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His paws were actually aching; a strange occurance for the wanderer as he rarely walked so far he physically hurt. Maybe that was a good thing though! He was finally getting to walk and enjoy himself again. It wasn't that his family tied him down but he loved his travels. He missed meeting new people and seeing new faces. Not that he didn't adore Maleficar's face and waking up with her most mornings but was different when he travelled. It was an adventure every day.

He found himself wandering back towards where his son resided (one of his eldests sons in fact). Arcus was not a fan of his, but Dysi liked to think that he would be able to see that Dysi was, in fact, 'trying' to mend their relationship. He wanted to make it up to his son for abandoning him, but that wasn't the easiest thing around. He lingered near the edge of the thick forest, cautious of entering as he knew a colony lived there, not just his grumpy son.

Maua was a peaceful leopardess. She hadn't really ever travelled far or wide, preferring the feeling of home more than anything. She had spent time wandering a bit in her youth, but that was before Achal and before the Nil'nocere where one of her children resided. She missed being surrounded by a family that was all her own.

And that would change, someday, but she longed for it. Not that Elimisha was not her home, but she wanted a family. She was aging, and seeing the children of the others grow and flourish made her wish for her own cubs again. Still, she couldn't help but smile as she wandered along a path that she knew well enough by now - she always made her rounds, collecting the things she needed for her day.

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Dysi moved slightly into the forest, cautious to move too quickly into it. He could smell a variety of scents, many leopards and a faint scent of his son but another smell caught his attention. It smelt familiar but he wasn't sure...why...he hummed in curiousity and moved a bit further in.

It was then when Maua's scent hit his nose and he froze. She was a lot closer than the other scents and he was cautious. Perhaps he was about to be warned away…

It took longer than it should have for Maua to notice anything amiss. She wasn't that skilled in tracking unless it was herbs, but she did hear something. Normally, she would have xpected to find a curious cub that managed to follow her all the way out here, so she had to go snooing, and direct them back home so they wouldn't hurt themselves way out there.

"Who goes there?" She asked, her voice light and friendly. She didn't want to scare a cub if it was one, or even sound too threatening to an adult. She was far from a force to be reckoned with, after all.

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Dysi was rather glad that the voice that called out to him was a female: he was still rather careful around other males. He was not a manly male. He was far more feminine than most and that meant he had to be careful around the very gruff and bulky males. Females he was better with. Significantly better around.

"My name is Dysi," he called out softly, his voice non-threatening and gentle. "I am a traveller, I was just passing through. I hope I am not intruding!" He still couldn't see her through the trees and he was worried about going further into the territory. It could still end badly for him

Maua frowned, searching for the voice. "A traveller, you say?" She asked. "There's no need to hide yourself, Dysi. My name is Maua," She introduced herself. Normally - before - she would have shied away and gone home. Being a medic though, she had really grown - like a flower blossoming. She came out of her shell a lot since she had been here, especially with the constant interactions of the others in the colony.

"Your feet must be tired. Did you travel far?"

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Dysi was relieved and began to move towards her scent. He smiled as she came into view; a pretty female with the most beautiful flower pelt. "Thank you for being so kind, Miss Maua, you are truly kind," he complimented her warmly and bowed his head to her.

"I am a bit tired, I must admit. My den is far from here but I enjoy the tiredness. Being tired means your adventure has been worth it," he remarked with a grin. He looked like a more feminine Arcus; slender and graceful where Arcus was bulky and muscled. His colours, far brighter than Arcus' duller pelt, still shared a similiar colour palette to his son, though Arcus had gotten his rainbow spots from his mother's rainbow pelt.

Maua was taken by suprise when the other leopard appeared through the trees. She blinked at him for a moment. "You look familiar?" She told him, stepping a little closer. She tried to focus - there was someone in the pride that looked a lot like him. Were they related, she wondered. That would be something interesting.

She was good with names, but she wasn't sure if she was picturing it correctly. All she could see what Dysi, and it was likely because he was standing before her. She could taste the name on the tip of her tongue.

"You can rest here a while if you like. It's pretty far out of the normal range I think. At least, no one is normally here when I am..."

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Dysi blinked and smiled at her. "Well I do have a son who lives in the pride," he explained cheerfully. "I'm not sure if you have met him or not. His name is Arcus? I think he's something to do with the military? Or something," he chuckled.

"Thank you, Miss Maua! I'd love to rest a while. I'm not sure if my son will be too keen to see me, so I may not visit him just yet. He wasn't too happy last time I stopped by."

"Oh! I see the resemblence," She nodded happily. With the name, she could easily place the face to it. Arcus was so stern! But he had kids running about now, she thought, so that might soften him. "Well, at least stay here, and I can get something to make your feet feel a lot better, how's that?" She asked. Cubs were always scraping their soft paws on the bard of the trees, the pads not hardened yet enough for it not to hurt. She had just the thing for sore paws, really.

"I can make some fairly quickly as well. I believe all the herbs I need are in this area..."

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Dysi smiled. "That is very kind of you! I would appreciate it," he admitted and gingerly sat down by one of the tree trunks. He was glad to have met the pretty Maua, and he was sure that his paws would thank her too