It had been a few months since she had been this way. After her last foray into this old lion-infested dust bowl she had stayed well clear. But one memory had stuck like a thorn in her paw, festering, refusing to heal.

That leopard.

The one with the orange stripes and vibrant, knowing crimson gaze. He had been so…. Self contained. So confident. It infuriated her that he had not been scared of her or even worried, not a tiny bit. He had rebuffed her anger like it was a slightly annoying fly.

And yet those traits are what attracted her, and that angered her further. But despite her emotional response to him she knew he was the only male she had met so far that was worthy of siring her next litter.

So… she was here, in this hated land of dust and heat, searching for him. It was the only time they had met and he had seemed familiar with the area, so she figured it was the best place to start looking for him.

It took several days but finally she came across a single spoor that she knew was his. The scent was faint but it sparked off her anger all over again. Following it she finally arrived at a small tumble of rocks and laying across the top of the largest one was Him..

Crimson eyes gazed down at her silently, his expression blank, unconcerned, as if random females tracked him down all the time. Yet for some reason she knew that wasn’t true. He didn’t have that air about him. He was apart from his surroundings, a king surveying his kingdom. And a King was what she wanted.

Bold as day she strode up to him, padding nimbly up the tumble of stone to stand just slightly above him, perched on the highest rock. Its slightly unsteady foundation of no concern to the mountain-bred female. Crimson eyes regarded her, meeting her own icy gaze unflinchingly.

For a long time they simply regarded one another. Ignoring everything thing else around them. The wind ruffled their fur, blowing stronger before fading away to leave them baking in the early evening heat. At last, when it seemed they would part ways with nothing gained, he stood, turning and padding down his rock pile to the dusty ground. He didn’t pause, but glanced at her over his shoulder before casually walking away. Power and strength rippled through his lean, muscular body. Every movement natural, not a pretence to prove his worthiness. She could either follow or not.

She followed.

They walked for some time, him leading the way and her pacing along at his side. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know where they were going. They were equals and he seemed to understand that. More importantly he seemed to expect it. That only cemented her decision in her mind. He was the right one. He would not expect to be able to interfere in their upbringing. He knew the role he would take up for her and afterwards they would go their separate ways.

Eventually, just as the sun was nearing the horizon, they arrived at a wide expanse of grassland. The ground dropping away from their paws into a huge flat valley. The sides sheltered the grass and as a result, huge herds of all kinds of animals mingled and grazed there. Allowing herself a smile, if only within her own mind, she glanced at the strong, silent male at her side. He was doing everything right, more than she could have hoped for actually. Content with the situation she simply stared back at him when he glanced at her until he slipped over the edge and set off down the gentle slope.

He took his time, stalking the buck he had evidently picked out. She admired his form and his strategy. He was clearly more than simple brawn. For he was meticulous in his preparations, in the hunt, and when he sprung his trap, the take down was swift and efficient. Over in mere moments.

From her vantage point up on the ridge she watched him finish the kill but she didn’t move. That was not the steps of the dance they were engaged in. Patient and confident she tracked him as he made his way back up the valley side after meticulously cleaning his already spotless fur. Proving to her he was no desperate male. He was confident in her need for him so he could take his time. She approved.

Finally he arrived, gave her a long look and then without speaking he turned and retraced his steps, neither hurrying or dragging his paws. Again she approved. He had no reason to hurry, knowing he could chase off anything that tried to take his kill, and he wasn’t impatient with her or surly at having to come fetch her. She knew that if she walked away he wouldn’t chase her. He had no need.

Reaching the carcass she stepped past him and started to feed, while he settled down a few paces away and resumed his interrupted grooming session. She knew he would be hungry, he hadn’t eaten in several days for she had caught no evidence of recent hunting while searching for him. Ordinarily this would have been his normal meal cycle. The fact that he seemed unconcerned while she ate was another point in his favour. He hadn’t hunted because he hadn’t needed to, and he wasn’t too hungry yet. He could probably go several more days before hunger started to bother him.

Finishing her meal she stood and padded over to him, laying down and stretching out on her side as if he wasn’t even there. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him stand and pad to the carcass. It was his turn now and he settled down, eating neatly and methodically.

Dark had long fallen when the pair abandoned the remains of the male’s hunt and left the valley. Headed back towards the rock pile. But they didn’t go all the way, instead they took a faint path that led into the foothills of a small mountain.

They would not re-emerge for over a week and when it happened, only the male appeared. Merah, having gotten what she had wanted, left in the opposite direction, headed back to her own hunting grounds. Content.

(Word count = 1,067)