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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:40 pm
This Quest is for Gyuri who is striving to become a Massif.

User ImageOOC
||. The quest prompt must be answered with a 2000 word reply (can be more).
||. Respond to the prompt given with an adventure of your own creation as long as it meets the requirements of the specific tasks.
||. NPCs may be used as long as they advance the quest in an interesting manner.
||. You cannot include any playable characters other than the quest taker.
||. Your responses will be graded with a Pass or Fail. Those who fail will have to continue with assistance from the staff.
||. Questions about quests can be asked here.


Gyuri and the troupe had been in Sauti for a while now, attempting to find the spot they would need for Eira's inn. They had had little luck so far, but there was something different in the air that morning for Gyuri.

It wasn't long before the spot that they needed and wanted was found, but before they could really discuss the next steps a man and his wife were already approaching with stern looks. They owned the inn not too far from that spot and they were not happy to have neighbors stealing their tenants.

Quest Tasks
||. This quest is for Gyuri to speak up for the group and to come to some sort of arrangement with the other owners of the neighboring inn.
||. The quest should start with finding the spot, then enter into the owners approaching them.
||. They will look to Gyuri for answers because of his size and his looks to be the oldest among them.
||. Gyuri will have to come up with a solution to the conflict.
||. Whether the group continues to look for an alternate spot, or they make a deal with the other owners will not effect the grading of the quest.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:22 pm
Part One: Unwelcome

Gyuri found himself standing at the spot that Eira had declared as being 'the perfect spot' for her dream inn, his head tilted to one side in a thoughtful manner. There was a big, strange, gnarled looking tree in the center of it that bore sweet fruit, off to one side was a stream that brought in fresh water, and it was a rather perfect place just like Eira had said. He could see it in his mind's eye, what this place would look like once they had gotten it all set up right right. They would be able to take in travelers and give them a place to stay, do shows, and live their as a group taking in other prentices who wanted to learn from the various troupe members just as they'd taken in Falwyn. It would be wonderful if you asked him, letting his imagination roam with various ideas for a moment, that was until a very unfriendly voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Turning slowly he almost expected to find Eira raging about... something, an animal getting into her things, perhaps? He knew that she had been rather displeased when a poscuta had gotten into her clothing back in Tale, it might be a similar situation now? It wasn't that though, instead he found himself starring at an older Wind Tribeswoman, shorter, with silver in her hair and wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and a man he assumed was her huband, "Yeah, I am talking to you, you big, muscle headed dope! What do you think you're doing here, huh?" She demanded of him in a manner that actually had Gyuri questioning himself.

Instantly he was asking him what had been been doing? Wait, he hadn't been doing anything, just standing here studying the landscape, nothing more... so what was it that she meant by that? He blinked his mismatched eyes a couple times before opening his mouth, about to answer that he hadn't been doing anything but he really didn't get the chance as he was cut off by more angry words.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to! I see you here with your mismatched band of floozies! Don't think I will stand for this for even one second! I've heard the rumors about you and your group, a bunch of dancers and musicians and weirdos! Come here to build an inn, huh? I think not, not here, not now!" She said, lifting a hand to poke a finger against his chest despite the vast difference in their sizes.

Despite the fact that Gyuri was much bigger he didn't even move, so startled by being scolded that he couldn't even think to do so. All of her words seemed to cycle through his mind and he really was trying to figure out what it was that they might have done wrong, he was also a little confused as to why she was calling them 'his band' when they weren't his, they were Eira's... wait a second? Did she call them floozies? Something that made his eyes go wide before narrowing, a look of intense displeasure appearing on his once startled features. Teeth gritting slightly he shook his head and said, "They aren't floozies, their entertainers." He told the woman, not really at all amused with the fact that she was insulting the people that he'd been with for some time now. Even at their worst Eira was a flirt, Makani teased people, and Sin'qua was a bit tactless, none of them deserved the venomous words spit in their directions.

The woman glared up and Gyuri and he returned the look, before the woman's husband, who seemed to be just as displeased with their presence if the look on his face was to be believed, stepped between them, "Enough, Enalia, we won't be able to see them on their way if you start a war with their leader." He told his wife before turning to face Gyuri, starring up at him, "Look son, no offense to your little... group, but we already have an inn rather close to this place, one that does quite well, thank you, and we won't abide by you just coming in and trying to steal our business using your cheap 'entertainer' tricks. I would like for you to pack up your group and be on your way, before the morning comes if at all possible."

Feeling that it was more then fair of them to give him time to gather his people and leave the pair turned on their heels, heading out, having made their decree, leaving Gyuri standing their, mouth agape, looking a bit like a fish out of water. Had that really just happened? Was it just his imagination? Did those people really just tell him to pack up the troupe and leave? Not only that but after insulting those that he so cared about, making them all seem as though they were an unsavory lot instead of just a group who wanted to settle down.

There was a part of him, a rather sizable part, that wanted nothing more then to scoop them up bodily and throw them in the river... but that would likely only make him look like a thug on top of everything else. No, he needed to think this one over, consider his options, and then deal with this situation one way or another.

(( Word Count: 903 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:12 am
Part Two: A Need to Talk

After the pair had left it was a bit of a quiet time for Gyuri, with him starring at the 'perfect spot' watching all the ideas that he'd had for it start to fade away a bit. It had been a good plan, but one he was now questioning. He didn't want to stay here, not when those that were nearby thought so little of their group. Did they want to have to deal with that? With people that would actually call the group of entertainers, good hard working people, 'floozies' which just felt... wrong to him. No, beyond wrong, it was in fact infuriating. There wasn't a lot that could get Gyuri riled up but this was one of those things. Add in that he didn't feel that he had done enough to defend them either. Physical things, that was enough to defend against, he just had to take a swing at the thing that was causing trouble, this was different though.

Talking, that was never something that he was good at, it was why he worked so well with Eira. She did the talking, he was the muscle, and everything else had fallen into place after that. It just didn't feel as though that was something that would work out this time around, he didn't want to bring Eira into this, didn't want her to know what the couple had said about the group, certain that he'd likely end up having to break up a fight between the two women then. No, best that he go and try to clear this up, right? He was the bodyguard of the troupe and that didn't always mean him protecting them from things that wanted to just attack physically or so he'd guess. It meant dealing with people that didn't quite understand who and what their group was, where they'd been, what they'd go through. They were far from being some sort of bad influence after all and while he could understand them not wanting to lose business at their inn he felt they'd gone enough things a bit more aggressively then the giant would have liked.

Gyuri headed to where the others were, leaving a quick message with Sin'qua so that she knew he was going out for a bit, feeling she was a bit like his second in command when it came to protecting the troupe. If he was away he wanted her to know it, that way she could would be on guard. With that done, and the troupe in her capable hands, he headed off in the direction that the couple had left in. He'd need to catch up with them, talk with them, try to clear the air. Even if things didn't work out, even if the troupe was made to move along to find the next 'perfect spot' he would at least make sure that things between the troupe and the innkeepers had been dealt with. It felt as though it were only right, not wanting to just run away with his tail between his legs. If they did that then the rumors about what their troupe was might very well persist, which might ruin their chances in the future for various opportunities.

It was a strange sort of feeling that was roiling in his gut as he headed in the direction the couple had gone in. They seemed to think he was in charge of the troupe, maybe because he looked older then he actually was? It was probably for the best, especially if it meant him figuring all this out before the real troupe leader got involved. He'd much rather fix it by himself if at all possible he thought, giving a glance over his shoulder, glad to see that nobody was following him. While there was that part of him that would like some back up, that of someone far more eloquent then he was, he'd already decided to go this one alone, and already on his way. No reason to double back to look for help, especially given that his various choices for help might just end up making things worse.

"I've got this." He said to himself, then a moment later, as the inn actually came into view, he found himself pray for strength of the mental and emotional kind. He didn't want to pick a fight, didn't want to make things any worse between the two parties, even if they had come out swinging. No, there had to be a more peaceful solution, one that didn't involve fists and name calling, he just had to find that solution. Not his forte by any stretch of the imagination but he supposed it was a good test for him, not as though he could clam up every time a situation arose that might call for words after all.

Approaching the inn, which seemed to have a decent amount of visitors, Gyuri stepped inside, seeking out those in charge. Once he spotted the pair, who seemed to be quite startled to see Gyuri on their turf, he started toward them saying simply, "I think we should talk." Not a sentence he'd ever utter before in his life until now.

(( Word Count: 864 ))
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:04 pm
Part Three: Sitting Down to Chat

The meeting was one that had a rather awkward at best feel to it as Gyuri sat across from the couple, nobody saying anything at first, instead merely having some sort of stand off. It wasn't something that Gyuri much cared for but he started to quickly get the feeling that since he'd been the one to say that they needed to talk that they would have to do just that, talk. Were they waiting for him to begin, that was the question. He supposed that would make sense, meaning that he had to start the conversation. Just as he opened his mouth to do so a young woman, probably around prentice age, came over to the table to hand out cups, filling it with tea for them to drink. He looked at her, toward the couple, then back and forth again. She nodded to Gyuri, giving him a smile, likely just seeing him as another guest before heading on her way to tend to the other patrons.

Gyuri watched her go before looking back to the couple, "Your daughter?" He asked, getting a curt nod from the woman, "I see, is she going to take over the inn after you?" Another nod, leading him to wonder something suddenly, another question he had to voice, "Is that why you were so adamant about chasing us off?" The pair exchanged looks, with the man looking off in the direction his daughter went while Enalia tried to continue to stare Gyuri down though her glare seemed to be faltering a little. He felt that he might be onto something now given the way that the older woman's demeanor seemed to shift a bit.

"I see." He murmured, falling silent again as he thought about that. He supposed that it made sense, wanting to protect the inn from those they might see as usurpers, especially when the inn was meant to go to their daughter one day. That he could understand, the way they went about it a lot less so. Reaching out with his large hands he took hold of his cup, drawing it closer, and for a moment he starred into it's depths before he finally lifted his gaze again. Looking at the couple he said, "I understand your reasoning, but not your methods, our troupe just wants a place to settle down. We had no idea that you already had an inn set up here, all we knew was that the spot we were looking at seemed right." More words all together then he tended to say total in a day without prodding, but he couldn't stay quiet, he had to try to speak up, even if it would likely leave him feeling spent by the time he was done here. He'd just have to make up for it later by talking less or something.

He looked into the cup once more, drawing in a breath, before letting it out slowly, "We have dealt with so much already, so much violence and bloodshed due to the war, and I don't want to fight over something like this." He murmured, lifting his mismatched gaze to stare at the pair, "I don't want to, but I will if I have to, if it means protecting the reputation of those under my protection. For me this isn't even about the land, it's about them. What you said went to far, surely you wouldn't stand for such things being said about your family?"

Enalia sighed heavily and shook her head, "I would not, I had merely hoped that our being unpleasant would be enough to drive you off sooner then later, before you thought to actually settle down and ruin what we have here. Ours is a simple inn, we couldn't think to compete with a flashy group like yours." She said the last part through her teeth, as though she really didn't want to admit to such a thing.

"Why compete? Surely we can figure something out, a way for our inns to help one another or something. We aren't prentice anymore so we shouldn't be butting heads as though we are." He said, taking a sip of the tea, finding that it soothed his throat a little as he found so many words to quite taxing. He hoped that they could figure something out sooner then later. He couldn't stay here for too long, not when he wanted to get back to the others, to make sure everyone was alright and that Sin'qua had been able to hold down the fort without Eira driving her crazy.

The older couple exchanged glances once more, their expressions seeming to be less on the defensive now and instead looked as though they were actually starting to open up a bit, "And what do you propose?" The man finally asked, curious enough that he'd ask about the idea that the giant with the mismatched eyes had. If it meant helping the inn and in turn helping his daughter then he was willing to listen.

(( Word Count: 833 ))

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:12 pm
Part Four: Returning to the Troupe with a Plan

Gyuri was spent, all he wanted to do now was to get back to the troupe, to find Borra, and take a nap using him as a pillow. He was sure that if he looked sufficiently tired that maybe Borra would have mercy on him and let Gyuri snooze on him for a while? It would be nice, in fact it would be a dream come true, even if Borra remained for the most part oblivious to his feelings. If he was able to get close to him then he'd be content enough, like a bit raptrix that was content with following its master around, tail wagging.

Lifting one large hand up he gave a yawn, glancing back in the way of the inn that he'd been at for an unknown amount of time, chatting with the proprietors there. They had a plan, one that could very well work out in such a way that it would help both of their families out, as well as make both inns prosper. The older man, Sheren, would be coming by within the next few days, to help them find a spot that was a little further away from the couples's inn, to a spot further on. That way the inns would be far enough apart that they wouldn't steal each others's patrons, but also be far enough off that they could easily send patrons between inns. If they were travelling East they could go to Eira's inn and if they were travelling West they would go to the inn that belonged to the older couple. It should work out so long as the distance between the two inns was a far enough distance, one that couldn't easily be traveled in a short amount of time.

What seemed to be the most important thing was having them far enough apart that one couldn't easily decide to go to one over the other, something that Gyuri had learned early on was a worry that Enalia had. Eira was a beautiful woman and a bit of a flirt, the sort who was rather good with people, who would be both running the inn as well as entertaining. She was something that could be a big risk to the other inn if they were too close together, because people might choose her inn over that of the couple because of Eira alone. Add in then that they had muscians, mages, and the like, all sorts of things that would make their inn a tempting one of travelers.

He wouldn't know where Sheren would propose that they put their inn, not until the man came to meet with them, and they went exploring. Until then Gyuri would go to Eira, explain the plan, and hope that it was something she went along with. She liked the spot that they had first picked, called it 'perfect' but surely even she would know that there would be another, better spot, one that would serve the interests of both groups. At least he hoped so he thought to himself, spotting the fires from the camp, something that made him speed up his pace. He wanted nothing more then to get back to where the others were so that he could check on them, chat with Eira, and then finally get some rest.

(( Word Count: 551 ))

(( Total Word Count: 3151 ))
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:17 pm

I think it's all done! Gives me lots to work with in future as far as finding a new spot, getting it built, working with the couple, etc. Should be fun. ^_^ Thank you for a prompt that was fun to work with and offers a lot of future plots! <3

Oh! And no rush with his art since I know that you have a lot on your list. ^_^ <3  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:52 pm
Class Quest Result


Gyuri has passed and received a rank of Massif!

User Image

Congratulations Gyuri!

Orpheus Solon
Gyuri can choose 1 shop item for excellent NPC usage. Please PM Suhuba with your choice.
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