The dark leopardess pulled herself from the cave she had been sleeping in. It was just as the sun was setting. She didn't like to be out in the day, during the day there was more activity, and more creatures that she could run into. Perili avoided others at all costs.

Her glowing eyes peeled for any signs of life around her. She slinked low to the ground towards the stream that was running close by. She was dieing of thirst, the heat of the day had dried her throat out while she had slept.

Elenion had started his day earlier than normal. The sun was still setting when he had woken, but a couple stars had already speckled the sky. He normally woke up when the stars were heavy and bright in the sky, but occasionally, he would wake up as they appeared.

Sometimes it was slow though, he thought as he stretched. He wanted to be high to see the stars appeared, but he would settle for anywhere. He was looking up at the sky as he walked, barely paying attention to where he was going.

Perili managed to make it to the waters edge without running into anyone. The dark leopardess smiled ot herself. The longer she could go without interaction with anyone else that happier she would be.

Perili got really tired of others giving her strange stares and terrified looks. She hated that, she wasn't a bad leopardess, she was kind enough.

Bending her head she took some long gulps of water. She enjoyed the feeling of the cool water rushing fown her thoat. Sitting back she looked up at the sky seeing the little twinkle of stars above her.

Elenion was, unfortunately, not so lucky. He didn't run into anyone, yet, but he did manage to trip over his own feet and stumble down the rest of the hill and into a body of water. He gasped, pushing himself to the surface. He pulled himself out of the water, shaking all the while.

Perili was startled by the sudden crash arival of the male cheetah. She backed away for a moment trying to make sense of the scene before her. Blinking a few times she took a look at the male, a shooting star down his side.

For a moment Perili considered just running away, she was confident that the male hadn't seen her, it would have been ahrd to see her with all the tumbling her was doing. But couldn't just walk away, she was worried that he might be injured. As much as other's tended to avoid Perili she did actually care about them. It would make her feel really bad if she walked away and he had been injured.

Elenion whimpered a little, curling a bit on himself as he sat on the shore line. The water was achingly cold and his body felt numb immediately. It took him a moment to realize that another had been witness to his blunder. A small sound of embarrassment pulled from the back of his throat. Oh gods, he thought. Perhaps he should just die now. "S-sorry if-f I s-startled you," he said through the shaking. He attempted to force the shakes to stop, but his body only quaked harder.

Perili offered him a kind smile, it wasn't often that she smiled. She studied the male cheetah wondering if his shaking was from an injury, because he was cold in the water or becuase he was scared of her. All were reasonable causes for him to be shaking.

"No its um its okay." she said. She wasn't sure if she should try to conduct a conversation or just move away and let him get out of the water.

She was starved for attention though and so far this mae hadn't started screaming in terror. She took a step forwards, "Are you hurt, I mean are you okay." she didn't see any obvious injuries on him but that didn't mean that there wasn't something on his insides that were hurting him.

The star-marked Cheetah looked down at himself. He couldn't really tell if he was injured. The cold wasx numbing everything and everything sort of just... hurt in a vague, general aching. "Um I-I'm not sure," he told her. "I m-might jus-st be cold," he told her.

He frowned at the water. It was so hot during the day, and the sun had barely set. Why was it so cold anyhow! It just wasn't fair. He judted wanted to look at the stars...

"If it's n-not a b-bother, could-d you sit a lil clos-ser?" he asked through the shaking. Perhaps, since she was dry, it be warmer with her closer, after all! He loathed being cold.

Perili was in shock, no one had ever asked her to sit closer before. She had to fight back the urge to squee, it wasn' t often she would squee, infact it was a noise that she had ever made in her life. But she swallowed the urge quickly and scooted closer.

"My name is Perili by the way. she told him in a quiet voice. She could feel the wet of the males fur touching her and she moved a little closer, perhaps her body heat would warm her up faster, and if he was warm maybe he would be able to stop shaking.

"Are you from this area?" she asked trying to make plesant conversation. It wasn't often she had the chance to do this, so was worried she would sounds dumb.

Elenion gave her a smile when she scooted closer, though it was shaky at best. "Elenion," he managed to say without stuttering. "T-that's my name." He felt a little silly, and if he could talk more to cover up his nerves, he would. She was warm against him, and he found himself scooting even closer, nearly plastering himself along her side.

"Sort of-f." He told her. He did live here in general, but he tended to travel around it quite often, looking for the better vantage points or the nicest place to just exist. "Don't leave this area much."

He quaked a bit more, though it began to lessen with the warmth the other provided.
"Nice to meet you Elenion" Perili murmered. She didn't mind that the male was plastered to her side, in fact she kind of liked thei physical contact, she couldn't remember the last time she was touched by another.

She noticed that the male was studdering because of his shivvereing, "We don't have to talk Elenion, its okay. Lets just sit here and look at the stars." She was saying it partially so that the poor cheetah didn't have to stutter along anymore but it was also to save her from having to try to figure out how to conduct a good conversation.