Yofiel comes back to her den with a new batch of supplies for her guest. She was enjoying watching him work almost as much as he was enjoying working. She kept getting distracted by how amazing he was when he was creating things. It was wonderful to see him so happy, and he was certainly making a dent on the clutter of her den, though there was still much for him to go through yet. She was half sorry that she would have to interrupt him with the news she had heard. There was a gathering to attend and since outsiders were invited as well, she would have to drag her friend along. "Seiki, I brought you a few things... some shells and pearls from a trader."

Ears twitched back and forth at the sound of footsteps, but the starry lion never ceased in his work. He had just a few more stiches to accomplish and then he would be finished with his current work. Seiki had been staying with Yofiel for a few days now, having already created the plush pillow of fur for his friend he was now working mostly on cloaks and other costume items for the pride. On occasion his friend would appear with more supplies, leaving him with more work. He didn’t mind though, rather, he quite enjoyed all the new items she would deliver.

Perking up at the sound of his name, Seiki finished his last stich and looked over at Yofiel. “Hmm...?” Stretching his back up straight, the blue lion stood and gave the lioness his full attention. Shells and pearls?

“Oooooh, I bet they are lovely!”

Yofiel put a basket down that was filled with shells and pearls. She was quite proud of her trading haul. Her lovely pelt and sweet temper with the trader had probably given her a much better haul than most would have had, but she saw nothing wrong with that. It was all for Seiki and his work after all! She noses the basket over toward the male and gives his nose a lick. "I hope you like them!" She was very fond of the male, and rather wanted him to stick around. It was part of the reason she spoiled him so by giving him things to work on, and bringing him food.

Looking down to see the contents of the basket, Seiki’s nose was met with a tongue. Eyes widening he felt a flush of head upon his face and looked off to the side. He wasn't sure how to react to all the affection he was receiving from Yofiel. The last lioness to do something similar to him was Kimia and she had liked him. Furrowing his brows in thought, Seiki hid his face with his mane and with the angle of his face currently. Could he love another? It had been many moons since he saw Kimia…

Shaking his head he looked up at Yofiel and smiled brilliantly at her. “Such beautiful items.” Picking through them he started concocting ideas on how to use the different items. He could craft belts, necklaces, earrings and fashion some shells to the costumes he creates as embellishments.

“You certainly know how to find some amazing craft items, Yofiel! Keep this up and I will never be able to leave.” Laughing softly he picked up a couple unique shells, plucked a feather from his work area and a couple pearls from the basket and delicately placed them together near Yofiels ear.

“Hmmm… This could be a nice hairpin…”

Yofiel laughs. "Oh sure, spoil me by making things for me, why don't you? You think you are being spoiled, but you keep taking time from your work to make things for me, my friend. I am the one really being spoiled. Gifts and nice company in my den are enough to go to a lioness' head." She moves to Seiki and sits down next to him. "I have a habit of using my looks and sweetness to get things when trading. I am glad that what I was able to get makes you happy. I enjoy watching you work. You have such a wonderfully creative mind." She opens a satchel on her side and puts something else in front of the male, a piece of meat. "Though you do tend to forget to eat. I do have something to discuss with you once you eat, though."

“I feel compelled to create things to compliment your beauty, Yofi.” Smiling he placed the items down at his work area. Definitely would be on his to-do list later on, though at the moment his friend was much more important. He knew when to stop, sometimes he didn’t want to, but he knows his limits. Looking down at the meat offered to him he felt his stomach growl while also rolling from revulsion.

“I guess I still haven’t gotten a total grip of when to stop and do other things…” Laughing, he looked at the lioness. “Discuss sounds like a serious word… Hopefully nothing is wrong.” Poking at the meat, Seiki gathered the will, said a small prayer for the creature and began to eat.

Yofiel shrugs. "I really do not know. The king has called a gathering of the pride, but has not said what it is for. All are invited, even visitors. I thought perhaps you might wish to attend with me." She watched him to make sure he actually ate. She blamed her loss of those close to her for her obsession with caring for others. She really was made to be a mother and it was a shame her own cubs had grown in the middle of a civil war making it almost impossible for her to be a good mother. "Some days it is hard to judge the king, but I do not think it will be anything bad."

Finishing with his meal, Seiki pondered the thought of meeting, or at the very least, seeing the king of the pride. Then an idea hit him, looking over at the finished costumes and other items, Seiki’s face lit up. “YOFI! We can dress up! Not only will we both look absolutely fashionable in front of the king, but it is a good way to advertise my crafting skills!”

Nuzzling his nose into the nape of her neck quickly, he rushed off towards the items. Oh the potential in all of this was literally too much to take!

Yofiel was not expecting the outburst and she jumped a little. She had to take a moment to calm herself before she turned her gaze back on the male. Of course the nuzzle she got did not help her to collect herself, so it might have been more than one moment. "Hmm, well, yes we should look fashionable... and your crafting IS wonderful, so we do need to advertise it to everyone." She watched the male with a small smile. She couldn't help but think this would be fun. His energy was like a cub offered the best toy they had ever seen, and she couldn't help but be as energetic as he was. "We need to get ready!"

“Yes we do! Hurry, put this on.” Offering her a beautifully designed shrug with leather string and glittering semi-precious stones as embellishments along with a couple feathers. “Oh!” Pulling out a mask, he smirked at her. She would look lovely with a raven mask on.

Throwing on his own items, he did a little twirl to show himself off to his partner. “I think we are ready! Off to the king!”