RP between my Cheza and Cap's Romaleos and Dik.
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The Captain Britain

Romaleos had the leopard right where he wanted him. He had managed to knock the male senseless, head too injured to allow him to move for a minute or two. And a minute or two was all Romaelos needed. In truth, the lion would have preferred to make the leopard suffer for what he had done, for allowing Cheza to get away, but that was exactly the problem. His desert rose had gone off running again, and Romaleos needed to begin his pursuit quickly if he wanted to catch up in a timely manner. Romaleos was tired of waiting.
Dik tried once again to stand, but the earth beneath him lurched and spun. His head throbbed and his vision was no better. Though everything was a blur of shadows and light and colour, the leopard could see the form of his attacker standing over him, could see his white fangs standing out in contrast to his black muzzle. No matter how hard Dik tried, he couldn’t move to defend himself. This was the end.


Cheza’s paws flew over the grass and the dirt as she frantically sprinted back to where Romaleos had shown up. The hybrid she had spoken with was right. If she ran now, she would never be able to forgive herself. She had to take a stand and stop letting people walk all over her.
As she grew closer, Cheza could make out the two dark forms. One was standing over another, a bright white mane making it clear who had won the battle. Dik was motionless on the ground, and Cheza let out a wail of despair. She was too late. Now, all she could do was try and take revenge.
Not a skilled fighter by any means, Cheza did not know what else to do besides simply bending her head and launching herself at her attacker.

The Captain Britain

Romaleos heard a strange cry and looked up in confusion. Who would dare intrude upon what would soon be his victory? But his head was not up for long as a pale body smashed into him, taking him by surprise and knocking him off his paws. It took him a moment before he realized that it was Cheza. The lion snarled and swiped, trying to push the lioness off of him.
Dik shook his head slowly, trying to come back to his senses. Something had just flown into the lion about to kill him, and though the leopard was not about to refuse assistance, he was going to refuse just sitting by with a bump on his head while his helper got beat up. Senses starting to return to him, Dik focused his eyes and gasped in horror. It was Cheza who had entered the fray.


A strong black paw sent her reeling a few steps back as she moved off of Romaleos. Though she had fought with him before, she hadn’t expected the blow to be that strong. Fear welled up in her stomach. She had been a fool. There was no way she was going to beat him alone.
But it turned out she was not alone. Dik was sitting up now, his eyes wide and trained on her. “Dik!” She shouted gleefully, momentarily distracted by the fact that was alright.

The Captain Britain

Taking advantage of the distraction, Romaleos lunged in and pinned Cheza on the ground. It was quite simply, really. A good bite to the throat, and Romaleos could use her life as a way to sneak off and keep the leopard at bay. All he would have to do was threaten to tear apart her jugular if the leopard tried anything heroic.
But Romaleos never got the grip. Dik was lunging in from the side, fangs grabbing at the lion’s face and pulling. With a thick mane, there was no point in trying to go for the throat. But that was well enough. There were plenty of other ways to kill something. The leopard jumped backwards as Romaleos snarled and turned his aggression on Dik.


Cheza rolled onto her feet and struck out at the lion, claws itching to draw blood. Dik was the real combatant here, but Cheza could help, could keep the male distracted and give Dik the openings he needed in order to gain the upper hand.
But even still…Dik seemed rather injured. She could see the faint glistening of blood through his dark fur, could see where it matted and dripped. Even the two of them working together might not be able to defeat Romaleos. But there might be a better way.
Cheza bounced around to Romaleos’ flank, tail lashing. “Hey! Over here! You’ll never catch me!” The lioness taunted before taking off.

The Captain Britain

Romaleos swiped, dislodging the leopard from his cheek only to have Cheza’s claws scratch him from the opposite side. If he wasn’t furious before, he most certainly was now. Cheza was teasing him now, daring him to chase her. Well, Romaleos would oblige. He tore after his target, unrelenting, awaiting the moment he could dig his claws into her flanks.
Dik watched in horror as Cheza ran, the lion chasing after her. He took up pursuit just behind them. Cheza was crazy. What was she thinking, trying to lure the crazy male away? Unless…unless she was, in reality, luring him towards the gorge. Dik picked up his pace, ignoring the stinging of his wounds.


Cheza stopped near the edge of the cliff, breathing heavily. She whipped around and quickly dodged to the side after seeing how close Romaleos was to her. The rushing waters of the river below pounde din her ears, the white waters frothing over sharp rocks swirling in the edges of her vision. It was simple, really. All they had to do was somehow throw Romaleos over the cliff. It would likely be a fatal landing. And even if the lion did survive, it was miles before there was a place for him to climb out and begin his search again.

The Captain Britain

Romaleos reached and tried to catch the female’s back legs, but she darted out of the way just before he could make contact. Females were always slippery like that. The lion skidded around, taking notice of both the sheer drop next to him and the leopard that had chased him. It was almost too convenient. How satisfactory it would be to have Cheza watch as her friend fell to his death. A mad grin on his face, Romaleos suddenly turned and pounced onto the leopard instead of going after Cheza.
Dik tried to get out of the way, but the lion was on top of him once again. The leopard had thought he would go after Cheza, not expecting the sudden attack. Teeth gripped the scruff of his neck, and Dik realized that he was being pulled towards the edge of the cliff. He scrambled and tried to back up, but the lion was stronger than he was. Dik was going be thrown into the gorge.


Her mouth opened in horror. Her own plan was being used against her. No, she wouldn’t let it happen. She wouldn’t let this lion take away her one chance of happiness, nor would she let Dik die just because of her. Cheza tackled Romaleos, roaring in fury, teeth gripping on tight to his fur and using her own body weight to topple him.

The Captain Britain

Romaleos released his grip on Dik in surprise and felt himself leaning over. But instead of making contact with the ground, the lion kept falling, and falling, and it was then he realized that he wasn’t going to hit the ground. He was falling into the gorge. He thrashed his legs out, trying to find some purchase, but there was only empty air to meet his claws. The last thought he had was a mixture of fear and anger before he made contact with something cold and wet, and then it was black.
Dik felt Romaleos being ripped off his body and gave himself a second to feel relief. The whipped around to assist Cheza in driving the lion back and over the drop, but all he saw was a white tufted tail disappearing over the edge. And Cheza was nowhere in sight. “No!” The leopard darted over to the edge just in time to see the remnants of two rippling circles that were quickly cleared away by the rapids. His blue eyes scanned the surface, but neither one could be seen, neither one showed any signs of having survived the fall.


The first thing Cheza felt was pain all over, and then the sharp screaming of her lungs. She gasped for breath, eyes snapping open as she finally was with air. Water came surging out of her mouth, and the lioness coughed it up violently. Her back legs were still in the water, but the upper half of her body had been caught on a sandy bank. Cheza climbed on top of it and looked around. She had been washed downstream, the walls of the gorge still climbing high all around her. The opening of the gorge was nowhere in sight. There was no sign of Romaleos. Or of Dik. Cheza collapsed, exhaustion getting the best of her. She would sleep, just for a little while. Just for a little while. And then she could go find…go find someone…

The Captain Britain

Romaleos sputtered, his body lodged between two large rocks. The lion scrabbled up to perch on them, shaking with cold and with adrenaline. He had no idea where he was. Or where Cheza was. That lioness had gotten the best of him. And if she had survived the fall, Romaleos would kill her. The steep cliffs had given way to small ledges, the river much more slow moving and shallow. The lion jumped up onto a ledge and scented the air, but nothing familiar came to his nose. But he would find them, one day. He would have his revenge.
Dik didn’t know how long he sat there and watched the water wash over the rocks. The chances of surviving that fall were slim. And Cheza…Cheza had given her life to save him. Guilt stabbed at him like a sharp fang. He’d promised to protect her, and now she was gone. Because of his failure. With heavy paws, Dik stood and walked away, tail dragging on the ground behind him.