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[PD] Woman's Work (Aatami/Chism) Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:31 pm
The performance had begun and Aatami was sweating bullets. He could hear the more experienced front runners belting out their lines to an excited crowd. They sounded so natural; as if it were just another day in class, but he couldn't separate himself like they could.

Aatami wouldn't even be there if his roommate's girlfriend hadn't gotten sick. She was supposed to be on the stage tonight, but earlier that day she couldn't even get herself out of bed. It had been distressing to watch; the poor girl had a spiking fever, but it worried her that they would have to go on without her. She was the understudy, since the actual actress herself had the flu, and now they had no one. Or so he had thought. Until his jerk of a roommate had pointed out that Aatami had been the one helping her learn her lines, had even been to rehearsal a few times as support, and was practically her size...

Now he was standing behind the curtain trying not to hyperventilate. His glasses had been removed and changed with baby blue contacts; thankfully with some prescription to them so he wouldn't fall on his face. Aatami put a hand over his chest, which was compacted into an old fashion corseted dress. If this was what women had to put up with then he was glad to have been born male! They had stuffed fake breasts in to the point where they looked real, since they were covered, and fake padding under the dress gave him the curvature needed to play a flirt. A flirt!!

"....are nothing to me now, Dulcie! My love is only with Miss. Catricia now, and I plan on marrying her as soon as I am rid of you!"

Praying to Arceus, Aatami wobbled out on to the stage in his heels and tried not to look like he was going to pass out. His "lover" saw the action and moved to his side in a seemingly natural move, wrapping his arm around Aatami's own to steady him while still looking the part. The locks of his blonde wig fell around his shoulders and itched when he moved around too much.

"You're outdated, Evelyn." Aatami's voice was low, but as he spoke it gained volume and false sass. "Charles knows what he wants in a woman and it certainly isn't a has been wife who can't even manage to give him one child!"

Aatami didn't know how long he was going to last, but he would give it his best.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:04 pm
Painted Moose

Chism had been helping Aatami with how to act, telling him he was helping a friend out with lines, since they were the understudy. He had been asked the right way to evoke certain emotions, that sort of thing and he had given as many answers as he possibly could.

He had all the information on the play, and had decided he might as well head to the play, and see if he couldn't see his help hard at work. Not that he knew the part, but it didn't matter. He had stopped off on the way and purchased some flowers before he stepped inside.

Wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat to keep himself as inconspicuous as possible, he also took a seat off to back. The place wasn't crowded fortunately, and he had a good view.

So far, he'd not seen or heard anyone who could have gotten any benefit from his advice. Though the plot of the play wasn't bad. He toyed with the flowers in his lap, figuring if he didn't figure the right person to give them to, they could go to Aatami.

The poor woman coming out in heels...it was obvious she was either very nervous, or unused to heels. Or perhaps both. Still, the man that stepped to her side was a natural and he settled in to watch.  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:31 pm

It was easier than Aatami had thought to roll his shoulders seductively, and play along with his 'lovers' banter. Every time that he got nervous, the man would pull him close, filling his line of vision with nothing but him. It helped Aatami to block out the way that he was on a stage...where so many were watching him...

As long as he pretended it was just him and the actors rehearsing after class then he was fine. Until in Act III where Dulcie got a little too into the role and smacked him hard enough to knock Aatami onto the stage floor. His outcry was real, bereft of any feminine turn, and the tears that came were real. Of course the woman herself had to hide her concern, it was still a performance, after all.

"Ten years of my life wasted. Take your son, take the whole damn estate, and just...just leave me alone!"

It was odd, seeing her fake crying when Aatami had to stifle his own. Nothing Chism taught him could help him keep character for long, but luckily it wasn't needed when he cupped his cheek, picked up his skirts and stood.

Or tried to. The fall had caused Aatami to lose his balance, and apparently he had twisted his ankle in the heels he wore. He stumbled, almost falling had he not caught himself on the prop table. One of the "maids" came out to help him off stage, but not before he caught sight of gold in the crowd....Was that?

Instantly his cheeks, neck and ears were burning. There was no way Chism would come to this - he didn't even know Aatami was on stage. Right? Right?!

"Sit down here, sweetie, and we'll put some ice on that." The play continued on without him, and Aatami pulled the shoe from his foot. It was already beginning to swell, which was perfect, since he had another Act to go. When he went out for the final scene Aatami's ankle was wrapped in ice packs and he was glad for once to be sitting. His "son" -a man on his knees- sat before him, and his "husband" stood at his back.

While the others focused on their lines, Aatami scanned the crowd and saw with growing dread a pair of frilled wings. It wouldn't be as obvious if it weren't for the gold skin that accompanied them. And then there was clapping, which startled Aatami. Is it over already?

Each cast member was introduced, bowed to applause and left the stage. Aatami and his partner were last. He stood, wobbling a bit as they went to the forefront of the stage together. "My name is Flynn and it was a pleasure performing for you tonight!" A round of applause went up. "And this is...well, let's let her tell you. " He chuckled.

Aatami cleared his throat and bit his lower lip before gaining the courage to say, "My name is Aatami. T-thank you all for coming tonight."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:40 pm
Chism had been torn on who had received the acting advice, and he wondered if it was the woman playing Dulcie, she seemed to have some real spunk! But it was the other woman he kept watching. Her acting seemed so much more real, and felt. Perhaps it was her....

Still he was caught up in the play, and when he realized it was over he was busy getting to hit feet to clap along with the others in the audience. Then as he began to sit, carefully moving the flowers from where he'd sat them on his chair the introductions began.

Only to pause mid-sit at the name he heard, and there he went back to his feet, flowers in his hand, and he approached the stage with the red roses in hand, and there he went quickly moving up the stairs at the side closest to him and crossing over as the cast took their bow.

Stopping in front of Aatami, he winked over the top of his sunglasses and handed him the flowers before leaning in and pressing a light kiss to his friends cheek. "Great job up here tonight. I'll look for you backstage."

Quick as could be he went back down the stairs, and found a side door, waiting just out of sight in the wings.  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:56 pm
Flynn was prepared to step into intervene when the stranger came so close, until he recognized who said stranger was. A few of the audience members murmured speculations, but at this distance Flynn new. He also knew enough to keep his mouth shut. So, he stood dumbfounded while Aatami's heart seized in his chest.

Arceus, if you're merciful, take me now.

Aatami took the flowers, his shock broken for a moment to smile at the lovely blooms, before it returned full force. Did he just...If it weren't for a few members of the remaining audience whistling and awwing he would have thought he'd already passed out.

He would have remained where he was, even after Chism left the stage, if Flynn hadn't nudged him. "Go on man. Get!" Picking up his skirts with his free hand, Aatami walked/limped backstage. He didn't bother removing his wig or contacts, just continued his search until he found Chism in the wings. "How...how did you know?"
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:09 pm
Chism gave a smile from where he was leaning against a wall out of everyone's way, sunglasses currently tucked into a pocket.

"I didn't, actually. I thought for sure you'd been helping the girl playing Dulcie. It wasn't until the end when you introduced yourself that I even realized it was you. They did a good job with the hair and makeup."

Too good a job really. He hadn't realized it was his friend one bit. He reached out and gently moved a curl from the others face with a grin looking the other over, though look at him frown at the wrapped ankle. "You're hurt?" he moved closer, and there went his arm around Aatami's waist.

"Where's the dressing room you're using?"  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:18 pm
Aatami had to stare. His heart was already in overdrive thanks to the surprise visit and the acting, but once it had all calmed down the Leafeon noticed a few very noticeable changes. He had been so wrapped up in studying, both for exams and the play, lately that he hadn't noticed what kind of man Chism had grown into. It was enough to make him furrow his brows and avert his gaze, afraid of looking creepy.

"She got sick last night and I was the only one who knew the lines that was left." He shrugged his shoulders, leaning on his good leg. At least now he was barefoot. "Oh stop it...it's embarrassing. I look too much like a girl." What little bit of Aatami's masculinity had checked out long ago. It pained him to admit that the wig went well with his coloring, and for the love of Arceus, why did it have to do that?

He sputtered, moving his head so that the curl moved out of Chism's hold. "W-wait, I can still walk!" Aatami tried to wiggle out, but between the dress and Chism he got no where. Not to mention when he did so pressure was placed on his ankle and he winced.

Finally, he gave up with a sight. "...It's around the corner, second door to the left."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:23 pm
Chism didn't notice the staring, he was more than used to it, and besides this was Aatami, his friend was welcome to stare at him all he wanted. He knew he could be a dork at times and deserve the 'Are you freaking kidding me?' sort of looks he'd get.

"You do look girly...a little too much for my tastes. You look much better looking like yourself so you're aware Sunflower." Well hello brand new nickname. It seemed fitting at the moment to him.

"Like hell you're walking fully. You're lucky I've yet to pick you up like a sack of potatoes and carried you either in my arms or over my shoulder!" though look at the mirth in his eyes.

"Then again carrying you away over my shoulder, I'd feel like some dastardly villain stealing away the pretty maiden to besmirch her virtue and all."

He began to walk slowly only to notice the wince...and there he went, swinging the other teen into his arms, carrying him princess style in his arms. "You fight me on this, and over my shoulder you go with my hand on your a** to keep you still." there was a no nonsense tone to his voice.

Aatami wasn't walking. Simple as that.  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:37 pm
"Sunflower?" He squeaked. Aatami groaned and rolled his eyes. Tonight just couldn't get anymore humiliating if it tried.

And try it did!

"Yo-you wouldn't dare!" Aatami huffed, his ears perking at the indignation from beneath his wig. His tail would have as well, had it not been trapped by folds of lacy fabric. "I'm not a damsel, Chism, I can walk on my own." He was firm on it; so firm he narrowed his chocolate gaze, finding nothing amusing about it all.

Not that it did him much good. Gasping, he clung to Chism's shoulders, not expecting the carrying at all despite the conversation. Not being able to stand it any longer, he pressed his face against Chism's chest with a groan, hoping to hide himself from the world. "At least make sure the coast is clear before you go out there. The less people that have to see me like this the better." His blonde curls fell around Chism's arm, remarkably carrying the same hue as his skin.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:40 pm
"Yup Sunflower." Chism was snickering softly as he took in the others embarrassment. He was amused by it really, and it brought a smile to his face.

"May not be a damsel, but you're hurt and I saw you wince. So you're not walking on it." looking down at his arms, he gave a smile at the other hiding against his chest. It wasn't such a bad sight he was admitting.

Though it'd look better minus the curls. "Nah if anyone asks, I'll let them know your ankle is bothering you, so I'm helping you stay off it." and it was entirely plausible too!

"You said around the corner second on the left right?" and he was off, arms curled securely around the other. "Careful you don't crush your flowers."  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:49 pm
"Don't believe a word anyone says about wedges being easier to walk in than pumps, it's all lies." He murmured into the fabric. How women did it, he would never know. It felt odd to have his fake breasts pressed up so close between them, and in more ways than one he would be happy to be rid of this costume.

As if on command, Aatami lifted his face up to give the flowers room to breath. It was a fairly quiet, if uneventful trip, back to his dressing room. He had kept a sharp eye out for others, but found those that stayed too busy shutting down to pay them much mind.

"I'll get the door." He leaned down to turn the nob, and reached to flick the light switch that was near at hand. It was a small space, with a couch and a vanity table. All of his items were stacked neatly on the bench seat in front of the mirrored make up station. "...Can you let me down? It's going to be hard changing with you holding me."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:02 pm
"Fortunately I've yet to have to try my hand...or well foot in anything but regular shoes, but I'll take your knowledgeable opinion to heart if it ever does come up." and he knew it could! He was being serious on that!

Once in the room, he nudged the door shut with his foot, before there he was carefully lowering Aatami's lower half down so his feet touched the ground before his hands came away from the other.

Then he promptly sat on couch. "Let me know if you need a hand getting out of that." for his part, he had his hands clasped behind his head, one leg crossed over the other with his ankle resting on the knee, and his eyes were closed as he let Aatami go about changing.

"So is tonight the only night of the play?" hey he wanted to know if he needed to come again in case of more mishaps!  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:10 pm
Aatami had to adjust to being on his own again, but he was over to his things in no time. He carefully laid the bouquet out on the vanity after having made room for it by moving make up and hair pins out of the way. The first thing to come off was the wig and the hair neck. His ears unfolded, happy to be free, and his hair stuck up at odd angles. "It runs all week, with a matinee on Saturday. Hopefully she'll be feeling better by tomorrow; I think it was just the stress that caused her to fall ill tonight."

He leaned on the table, getting as close the mirror as he could and removed the contacts. After blinking a few times, Aatami rubbed his eyes and put his glasses back on. Much better. Of course, he could now see Chism clearly in the mirror and he averted his gaze quickly enough. What was wrong with him tonight?!

Digging into his corset he removed the fake breasts. It gave him space, but not enough to slip out of the dress. "Hey do you...do you think you could unzip me?" Try as he might, Aatami just couldn't reach back there.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:30 pm
Chism was behaving himself kicked back on the couch as he listened to Aatami go about taking off the wig and such. He knew the undressing process could be lengthy at times.

He sat up a little straighter at the question and let his arms come down as he opened his eyes before he eased to his feet and crossed the small room. "Sure, let me." he stood close, and there went fingers gripping the zipper and slowly pulling it down, and he watched as the others upper back became visible to him.

After a moment of staring, he realized he'd gotten the zipper all the way to the bottom and he felt his cheeks warm up. "Oh, uh you're undone now." he let go of the piece of metal and stepped back again to give Aatami room to get the dress off, staring at the pale skin peeking from that open zipper.  


Breedables Degenerate

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:06 pm

Aatami shivered from what he thought was a chill in the room now that he was exposed. Perhaps it was a little more. "Thanks." He murmured, looking over his shoulder since he hadn't heard Chism move away yet. "Is something wrong? Did the zipper tear?" Trying to look at his back, Aatami couldn't see anything, but that didn't mean something hadn't messed up.

He shucked himself out of the dress, as well as his fake hips, and picked it up to examine it. Of course this left the Leafeon in nothing but a pair of low slung boxer briefs. "Hmm, no, I think it's fine. Needs a good press, though, it's all wrinkled." Aatami moved to hang it up on the costume wrack and dug around for his pants.

Of course, that left his back exposed as he arched, trying to find the pants. Above his right hip was an unmistakable tattoo of what appeared to be two eevees, moving in such a shape that it looked like they formed a heart.
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