User ImageTime was going by so quickly, it seemed. It was hard for her to believe that it had been several weeks since she and Gethen had set out in search of her family. And while they hadn't found anything to steer them closer to their destination, Branwen found she was rather enjoying the journey. She was terrified at first, of course. Considering the first thing she could remember about the past was being found by Ethan in a frightened and bloodied state, it was no surprise that being out on her own was a little more that unsettling. But so far everything had been unexpectedly pleasant. She'd crossed paths with a couple of friendly Soquili, the scenery was beautiful even for mid-winter. Really, this felt more like a planned trip to see the world rather than pathless struggle to find her family.

At the moment, their aimless wandering had led them into a vast, open plains. There was a chilled breeze rushing through the dead grasses, which she suspected came from the snow-capped mountains off in the far distance. Something about the white peaks was appealing to her, and though she didn't mention it to her avian friend, she was definitely driving their course towards them. They were drawing her to them and she wanted to answer in spite Gethen's description of her family's home making quite clear they lived nowhere near the mountains. She wanted to find her family. Desperately. But there was an ever-growing part of her that was filled with an insatiable wander-lust. A part of her that had perhaps been born from this journey she'd started, and certainly was fueled by it. Surely there was nothing wrong with enjoying the sights along the way, right?

Master Wild Mage