The watering hole was just what Dhili had been hoping for, and she was so thankful to Elekea, her new friend, for bringing them to it at last. Ataruka would have been leading them in circles for days, if she let him, because he always refused to let anyone tell him he was wrong. He wanted to prove himself so much, he was constantly making life harder for them. He was very old fashioned, and she was well aware of it. But, thankfully this time, he was also just as prissy as any female could be, and hated being dirty far more than Dhili did. If she had reached her limit, then he was well passed it, and the need for a bath called far more strongly than his stubborn pride. It was lose lose for him, but Dhili knew he would manage to get over it at some point.

She was not too worried about him, or his feelings, at the moment. No, right now, all she could think about was floating in the water and enjoying the cool of the little pond. She was floating on her back, as if she were sunning herself, though she was just floating around in small circles. Ataruka had never seen anything quite like it, and certainly did not partake in her love of the water. He was not that… relaxed… at any time, and certainly not when there was company present. Dhili had no sense of manners or decorum, so she let herself be far too comfortable for her own good.

Not that Elekea seemed to mind. She was swimming around in the pond as well, while Ataruka sat near the edge of the lake, just close enough to the water to use it to clean the deeper rooted dirt from his lovely coat. Elekea looked dirty, but he supposed that was actually just her coat color more than actual dirt or muck clinging to her. He wondered what it was like, living with constant stains on ones fur. How did she know when she was dirty or not? He supposed it would not be as confusing for the lion that had to live with it, but for him it was too strange a concept.

Elekea sighed and paddled over to Dhili. It was always far too easy for Dhili to make friends, Ataruka noticed, and this seemed to be no different. The two females laughed with one another and started to splash around in the water, playing jovially and clearly enjoying each other’s company as much as they did the cold, refreshing water itself. He watched them with a small amount of… jealousy? Maybe one day he would be able to relax and not be so stiff, so he could show Dhili he was capable of having some fun. If she wanted to play with him like that, he supposed he would not object too much. But she never tried. Not that he blamed her, considering his general disposition screamed that he was not in the mood for goofing around at any time.

Once the two had enough splashing for the moment, they both swam back toward Ataruka and plopped down on the ground beside him. One on either side. He looked at Elekea, nodding his head cordially, then at Dhili, who received an eye roll when she theatrically mimicked his head nod. She was not put off by his grunt of displeasure, scooting close to him and nudging him with her wet shoulder. He looked at her curiously, arching an eyebrow at her in wonder. What had the two girls been up to, to put them both in such a good mood?

“Are you done with your baths, then, you two?” He asked slowly, patiently.

“I feel much better now, thank you. And thank you, Elekea, for saving me from his directions. He is terrible about things like that, and will not believe me when I say he is leading us in circles unless something beats it into his head for me. That would be you, this time, so you spared me probably a few more hours of that. So, tell me, do you live around here?”

“At the moment,” Elekea said with a giggle, shaking her head and looking apologetically at Ataruka before continuing. She did not believe Dhili’s exaggerations, but she knew the other female was only doing it to get a rise out of Ataruka. The two had talked enough for Elekea to realize just how in love Dhili was with the serious ‘stick in the mud’, as she called him. They were probably going to be an inseparable pair, and it made Elekea wonder if there was something, or rather someone, out there like that for her. She did not dare think the male she had met recently might be that guy, since they barely knew each other… but she supposed two lions always had to meet at some point, and everyone started as strangers…

Clearing her throat, she looked away from the duo, unable to keep looking at them and thoughts of her own daydreams out of her head at the same time. They made her see a future she did not really have, and she wondered if that was a good thing or not. She would miss it when they were gone, she imagined, just as she would miss Orrin once he was gone. Her heart sank a little in her chest at that, and though she was not aware of it, her ears drooped a bit as she quietly pondered things. Dhili watched her and wondered what was suddenly making her look so sad! It was not the kind of thing she wanted to see in a new friend. Climbing over Ataruka unceremoniously, she made her way over to Elekea’s side, giving her a friendly rub before settling down beside her comfortably. Elekea, despite herself, smiled and leaned against the friendly Dhili on instinct. It was hard not to be friendly and affectionate with someone like her around.

Ataruka seemed immune, but she wondered how true the image he put forward really was. It was clear to her, and probably anyone that ran into them, that he was head over heels for Dhili. Though he kept his distance and tried to appear aloof and distracted at all times, Elekea had noticed that his eyes were never far from Dhili, and his focus was always on her, just in case. It was like he was her guardian, and he was never going to stop paying attention to her needs and her surroundings. A protector, of sorts, though it had to come from more emotions than just wanting to keep her safe for the sake of it.

The male lion kept his secrets for now, though, flicking his tail behind him in practiced irritation, but gallantly ignoring the teasing he was constantly subjected to.

“I think we should find some place nice and big for us all to sleep in. A den, that’s warm. I think there are plenty of options around here, it does not look like there are many other creatures living in these places with us. We will be comfortable and close and cuddly,” Dhili said, with a bright smile and pleading look. Ataruka rolled his eyes and, with a profound sigh, heaved himself to his feet. He had just gotten comfortable, at least really really comfortable, and it was a shame to leave his nice little spot. But he knew a cue when he heard one.

“Guess I’ll go look, eh?”

With that, he padded off, and Elekea let out a laugh. How nice it was, to have someone like that around. She could only imagine how convenient it was, to just have to make a sweet face and beg a little to get someone else to do the hard work for her. Elekea was all too used to doing the hard work for herself, from making dens to hunting food, as she had never lived in a pride and certainly never had a constant companion like these two were for each other. She would feel guilty, she thought, if she made someone else do everything for her, and rather liked being independent. Still… she could imagine, on those really hard days or when she was not feeling very good at all… it had to be nice.

To just rely on someone else for a little while.

“You two are cute together,” she ventured to say, looking slyly at Dhili and waiting for the denial that was sure to come quickly enough. Instead, she was surprised by a pleasant purr from her companion.

“I know,” she said gently, “he is a very good friend… well. More than that. I really do care for him, and I know he does for me, too. We’re just. You know. Two very different lions. But I’ll follow him anywhere, and if he ever asked me to be his mate… well, I wouldn’t hesitate.” She chuckled bashfully, looking at Elekea as if surprised by her own words. “But don’t you ever tell him that!”

Word Count: 1,519 in Word