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[PD] Rivalry!? (Dart & Eden)

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Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:04 pm
Trygve had been teaching him to ride skateboards awhile now, to the point that the Sylveon went about his day usually on his board, enjoying how much faster he could get from point A, to point B....and the attention. He loved the attention he got for being on the skateboard, and doing tricks!

Today was no different. Tryg was busy with things at the moment, and he was keeping himself entertained by skating around the area trying to master a new trick. Thankfully it was pretty quiet and empty today, so he didn't have to dodge people. That would have been annoying.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:33 pm
Dart peered down from the side of a building, fingers gripped to the edge to take in the sight from the height he always seemed most comfortable. Everyone on the streets milled about like tiny ants from up here, and he felt virtually untouchable when his feet were planted on the rooftops, out of their reach and able to see everything that was taking place. It was mandatory to live in freedom, not bound by restrictions and regulations. Nobody ever really knew he was up there, most of the time.

These were the same reasons why Dart would always push the envelope, just to see how far he could go while maintaining that sense of freedom. Safety was nice and all, but life was there to live, right? What was the point to it all if a person couldn't have fun while they were at it? People could be so uptight...

He hopped onto the outer edge of the roof, aiming himself at the outer part of the fire escape that snaked its way up the side of the building. One of his hands gripped the wrought iron bar of the upper floor, the other three used to protect from impact damage as he swung himself in. It was a long drop, but he was fearless in the face of heights -- it came with the territory when one had a built-in Plan B. Since his change, though, he hadn't tested the limits of how much his wings could still handle carrying his weight. This was as good a chance as any, right?

Regardless if he agreed with the sentiment or not, as he dropped to the next floor's fire escape, his hand slipped, all thanks to the shade the building cast on the area -- the moisture had yet to evaporate completely, and his grip had not adjusted itself for this oversight. He was stunned for a fraction of a second before he spun himself around, righting himself to the ground and attempting to flap his wings enough to miss it altogether. It wasn't enough time, and he was becoming very aware of this fact as his descent slowed, heading toward the only one that seemed to be in the area. Of course. "Ah, w-watch out!" he called to the quadrupedal pokémon on the skateboard, attempting to turn just enough not to clip him.

It appeared to be enough, but he stumbled a bit as he glided to the floor, tweaking an ankle a bit. He hopped a few paces before coming to a full stop, turning back to take in the view of just how far he fell, and where he went wrong. After a moment, he broke his silence with a laugh, "Wow, that was a rush! Sorry about that, ma'am, you alright?" He was pretty sure he hadn't done any damage to the sylveon, but that didn't mean he was automatically correct in his assumptions. Never mind what other damage he was causing with his questions...  


Sparkly Pants


Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:57 pm
He had just about perfected the moved he’d been practicing for the better part of a half hour at this point when his ears perked up at a strange sound above him. With a blink he saw something coming toward him all helter-skelter and he skittered backwards his ribbons reaching out and snagging his precious board close before it was landed on and broken.

<> like him! Though he blinked, a moment and looked around even going so far as to spin in a circle in confusion. <> his head tilted curiously even as the board was set back down to it’s wheels carefully and then undid the straps on his helmet setting them on top.

Of course that just added to the overly feminine look to the Sylveon who was staring at the poke-child with a cute, puzzled look big blue eyes unblinking a moment trying to make sense of what he was hearing. Had there been someone else behind him he hadn’t seen? Maybe, he’d been sort of focused and lost in what he was doing! <you okay? You just sort of fell out of the sky. You could have been killed!>> he was not helping his manly factor with this sort of line of questioning…  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:30 pm
Dart was no stranger to vertigo, adjusting his stance as he regained his bearings on a floor that was no longer about to buckle beneath him. Tugging at a strand of hair to move it away from tickling his antennae, he pulled his eyes from the slippery bars at the side of the building back to the pink pokémon on the board. He noticed the sylveon spin in confusion, looking for the one Dart was addressing, but the yanma merely chocked the reaction up to the fact he was talking with a pokémon in the first place; he was aware that not all full pokémon realized that he could talk to and understand them. Or was he just being weirdly polite, by the sylveon's standards?

Regardless, Dart flashed a toothy grin -- it was as close as he was going to get to looking apologetic, "Didn't mean to startle you, but I hadn't expected that to happen, either." Turning attention to the gauzy wings at his back, he fluttered them again to test the extent he had overworked the muscles. There certainly was a burn along his shoulder blades, but nothing any worse than he was used to. This city was quite good at throwing him off his rhythm sometimes, but it only proved to heighten his vigilance and ability to adapt in sudden situations. No, as far as he was concerned, it was a good thing he fell: now he knew that he could glide enough to land safely if he really tried, even with the frame of a human body. Maybe he could learn to fly again as well, if he kept at it? Either way, he had already, and quickly, achieved the ability to move as though he were floating, so at least he was still doing good!

He tapped the toes of his foot on the ground to test it out. It only felt like it was a bit of hypertension as he could still put his weight on the ankle. "Hmm, nope. I'm good here! That was wicked!" he replied, momentarily sticking his tongue out before he issued a retort, "Heh, I'll try to be a little more graceful when I fall again, mom." Of course he didn't think something like that could kill him, he was still a kid who had the utmost confidence in his own invincibility. After all, it's not like it had killed him before! The logic was admirably absent in his regard.  


Sparkly Pants


Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:45 pm
The Yanma before him was a puzzling boy that was for certain. He was hyperactive which normally wouldn’t bother him in any way, but he felt like he was full to bursting with barely contained energy. It was making him tired just watching him, and he wasn’t even doing anything at this point but talking. Mostly.

<> he’d seen someone else fall off a rooftop a few years ago, the guy had been trying to do something…he forgot what now and had leaned too far and fallen. It’d left a huge mess on the ground and the guy hadn’t survived. Seeing the wings on the kids’ back though he could see why he was okay.

<> though he was bristling some at being called “mom” and one ribbon came out to smack at the tongue as it was stuck out at him. <not your mom. Or anyone’s mom. for that matter!>> he grumbled some and hopped back onto his board helmet being re-secured to his head at that point. His helmet and board were in colors that matched his own, his name emblazoned on the bottom. With a slight snort at the boy he was wheeling off, and performing a couple of tricks. Safely, of course.

Showing off a little? Maybe. Attempting to prove one could do things safely and still have fun? Definitely.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:55 pm
Dart considered the sentiment for a moment, glancing a bit at the edges of the nearest rooftop and imagining someone on top, leaning over the edge. Death was not a thing the young boy really ever considered, and this time was no different. With a shrug, his attention was once more focused on the sylveon before him, "I wouldn't think most people would try it out unless they were a living hang glider. Or had a parachute." He couldn't see himself doing anything different, though, even if he were something other than a yanma. Ugh, it was too early to be considering contextual, outside-the-box thinking. Instead, he decided to take the comment as a compliment, "Pleased to be a little more... individual." He almost tripped on that word, but it sounded about right.

The small pokémon sure was sounding mighty pessimistic, though. What, he didn't think Dart would know any better? With a slight huff, he watched Eden quizzically, "It's not like it hasn't happened before. I know what I'm doing." Besides, what were a few small scrapes and cuts?

He flinched at the unexpected swat, though, but was a little too stunned to get out anything more reactionary than a snappish, "Hey!" So this was the game the pixie-pokémon was playing at, huh? His eyes narrowed some as Eden secured his safety gear back on. Oh he got the hint, but he sure wasn't going to concede to any sort of defeat. Dart was much too adept at being the resident thorn-in-the-side. While he could admit that some of Eden's moves were rather inspiring, and quite surprising skill coming from a quadruped, there was no way he was going to store that anywhere but in his mind. No reason to show the sylveon that he was impressed. No, instead that bit of awe and better judgment was shoved rudely to the side. "Don't stub a toe now, I don't have any bandaids!" he jeered.  


Sparkly Pants


Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:03 pm
<> Eden’s words came out a little harsher than he’d intended them to, but then they were true. Wings or not, he’d found it to be an absolutely stupid move honestly. Though he rolled his eyes and raised a paw to point it at the child.


As he rode he used his ribbons to hold his board while at the same time swing off a low hanging branch, before he was dropping back down easily, and grinding down along a curbing and coming to a stop inches from the Yanma, and smirked. <> he wasn’t impressed with the poke-child in the slightest, and the slight sniff he gave as he finished speaking had to be a dead give away there too.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:13 pm
Dart snorted at the barbed reply, but he knew it wasn't necessarily wrong, "Yeah, I suppose there are people like that, too." Then again, was it really so sad if they jumped off a roof? Maybe the world was better off without them. Then again, the true implications of death hadn't ever touched the young yanma, so there was no chance for him to connect there, at least as anything more than a joke.

He flinched at the pointing, though more so due to the sternness in Eden's voice. His expression turned more baffled before he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder and fluttered his wings, "Eh... I'm a yanma. I used to do that sort of thing all the time without having to worry about it." Oh, did the sylveon not know that Dart had been a full pokémon before he looked like this? He grinned a bit, thinking that he had just cracked the code, "Oh... oh I get it! Yeah, I'm heavier than I used to be back then. It takes a little getting used to, but I think I'll manage. I can do more than I could back then, and I wanna test the limits." What did 'danger junkie' even mean? He was just having fun, that's all!

There was no question as to whether Eden could really stand Dart at all or not, but to be honest, it was likely one of the most civil conversations he had ever gotten, despite it bordering on the edge. He was showing off, there was no doubt about it, but the sylveon was also having fun, just like the boy had been doing... in a much safer manner. He didn't seem to get that point until it was practically spelled out for him, and even that only had him grinning all the more impishly, "Well yeah, you're practically covered in bubble wrap. I take it you had some bad experiences?" Not that he really cared to hear them, but it might explain the need for so much protective gear. But then where were all the battle scars? Didn't this guy know how to have fun?  


Sparkly Pants


Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:32 pm
Eden rolled his eyes at the child, a little unimpressed with him at this point, and his apparent disregard for others and such. Must be nice to live such a charmed life honestly. Had had a feeling at this point that short of a hard knock to the head nothing was going to drive this home and so he gave up for the time being. It was easier on his sanity.

<> Eden did a couple more tricks, before he came to a rolling stop by the Yanma boy sitting primly on his board. <>

With a snort Eden rolled his eyes again. <>  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:43 pm
While Dart's stance was becoming a bit more relaxed now that he was sure he was on sturdy footing, it was slowly progressing more toward the defensive. The pokémon seemed to completely look down on just about everything Dart stood for, and he felt it was uncalled for. Never mind the point that the kid had just nearly crashed into him, but that was beside the point -- he was totally confident in his own abilities! He crossed his arms and huffed a sigh, "I told you, I'm still getting used to it, but I wasn't going to land on you!" He never had before, and he wasn't planning on doing so anytime soon.

He paused a bit after Eden finished a few of his tricks, giving the sylveon a quizzical look, "...Professional skateboarder?" People could actually earn a living by skateboarding? He shook his head, and waved off the rest. This was starting to sound like some infomercial, and he really wasn't interested. Instead, he turned back to the building he had fallen off of and stood at the foot of it, staring up the fire escape and planning the way he was going to get back up. After a moment, he brushed the words off more vocally, shrugging, "You got your own ways of doing things, and I've got mine." Besides, where would he even have come across safety gear, if he had cared enough to look? The stuff didn't grow on trees, and he was as wild as he ever was; money was a foreign concept.

Reaching up, grabbing hold of the outer side of one of the landings and pulling himself up with two of his hands, he leaned over just enough to offer one more quip before ascending the building again, "Anyway, have fun with your bubble wrap, ma'am. I'll see you around!"  


Sparkly Pants


Breedables Degenerate

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:49 pm
<> Eden was still a little annoyed over all of that as was obvious by his responses but honestly, he’d thought the boy would squish him!

<> he was proud of all his trainer did, he did a lot of charity work, performing to raise money for kids and all, and Eden was a help with all that performing along side his trainer. He shook his head some at the boy waving it all off and rolled his eyes highly unimpressed.

Eden had just opened his mouth for a witty retort when Trygve stepped out from where he’d been and spotted Eden. “Come on Eden, time to head home!” his trainer was on his own board in an instant, and Eden knew it was time to follow. It didn’t prevent him from sending a scathing look towards Dart. <> he muttered under his breath as he rolled away.  
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