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Prudence Lowery

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The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:20 pm
xxxxP R U D E N C ExxxB R I G H I DxxxL O W E R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Pru

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 25 December 2015

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Thirteen inches, Birch, Dragon Heartstring, Sturdy, Knobby.

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Demisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Irish Gaelic

              FACECLAIM Crystal Reed x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Graduated

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ A
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cooking with Magic ~ A
                  Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Mythology ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ EE
                  World Studies ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Unknown

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ AMIABLE In general, Pru is typically a friendly, pleasant person, more than capable of making small talk with strangers or introducing herself to people she's never met before. She's for the most part good-natured, and rarely moody or one to mope much. She prides herself on being easy to be around and talk to. Pru gets along well enough with most people she meets and isn't one to pick arguments, though she'll be the one to finish them. While this makes it pretty easy for her to make friends, it also ensures she holds her tongue more often that not, letting emotions simmer inside her.
              ■ RESOLUTE Pru hates to stand around and do nothing when she thinks there's something she ought to do, and while she enjoys her downtime just as much as other people, once she knows she needs to do something, she's going to do it without wavering. She's not one to be wishy washy or have long internal debates over what to do. She decides, then does it. Unfortunately, this also makes her intensely stubborn and very slow to change her opinion of someone or something. It's not that she's always convinced she's right or even in the right, but personal change doesn't necessarily come that easily to her.
              ■ MORALISTIC Pru has her own honor code of sorts, and while it's as if she's taken any sort of oath, she does strongly believe in 'sticking to her guns', so to speak. If something feels wrong to her, she's simply not going to do it. She does tend to see the world in more stark black and white, but only because she believes it's very easy to cloak your own actions in grey. The ends do not ever justify the means, in Pru's opinion, and if someone has to tell themselves that, she's willing to bet they're doing a lot more wrong than they're ready to admit. To her some things are simply not acceptable, and never will be.
              ■ UNAFRAID Pru is very slow to become overwhelmed with nerves or anxiety. She's usually pretty calm, and solid as a rock to boot. She's not easily intimidated, and, generally not one to back down in face of a challenge or hurdle. Pru rarely hesitates, even in the face of difficulties and disappointments, and is willing to put herself in danger for what she believes is right. Because of this she is prone to playing knight, even when people don't really need her help or are better off helping themselves without her riding in on a white horse to try to save them. But to her credit this trait doesn't translate into recklessness on her part.
              ■ LOYAL Pru is above many other things firm in her support of the people she loves and cares about. She tries to be a constant friend, even when it's difficult. If she promises someone something, she'll give her all in order to uphold that promise. She's willing to stand by her friends even in the darkest of times, but her unwavering loyalty can at times blind her to the flaws of others or make her reluctant to discuss things that need to be discussed, if it means a fight or fracturing of the relationship between her and someone else. Her loyalty could be her downfall; particularly with how important she considers it.
              ■ PRACTICAL Practicality has always been something near and dear to Pru's heart. She's more concerned with the hands on part than the theory bit. She has more common sense than book smarts, and it's served her fairly well thus far. She prides herself on being more sensible than most people she knows, especially coming from a house known for it's wild child reputation. In this way she does partly live up to her literal name; she has a more cautious, realistic side to her that influences a lot of what she says and does. She hates pretension and people acting high and mighty, and prides herself on her down to earth nature.

                  Learning about magical creatures
                  Reading for short amounts of time
                  Drawing in her free time
                  Anything athletic or physical
                  Telling stories, especially scary ones

                  Being forced to sit still and do nothing
                  Being in the dark
                  Cold foods

                  Being outside
                  Helping out at her mum's shop

                  Dealing with animals
                  Physical activity

                  Doesn't forgive easily
                  Very set in her ways

                  Losing her mother

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Pru was born the youngest child and only daughter of Davin and Siobhan Lowery, both from old Irish pureblood lines. The child of a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor, respectively, Pru adored her mother and idolized her father as a little girl. Her father's death while working for the Werewolf Capture Unit devastated her. She had seen her father as a giant among men. He was the hero of her fairy tale, and his death shook her to her core. After that, Pru, her mother, and her two older brothers, Jarlath and Adrienne, resided in one big estate with her uncles, cousins, aunt, and her father's cousin. Her mother bought a pet shop in Diagon Alley, the Magical Menagerie, and many of Pru's happy childhood memories are from there. It inspired her love of animals and magical creatures, though a lingering preoccupation with werewolves remained with her. When she was around nine or so her mother began dating again; a man named Wesley Edgeworth. Pru wasn't exactly pleased by this development; her older brothers even less so. However, she warmed to the man as time went on, and had come to accept him as part of her mother's life by the time she was about to enter Hogwarts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Pru went into her first year with high expectations, all of which were fulfilled. She was sorted into Gryffindor, the house of her mother and her brother Adrienne, and quickly made friends with her classmates. She enjoyed school and even attended the Yule Ball hosted that year, going with a house mate as friends. She was slightly homesick towards the middle of the school year, but was almost reluctant to leave when it was time to return home for the summer.
                  SECOND YEAR Pru found her second year less exciting and new than her first, but was thrilled to make reserve keeper for her house's quidditch team. Her uncle being a broom maker, she had always taken a keen interest in the sport. Her mother also married Wesley during the year, though it was less a formal wedding and more a signing of papers at the Ministry. Pru found herself happy for them.
                  THIRD YEAR Pru's third year was fairly quiet, except for the very beginning and very end. The summer before her third year she moved into the Edgeworth Manor, given her mother's recent marriage, and also attended the wedding of her new stepbrother, Damien, to his fiancee. At the very end of the year Hogsmeade was attacked by dark wizards as students boarded the train, but Pru saw none of the action, her cousin Kenny apparating her and his girlfriend, Jojo, out of harm's way almost immediately. He then went back to serve as transport for trapped younger years, and Pru was furious with him for leaving her and his panicking girlfriend, but relieved when he made it out safely. He'd moved in at the Edgeworth Manor at the holidays due to issues with one of his fathers, after all, and Pru saw him as more of a brother than her own.
                  FOURTH YEAR The summer right before Pru's fourth year her longtime friend Addison invited her over, revealed he'd had a crush on her for some time now, and asked her to be his girlfriend. Pru was caught completely off guard by this, having been totally oblivious to his growing feelings, but accepted and found herself very suddenly in her very first relationship. On the one hand, she didn't feel she was quite ready or prepared at all for any of it, but on the other she cared deeply for Addy and enjoyed spending time with him. She also had to deal with the shock of having been named team captain at the unusually young age of fourteen, since the vice captain of the Gryffindor Team had been killed during the attack at the start of the summer. Pru wasn't quite thrilled with this, especially since she was convinced everyone thought it was favoritism on her Head of House, Amata Harlowe's, part, as she'd known Amata since she was small, the woman being her uncle Ciaran's best friend. Her cousin Rhys also started his first year at Hogwarts, and she tried not to think about her uncles's splintering marriage, which had caused the boy to stop speaking entirely. Gryffindor's quidditch season was terrible, which caused her a great deal of stress, and her uncles divorced. It was not really a year she'd count as her 'best'.
                  FIFTH YEAR Pru certainly liked her fifth year better than her fourth year, even if she had OWLs and Rhys being a 'right little t**t' to contend with. She completely overhauled the Gryffindor quidditch team, and while they played better than they had the year before, didn't win any awards. Her cousin Caty started her first year at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, which neither surprised nor upset Pru, though she had been hoping to no longer be the only Gryffindor student in the family. At the Valentine's Masquerade she and Addy told each other they loved one another for the first time, and while her OWLs were difficult, she survived. She even got a kitten off of the Transfiguration exam.
                  SIXTH YEAR Pru's sixth year was fairly quiet. Gryffindor didn't develop a sudden winning streak, but they did manage to beat Slytherin in a game, something she found herself quite proud of. She mostly enjoyed a peaceful year and found herself hoping to enjoy her last summer as a carefree teen before NEWTs and graduation. The only downside to it was that Kenny's girlfriend had seemingly vanished off the face of the earth, and no one had any idea where she was.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Pru's seventh year was a mixed bag. She did well on her NEWTs, Gryffindor won their last game, and she and Addy made plans to move in together after they'd secured jobs. Kenny was reunited with his girlfriend and Rhys seemed to be making progress. However, Caty's moods seemed off all year, even to Pru, who was hardly the most observant person, and she worried about her youngest cousin.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Siobhan Edgeworth (mother), Wesley Edgeworth (stepfather), Jarlath Lowery (older brother), Adrienne Lowery (older brother), Damien Edgeworth (stepbrother), Marina Edgeworth (stepsister in law), Gideon Edgeworth (step-nephew) Aedan Lowery (paternal uncle), Ciaran Blake (paternal uncle), Kenneth Blake (cousin), Rhys Blake (cousin), Catheryn Blake (cousin), Andrea Lowery (paternal aunt), Faylinn Lowery (paternal cousin)
              FRIENDS Victoria Macclellan, Addison Collins, Lyall Thompson, Rider Wilson, Feather Snow, Dakota Vann
              BEST FRIEND Victoria Macclellan
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Addison Collins
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Teacup pig named Dragon, owl named Wallace that she brings to school, British shorthair kitten named Saoirse

((Adopted from Xistund))

»--- Shab-Chan ---»
~ Updates accepted by Dia 11/15/15
~ Updates accepted by Utsuha [5/12/16]
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:08 pm
Prudence Lowery's List of Knowledge

First Year
Names of Planets [x]
Movements of Planets [x]
Names of Stars (Including Sun) [x]
Names of Constellations [x]

Second Year
Mercury [x]
Venus [x]
Earth [x]
Earth's Moon [x]

Third Year
Mars [x]
Jupiter [x]
Great Red Spot [x]
Jupiter's Moons [x]

Fourth Year
Saturn [x]
Saturn's Rings [x]
Titan [x]
Uranus [x]

Fifth Year
Neptune [x]
Triton [x]
Comets [x]
Meteorites [x]
Asteroids [x]

First Year
Wingardium Leviosa [x]
Lumos [x]
Incendio [x]
Spongify [x]

Second Year
Skurge [x]
Aresto Momentum [x]
Flame-Freezing Charm [x]
Locomotor [x]

Third Year
Cheering Charm [x]
Carpe Retractum [x]
Glacius [x]
Cushioning Charm [x]

Fourth Year
Accio [x]
Depulso [x]
Engorgio [x]
Reducio [x]

Fifth Year
Silencio [x]
Dancing Feet [x]
Reducto [x]
Reparo [x]

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
Knockback Jinx [x]
Lumos/Nox [x]
Ghosts [x]
Doxies [x]

Second Year
Tickling Charm/Rictusempra [x]
Expelliarmus [x]
Imps [x]
Fire Crabs [x]

Third Year
Glacius [x]
Boggarts/Riddikulus [x]
Grindylows [x]
Hinkypunks [x]

Fourth Year
Stupefy [x]
Aqua Eructo Charm [x]
Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia [x]
Finite/Incantatem [x]

Fifth Year
Protego [x]
Reducto [x]
Patronus [x]
Werewolves [x]

Sixth Year
The Unforgivable Curses [x]
Nonverbal Spells [x]
Dementors [x]
Inferi [x]

First Year
Broom Commands [x]
Mounting [x]
Developing a Broom Bond [x]

First Year
[x] Spiky Bush
[x] Bouncing Bulb
[x] Flutterby Bush

Second Year
[x] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[x] Mandrake
[x] Leaping Toadstool

Third Year
[x] Puffapods
[x] Moly
[x] Aconite

Fourth Year
[x] Bubotuber
[x] Gillyweed
[x] Dittany

Fifth Year
[x] Flitterbloom/Devil's Snare
[x] Fanged Geranium
[x] Screechsnap

Sixth Year
[x] Venomous Tentacula
[x] Whomping Willow

History of Magic
First Year
History of Hogwarts [x]
The Chamber of Secrets [x]
History of Brooms [x]

Second Year
Ollivander family [x]
The Deathly Hallows [x]
Beedle the Bard [x]

Third Year
Muggle witch burnings [x]
Nicolas Flamel [x]
Newt Scamander [x]

Fourth Year
Ancient Egypt and Greece [x]
Herpo the Foul [x]
Tom Riddle/Voldemort [x]

Fifth Year
Albus Dumbledore [x]
Harry Potter [x]

First Year
Forgetfulness Potion [x]
Boil-Cure Potion [x]
Wiggenweld Potion [x]

Second Year
Hair-Raising Potion [x]
Girding Potion [x]
Swelling Solution [x]

Third Year
Shrinking Solution [x]
Antidotes [x]
Undetectable Poisons [x]

Fourth Year
Amortentia [x]
Hiccoughing Solution [x]
Wit-Sharpening Potion [x]

Fifth Year
Draught of Peace [x]
Strengthening Solution [x]
Polyjuice Potion [x]

First Year
Match to needle [x]
Snail to Teapot [x]
Mouse to Snuffboxes [x]
Teacup to Rat [x]

Second Year
Beetle Buttons [x]
Avifors [x]
Fera Verto [x]
Rabbit Slippers [x]

Third Year
Teapot to tortoise [x]
Chair to cat [x]
Hedgehog to pincushion [x]
Lapifors [x]

Fourth Year
Draconifors [x]
Guinea fowl to guinea pig [x]

Fifth Year
Evanesco [x]

Sixth Year
Owl to opera glasses [x]
Basic self transfiguration [x]
Human or animal [x]

Advanced Flying
Second Year
Quidditch Basics [x]
Broom Barrel Rolls [x]
Standing on your broom [x]

Third Year
((Everyone must learn each position))
Beater Practice [x]
Seeker Practice [x]
Keeper Practice [x]
Chaser Practice [x]

Care of Magical Creatures
Third Year
Bowtruckle Lecture [x]
Bowtruckle Interaction [x]
Pixie Lecture [x]
Pixie Interaction [x]

Fourth Year
Nogtail Lecture [x]
Nogtail Interaction [x]
Puffskein Lecture [x]
Puffskein Interaction [x]

Fifth Year
Hippogriff Lecture [x]
Hippogriff Interaction [x]
Niffler Lecture [x]
Niffler Interaction [x]

Sixth Year
Merpeople Lecture [x]
Merpeople Interaction [x]
Phoenix Lecture [x]
Phoenix Interaction [x]

Cooking with Magic
Third Year
Measuring Charm [x]
Pumpkin Pasties Recipe [x]
Slicing Charm [x]
Carrot Cake Recipe [x]

Fourth Year
Mixing Charm [x]
Treacle Tart Recipe [x]
Peeling Charm [x]
Potatoes and Sausage [x]

Fifth Year
Heating Charm [x]
Butterbeer Recipe [x]
Licorice Wands [x]
Cauldron Cakes [x]

Ghoul and Ghost Studies
Third Year
Afterlife [x]
Immortality [x]
Resurrection [x]
Creation of Ghost [x]

Fourth Year
Traits [x]
Abilities [x]
Meeting a Ghost [x]
Poltergeist vs Ghost [x]

Fifth Year
Ghouls [x]
Catching Ghouls [x]
Inferi [x]
Combating Inferi [x]

Healing Class
Third year
Diagnosis of Ailments [x]
Treating wounds [x]
Proper Bandaging [x]

Fourth Year
Spell and curse healing [x]
Stunning Treatment [x]
Virus, Bacteria and Infection healing [x]

Fifth Year
Poison Healing [x]
Treating Bites and Stings [x]
DragonPox and Treatment [x]

Sixth Year
Healing Temporary Blindness [x]
Bone repair and regrowth [x]
Lung clearing charm [x]

Muggle Mythology
Third Year
Introduction to Greek/Roman myths [x]
Greek/Roman Creation myth [x]
Greek/Roman gods [x]
Greek/Roman Heroes [x]

Fourth Year
Introduction to Nurse Myths [x]
Norse Creation Myth [x]
Norse Gods [x]
Norse Heroes [x]

Fifth Year
Introduction to Japanese Myths [x]
Japanese Creation Myth [x]
Japanese Gods [x]
Japanese Heroes [x]

Muggle Studies
Third Year
Define Muggle [x]
Hard Working [x]
Automobiles [x]
Electricity [x]

Fourth Year
Art [x]
War [x]
Sports [x]
Medicine [x]

Fifth Year
Muggles in Our World [x]
Their pets and ours [x]
Muggle Discrimination [x]
Muggles are Friends Not Food (or lower than us in any way) [x]

Wizard Law
Third Year
Historical figures in law [x]
Statute of Secrecy [x]
Illegal magical spells/objects [x]

Fourth Year
Law as applied to school [x]
The Trace and other Laws on Minors [x]
Time Turners and Seers-Effects on Law [x]
Laws concerning Magical Beasts [x]

Fifth Year
Muggle and Wizarding Courts [x]
Wizards Persecution in Muggle Courts [x]
Wizard Persecuting at Muggle Courts [x]
Wizards Persecuting Muggles [x]

Sixth Year
Muggles in Wizarding Courtrooms [x]
Unforgivable Curses Discussion [x]
Wizard Duels - Legality [x]
Supremacy and Crimes against Muggles [x]

World Studies
Third Year
France [x]
Spain [x]
Germany [x]

Fourth Year
Italy [x]
Sweden, Norway, & Finland [x]
Greece [x]

Fifth Year
United States of America [x]
Canada [x]
Mexico [x]

Sixth Year
Japan [x]
China [x]
India [x]
Middle East [x]

Seventh Year
Russia [ ]
Africa [ ]
South America [ ]

The Forgotten Weasley

Blessed Moonwalker

9,250 Points
  • WilyTrickster 50
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • The Wolf Within 100
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