Thalassa wasn't exactly the prettiest or the best lioness around. She knew that, and everyone around her as well. Still, she was good at what she did, and what she did was crafting. It had taken her a lot of time and practice to get things right, and while she still botched things up, she still tried. She wanted to say that she was sharp, but she wasn't the brightest - average at best.

She honestly didn't know why she was even here. She's likely never be looked at. She was currently in what she figured was a mock harem, but she stood out. The lioness couldn't even remember her parents, so her surname didn't exist.

Still, perhaps if she worked hard... A frustrated frown pulled on her. She could leave any time she wanted really, but something drew her here, she mused while she attempted to weave blades of long grasses together. It wouldn't make anything, but the motions were a tad soothing, even if it refused to work properly.

Velveteen Angel
Na’ila was out walking, Nearachi tagging along nearby even though Na’ila hadn’t told him to. Nearachi had spent a lot of time in the rogue lands, unaware of what he should be named and being afraid to return to his home pride without a name, until Na’ila had found him and given him his new name. He had been grateful to her, and it was odd. They had struck up a bond.

He was the first harem member she had taken into her royal harem. There was something special about him, she decided calmly to herself. He would make a good harem member. His strength was now her strength. His protective nature was her protection. It was perfect.

“Where are we going?” Nearachi asked, his voice calm. Na’ila had no issues with questions, but if he questioned her judgement…well that was less ok.

“Just walking,” Na’ila said softly. She was soft spoken, but if she was challenged, she could be fierce. She knew that her best weapon was to be underestimated. A fragile female was better if no one knew what to expect. She smiled to herself, a slightly smug smile.

Thala's ears flicked as she heard the footsteps. It wasn't that uncommon being in a pride, to hear footsteps around her, but she still wasn't used to it. She always glanced at who happened to be walking by this time.

It wasn't hard to recognize the Monarch and her mate. She always felt In awe of them when she saw them. She wasn't sure if she could speak to them without getting flustered if she was honest with herself.

Velveteen Angel
Na'ila had not intended to bump into anyone, simply intending to walk the lands with Nearachi and get him a bit more comfortable around her. Although they had been together for a while, she felt as if he was still nervous; she was the Monarch after all but really, she was not that scary...well not to anyone who had not offended her. She smiled to herself as she walked, but her eyes were caught by the female nearby. Ah! Thalassa. Not only did Na'ila pride herself on knowing who everyone was within the pride, but she also prided herself on knowing all of the very beautiful lions. She had a pension for beauty; she wouldn't settle for less on that account.

"Hello Artisan Thalassa," Na'ila called out softly, voice gentle and unthreatening.

Nearachi didn't notice the female for a while, until his mate (his Monarch?) called out a greeting to her and he quickly glanced her way. Oh, he had no idea who she was. He was not up to date on all the members of the pride. He felt as if he was letting Na'ila down, because all of this royal knowledge did not come easy to him. He was a soldier, not a royal really. He just happened to be mated to the monarch, that didn't make him royal.

"Hello," he greeted as well, knowing it was polite. He smiled, and it was broad and welcoming.

The orange lioness was a bit embarrassed. The Monarch had caught her staring of all things. If she could run away, she definitely would, but that wouldn't be polite at all. "Good Morning," she said with ease, surprising herself a bit. She smiled at them, a bit nervously. She had met soldiers and gods of all things, but the ruler of her own pride made her nervous - but there was an underlying reason of course.

The pair looked so nice together, and they were only two. She flushed a bit. She, of course, had some daydreams like a small cub that she would belong to someone someday. And if she substituted faceless, nameless lions with the monarch and her mate, then that was her business.

"What brings you out this way this morning?"

Velveteen Angel
Na’ila had been concerned recently that her harem was…quite small. She only had her one mate, and that was odd in a pride of harems. It was almost…conventional, and that just wouldn’t do. Na’ila was not a conventional lady; raised in harems she knew that two was not enough. So she had her eye out to find another, and Thala, well, Thala was one that was very tempting. She was beautiful enough, and her colours would work well with Na’ila’s own, and Nearachi’s too. It was not as if Na’ila and Thala could have children together, but they must look nice together still. That was simply how this all worked…
She shook herself from her thoughts when Thala spoke. “Oh we are just out for some fresh air,” she offered with a small wave of her paw to the landscape. “It’s so beautiful today.” Well it was beautiful every day, if Na’ila could say so herself, because the landscape they had was just stunning.

Nearachi felt a bit out of place, staring between the two females. He felt like there was something else going on, not just pleasantries but it was all going over his head. He continued to smile, because it was polite and he had nothing against the female before him. She was pretty, and Na’ila mentioned she was an artisan. That was a good career path.
“Are you out collecting crafting materials?” He asked cheerfully, trying to incorporate himself into the conversation a little bit.

Thala allowed herself a smile, glancing briefly to where Na'ila gestured. It was a nice area, she admitted to herself. "It is indeed a nice day!" She agreed. "And I am, in fact, gathering some material. I wasn't quite sure what to make yet, but I figured something would inspire me," she told the pair, looking over to Nearachi. He was quiet, or a least he seemed it. She felt bad not including him sooner in the conversation.

Velveteen Angel
Na'ila looked intrigued. "Ah, so you are crafting, how wonderful. Perhaps I will get you to make me something some day," she said with a smile. She did love crafts...perhaps if she took her into her harem, she could make her many beautiful trinkets. Na'ila did love beautiful things. Perhaps someday her cubs would also be adorned with beautiful things...oh but she was getting ahead of herself now.

Nearachi also looked intrigued, but for another reason. "Can you not just craft, must you be inspired?" To him, that was as if he had to be inspired to protect the pride, which was nonesense because he did it, because it was his job. He had to protect them. Surely she 'had' to craft as well. It was an odd career, he decided internally.
"Of course! I'd love to make something for you," She told the monarch. If she would see the monarch with one of her creation she was very certain she wouldn'tg be able to talk for being completely flustered. She, of course, turned to Nearachi when he made his comment.

"Well, I could," she agreed. "But it would be forced. It would be like..." She paused, uncertain. She had spoken to a soldier before - one in a far-off land before she had come here, but she wasn't quite sure an analogy. "It would be forced, and wrong. Like being unprepared," she said.

Velveteen Angel
Na’ila offered a brighter smile than her previous ones have been, a touch of flirtation in her expression now. “Well perhaps I should come by some time to give you some inspiration for it,” she offered softly. She was sure now, that she wanted the crafter in her harem. The trinkets would be good for trading as well, perhaps with other prides… it was all possible, and Na’ila only wanted the best for her harem.

Nearachi frowned a little as he considered her words. It was still strange. “I suppose it is similar to training if your mind is on another issue,” he mused, trying to think of an analogy to make it easier to understand. “You could do it, but it is not the best that you can do?” He continued to speak. It was such an odd contrast, a soldier and an artisan but Nearachi decided that he rather liked speaking with her. It was interesting to see how they all differed and how all the pride must work together to do the best that they can.

Na’ila looked amused at Nearachi’s attempt at bonding with the Artistan. It seemed like her mate liked the female too. Good that would make things easier. “I suppose we should leave you to your craft now, Thalassa, but I do hope to see you again soon,” she said softly. “I hope you find your inspiration today.” She nodded to her, and cast her a smile, motioning for Nearachi to follow her. Which he did, as he always did. Someday Thala would not be left behind but be following her too.