The sun was high in the sky and it was nice warm day. Calypso was sunning herself on a flat stretch of rock, singing a melodic song with no words. Her tentacle waved listlessly in time with the soothing music. Her head bobbed, sending her long curly hair swaying rhythmically. She loved singing, it was the one thing that always put her in a good mood.

Not that this a bad day, by any means; she was content to sit idly by and let the rest of the world do its thing. Her concerns weren't of money or fame or other silly things. Her thoughts were often occupied with the thoughts of love and if she would ever see the man she coveted so dearly again. Such feelings filled her songs, the tune taking a life of its own sometimes. If her thoughts turned gray, the song took on a slow melody, with drawn out tones. It would even bring her to tears sometimes.

But today was different, the music was vibrant an rang out across the rocky ground, echoing across the land. She hadn't even realized how loud her voice had been carrying this afternoon. She was in too happy a mood to let it bother her.