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[FIN] War Borders (Gyuri and Lucijah) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:41 am
The news came in one morning while her mother was fussing over her stitches, scolding her for going out and climbing so soon after her injury. With herb water being poured over her thighs, rinsing the long claw gashes that were found there, when a rattle from outside the alerted the quick ascent of a young girl, climbing up the vine ladder and leaning only her upper torso into the floor, peering up at them.

Neued had fallen. With this bit of news delivered, the girl scrambled back down the rungs, leaving the two women within speechless. Hastening to clean her wounds, Lucijah was sent to descend after the girl to see what news could be learned.

Had Lucijah been healthy, she would have been sent to run the information East to Yera to inform the Leaflings, while older warriors would brave the trek west, risking the ire of the Alkidike women there in hopes of spreading the news. They were, after all, allies - for the moment at least. But alas she wasn't, and so the next few days Lucijah played a lesser role of gathering items from those around Sol to be stockpiled, whatever supplies could be spared for any refugees who came through the Shifter town on their way fleeing East. Some hoped that the new line would be drawn at Sol - but Lucijah had no mind for strategy and such talks flew over her head.

She shouldn't have strayed from Sol, not right now, but Lucijah found herself, injuries or no, straying south into the jungles, her mind on her Oban queen, somewhere out in the treeline. She had tried to visit the girl, once, a few weeks after her injury, but the vine-built nest she'd last seen Nera in had been abandoned, and the girl gone. It was down here, on the floor of the jungle, that she heard something and, unable to climb the trees as nimbly as she once could, the girl instead squatted, wincing as the motion pulled at the torn flesh of her legs and belly, dropping her hands to the mulch-strewn floor of the jungle, listening.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:11 am
Gyuri felt as though he and the troupe that he protected had been blessed by Bergchi, he'd gotten the lot of them, and a few others as well, out of Neued before the town had been lost. The fact that they got out early it was something that had been a relief to him, though it had taken a bit to get them all to leave. Abandoning a town to save ones own skin wasn't something that came easily to anyone, not to mention that they wanted to help, it had resulted in him having to carry Makani out to make sure the guy would go. He felt that he should stay behind, to help with the healing, but Eira wouldn't leave if her brother didn't leave and she didn't leave then nobody would since she was in charge. He had been prepared for such a thing though and despite the protests of the mage he'd continued on his way with the group, eager to get far from the danger.

They were on their way now to the closest town to them, hoping to get further away from the danger the Obans presented before they came any closer and thought to try to capture the lot of them. This was a group that needed protected if only because half of them weren't fighters. He just wanted to keep them safe was all, something he meant to do no matter what. Now that he'd gotten the group safely and comfortably in a tree to rest up Gyuri was now out on patrol, making sure that nobody had happened to follow them that might mean them harm. Now if anyone in need had followed them, that would be a different, and Gyuri would see to it that they got to safety as well. So long as the Obans didn't follow him then he'd be happy, the last thing he wanted was to have to deal with the Obans, he'd heard so many stories about how scary the lot of them were and that was just something that he didn't want to deal with.

As he walked along, his mismatched eyes flicking from side to side, swearing that he'd just heard... something. Was someone out there? He froze in place, looking around, before his hands slide down to tighten his gauntlets, making sure that they were in place and ready for a fight if one should arise. Once he was sure he was ready, or at least as ready as he could be given that he'd yet to actually get in a real fight with anyone, he started forward toward the noise that he'd heard.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:36 am
Crapcrapcrap. She'd be found. Taking a breath, Lucijah flexed her wrists, knuckles cracking audibly, tightening the wrapped bandages around her hands before she stood and stepped out from the copse she'd hid herself in, fists raised and body hunched in a defensive position - until her eyes settled on a man in the distance. He was huge - larger and broader than most shifter men she'd ever seen. At first her mind wondered if he was an Oban, but having seen one for herself she knew instantly this wasn't the case - he wasn't red, the reddest thing about him was his armor-belt across his torso, which was crimson. No no - he was a shifter -- at least, his skin appeared to be, but she'd never seen the man before, and his coloration was... strange. His hair was dark, and that was enough to make her hesitate.

He was a stranger, that was for sure - but not an Oban, and like it or not she'd put herself in his line of sight. "Who're you? What're you doing here, huh?" She called, her voice brusque and loud in the stillness of the jungle, tilting her head and furrowing her brows, lips pressing together into a confused frown. It didn't occur to the young prentice that he was evidently older than her, fitted with gauntlets, and despite her bravado she was hardly a match, injured or not, for a skilled fighter of any sort.

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:07 am
Gyuri was ready for just about anything to jump out at him... other then what did appear. It was a Shifter woman, the same race as his mother, and instantly he gave pause to stare at her. He'd seen a lot of Shifters since coming to the area from Zena but he hadn't exactly had time to chat with them, finding himself to be rather busy with a lot of other things. Now that he was face to face with her he found himself wondering what he should say... especially given that had approached him in the same manner he'd approached her, on guard and ready for a fight. Now that he knew she wasn't Oban though he no longer felt the desire to do anything of that manner. Now he could only wonder if, given the bandages she wore, if she had been caught up in the battle of Neued. Had she been hurt there? Was she fleeing? Something he couldn't help but to worry about.

At her question he blinked his mismatched eyes a couple times, thinking over her question, wondering how exactly he should answer. He wasn't really someone to go into in depth conversation with people, more the sort that just listened, nodded, and only spoke up when the need arose. He was telling himself now that speaking up was something he really should do. Finally finding his voice he said, "I'm Gyuri." Best to answer her, she didn't exactly seem too friendly so best that he try to calm the situation or else he might end up in an unwanted battle.

What else had she asked, what he was doing here? He looked back toward where they had gone, in the direction that he'd left the troupe, before he added after a moment, "Ahh, fleeing the Oban army." Before he asked of her, "And yourself?" He was curious about the bandages so he found himself curious about if she was going to be alright.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:29 am
...Huh. Yeah, he better lower his hands, he didn't want to start anything with HER. Of course, after the thoughts Lucijah felt a soft laugh bubble from her, nervous and relieved that the man was, apparently, a friend or, at the very least, an ally. After a moment, she dropped her hands as well, fingers dusting the bandages wrapped around her thighs, before settling, instead, against her hipbones.

Lucijah tilted her head, long ponytails shifting against her back and shoulders at the motion, looking the stranger over with bright blue eyes as he answered.

And that confirmed it - stranger or no, he was fleeing the Obans. And in her mind that meant he was friendly, without a doubt. Of course, he could still be a bandit of some kind, but the thought didn't cross Lucijah's mind - more out of ignorance than educated guess. "Lucijah." She responded, taking a few careful steps closer, since they'd been shouting out over quite the expanse between them. As she got closer, Lucijah had to look up at the taller man in order to catch his eye. "All's calm in Sol - we... heard about Neued." Her brow quirked and, this time, Lucijah looked Gyuri over none too subtly, seeming curious. He didn't look like he was from Neued - not with those furs.

"There are some supplies there - you're the first refugee to make it to Sol so far, you know."
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:45 am
Gyuri relaxed a bit when the girl introduced herself, brushing himself off a bit before he debated if he should move closer to her. Was that alright? Or would it appear as threatening or intimidating? He knew that he wasn't exactly the least intimidating person in the world and the fact that he rarely spoke didn't help any. He was trying to get better at speaking up but it just wasn't his forte. Still, the fact that he had spoke up this time around had at least defused the situation which was a good thing he thought to himself, shifting in place as he tried to decide what it was that he should do next... when she mentioned a place called 'Sol' being calm. It was news that caused his interested to be immediently piqued. A place that was calm? That was just the sort of place that he was looking for. Lifting a hand he scratched it againsted his goatee in a thoughtful manner before giving a bit of a smile, "That's good." It was very good, he'd have to figure out exactly where Sol was and move his people there.

At the mention of there being supplies he only felt all that much more excited about all that Sol could offer to the group, though he flushed a little, feeling a bit ashamed at what she said next. The first refugee? They weren't exactly that, were they? He wasn't certain, not when he and the others had fled from Neued before the battle had begun, "I... we... left early, before the fight." He admitted, starring at his feet for a moment, before lifting his mismatched eyes to look her way, "My group, two can't fight, one is blind, one still a newbie mage... I had to move them." He hated that he couldn't stay behind and help against the Obans but he had to do what was best for his group, to keep them safe, to make sure that they didn't get hurt or worse taken away from him. Fighting would come later, if the Obans continued their land hungry march that seemed to be forcing more and more people to flee from their homes. They couldn't run forever after all... though he might insist the other members of the troupe did so for their own safety.

"I... am unsure where Sol is." He said after a moment of deep thought, hoping that she would still lead him there even though they had ducked out of Neued before the battle started and might appear a bit as cowards though it was all his fault that they'd done it.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:15 am
He must be a refugee, right? To be so relieved and relaxed at being told Sol was nearby? The man, Gyuri he'd called himself, rubbing his chin then, and the motion reminded her of her father when he was thinking of what sort of trip to make next, rubbing his beard. Not that this strange shifter with mismatched eyes was old enough to be her father, but it was enough to put her more at ease.

When he finally spoke, admitting they had left early, Lucijah paused, then narrowed her eyes, her gaze flicking over him once more, taking in his gauntlets, and sheer size. A man of such apparent strength had left Neued? Oban lover or not, it didn't mean Lucijah was a traitor to her people - or that she wanted the Obans to advance far into Tendaji. She was rather certain Nera didn't wish for the advance either, or at the very least she didn't think about the war either way.

And yet the look of disdain was fleeting. As Gyuri continued, explaining that he was the protector of other noncombatants, Lucijah turned the information over in her head and felt it made sense. She was young - and given the choice, injured or not, she would run to defend Sol were it attacked. But if Nera, or her mother or father were injured she wouldn't bat an eye about moving them out of harms way. On that front it made sense to her - Lucijah was, after all, a girl of simple means.

"Oh. Sol is..." She began, turning away from him with a few tense steps, since with her wounds she couldn't simply swivel her legs loosely as she normally did, peering through the jungle. Most used the sun to go by, but Lucijah knew the lay of the land, having grown up in the area well enough. "I can show you - but it's this way." She gestured behind her, towards the north. You could tell by the way the plants leaned, in the higher bows of the trees - and the bits of sunlight that fought their way through the dense canopy above to the ground. In most places in Jauhar using the sun for travel meant climbing a tree to judge directions by the sun, but here the trees grew more thin and it was easier.

"What brought those unable to fight to Neued? The Obans have been down there a long time - why risk it?" She asked, curious. She was young and yet she already knew that anywhere south of her home was more dangerous, by virtue of an enemy encampment lying in wait to the south.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:11 pm
Gyuri tilted his head to one side when she started to explain where Sol is before giving a pause, a pause that made him wonder if maybe she was reconsidering bringing him there. He had a moment of worry in which his heart felt like it might cease to beat before she suddenly told him that she would show him where it was. He fell silent, arms crossing over his chest, thinking about it for a moment. She would show him where it was? That would work, she could lead him there, he could get a feel for the place, make sure that it was safe, then come back for the others to make sure that they got there safely as well. Deciding that it was the best course of action Gyuri gave a nod of his head, "Alright." He said after what felt like an eternity of thought for him but it was but a moment in reality.

He glanced toward where he'd left his group, then back to Lucijah once more, asking, "Is it far?" He couldn't stay away long, sure, Sin'qua and Makani were able to wield magic but the others in the group weren't as capable, a dancer and a bard, both of which were far too vulnerable for Gyuri's liking. Not to mention Eira's arrogance and attitude, if she were to face off with an Oban she'd likely end up in an argument with them and who knew how that might turn out. Best that he try to keep space between the troupe and the Oban army for the good of everyone's piece of mind he thought to himself. He couldn't very well allow Eira to cause an escalation in the war because the Obans weren't to her liking.

Forcing his gaze off where the rest of his group was resting he turned his attention fully to Lucijah, even walking over toward her. He'd see about doing this quickly, so that they weren't alone long he decided. As the Shifter woman asked the complicated question of him Gyuri seemed to be thinking about it for a long moment before he finally gave a slight shrug and said, "It's what Eira wanted." She was in charge, she decided where they went up until this most recent retreat, and everyone tended to follow her lead since she had a strong personality. She'd wanted to help where she could and thus they went... all things that he questioned now that they were in the middle of the woods. Either way though things would be better soon if he was able to get his group to Sol with the aid of the Shifter before him. The sooner they got there and to the supplies that Lucijah had mentioned the better, then he could relax if but a little, knowing that the group would be alright for a while longer. He'd rather not sit around too long though, instead wanting to continue to herd the troupe further away from the Obans.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:09 pm
For a moment Luc waited for his answer, so when he agreed, she grinned, pleased that she'd be able to help somehow. It wasn't in her nature to sit back and let others deal with things - so being able to guide someone to safety, despite being injured, was just what her self esteem needed. "Not far, no - I mean..." She snorted softly, and pat her hand against the bandages over her middle and thighs. "Would I be able to get too far from a camp?" Some self deprecating humor, but she was well on her way to healing so she didn't take the hit in her pride too badly.

He seemed to still worry about going, though - looking back over his shoulder a few times before he finally stepped closer to her. Lucijah decided to dismiss his reticence, and had turned to head on her way, back to town, when he answered. Eira. ... She must be the big boss then. With that simple answer, Luc decided it was ... best not to push and ask more about his troupe. The large man, dressed in his strange clothes, seemed patient enough with her antics, but that may be simply because he needed her help. So for once, the prentice shut her mouth and turned to lead him through the thick overgrowth of the forest.

Soon they were walking, albeit slower than she'd like because of her limping. She tried to be quiet and let him alone, but... this was Lucijah, and silence and patience weren't her forte. Soon enough curiosity nipped at her again, and she peeked out of the corner of her eyes at the large man, pursing her lips. "If Eira is the leader... are you the scout?" She asked, looking over him with a soft, amused smile. Most scouts were small, able to flit about quickly - this man was quite large and powerful. She'd have thought someone like him, in a group, would stay close to the leader and keep them safe. Maybe he wanted in on some action?? She couldn't blame him, if that was the case.

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:55 pm
Gyuri gave the Shifter woman a once over, gave a thoughtful sort of sound in his throat, then finally nodded his head. He supposed that made sense, with her having to deal with such injuries it was unlikely that she would make it too terribly far. Not to mention that it was probably best for her not to stray too far when she was vulnerable. He knew for a fact that there were some dangerous creatures living in Jauhar, something that an unarmed and injured person should avoid at all costs. There was also the issue that blood, if she was still bleeding, would draw in those dangerous predators in. His mismatched eyes flicked from side to side for a moment, as though searching for said dangers before he turned back to his guide once more. Best that they got to the settlement sooner then later, not just for the sake of the troupe but because he worried for this woman too. Stranger or no he didn't like the idea of her being unprotected in a dangerous jungle.

As they went Gyuri took careful note of everything, finding distinct rocks and trees that could be used as landmarks, wanting to be able to make his way back to the troupe easily. He would make sure that he could retrieve them, bring them to safety, and from there they would decide what they would do next. Really, he'd like nothing more then to just keep pushing forward toward Sauti or Zena though he doubted that Eira would go for it. She was likely to want to go back, to help the others, but it worried him. He didn't trust the Obans not to try to kidnap the troupe since they were entertainers, not fighters. They shouldn't chance it... but Eira it would seem had a nice streak in her that he almost wished hadn't surfaced.

Turning to look at his guide as she spoke he gave a shake of his head, "Bodyguard." He said, giving a smile. His job was to protect the troupe, a shame that Eira and her stubbornness was making that more and more difficult these days.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:37 am
Orpheus Solon

With the way he looked at her wounds, then around the grove nervously, Luc knew what he was thinking. But she didn't soothe him with the knowledge that her wounds were scabbed and no longer bleeding, rubbed with mud that was both useful for healing and preventing infection, as well as smothering the smells of injury. What she DID was smile, broadly, and pat her hand against her marred legs. "Neat, hm?? Radaku attacked me - and was turned into dinner for his troubles.

Once she showed off, Luc turned to continue on in her duty as guide, scratching lightly at the itching skin of her belly, next to a bandage, pouting and longing to rub the healing wounds.

Bodyguard. Huh... "You sure?" She asked jokingly, laughing at the larger man's expense. Something about the way he admitted it made it clear it wasn't his intention to fulfill a scout's function, and yet here he was - drawn away from his group. Lucijah could only imagine how it itched under his skin, doing something necessary but also so contrary to his percieved function.

Luc laughed, but as she thought of it she realized that if it had been her, with her fireling, she would be reluctant and stressed at the idea of being drawn away - and that sobered her up, drawing the smile from her lips and instead turning it into a thoughtful frown. They continued through the forest, climbing over massive roots at times, padding silently over inches of decomposing leaves at others - but eventually they came close enough. The village wasn't quite in sight, but then again it WAS a shifter village... erected in the trees, blending in to avoid discovery.

As shifter as this man appeared, he was also clearly... not. From the clothes to other stray features that just seemed off, Lucijah wondered if he had ever lived in a tree hut or if he lived on the ground like other earthlings... and the idea gave her some pause, once again piquing her curiosity.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:10 am
Scarlett Arbuckle

Radaku? He'd have to keep this name in mind, so that he could learn about them and how to deal with them when it came to his group safe. There were so many things out there that seemed to be dangerous in Jauhar that he felt he would never learn what every last one of them was, still, he'd do his best. So long as he was able to fend them off then he'd be happy. He'd hate to see any of those under his protection to end up scratched and bitten by anything, especially these 'radaku' as the results weren't good. They seemed similar to the rare 'Ghost of the Mountain' that plagued people back home, attacking swiftly, leaving scratches and bites, if they left anything behind at all. That the radaku would make good food was another thing to keep in mind, at least if one came near them and he took it out there would be a useful for it. Committing it to memory he continued to following along after his guide.

At her question Gyuri starred at her, his mismatched eyes questioning, before what she meant clicked. He supposed that him leaving to scout around wasn't exactly what a bodyguard should do but at the same time he had to get a feel for everything around them. Just sitting around, waiting for something to attack or waiting for the Obans to catch up with them. Those weren't things that he could risk, he had to instead be more proactive if you asked him. He gave a Lucijah a smile and said, "I do what I can." That he had to leave the troupe where they were resting was a weight on his mind but if he could get them to Lucijah's village it would be worth the risk. He just had to be quick was all.

Gyuri, as per what was normal for him, remained rather quiet during the walk. He was back to inspecting everything, making sure that he would be able to get back swiftly to his troupe. He would make sure that everyone was alright, then they would see about moving somewhere safe so that everyone could rest up. He would never be more relieved then the moment that the whole troupe arrived safely in Lucijah's village where they would be safe... or at least as safe as one could be from the Obans. Those people were dangerous and they'd already took one village in Jauhar as their own. He could only hope that they would pause there for at least long enough for them to get their barrings, as well as get their strength up, so that they could keep moving in a safe direction. That was his plan at least.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:16 pm
Lucijah honestly was a chatty person - learning to read the subtle cues of a person had never been her forte. So she frowned in quiet disappointment when he failed to elaborate, but shrugged with a sigh, dismissing it. They continued their trek, until finally they arrived at the village. It was later in the day, now, but still sunny and bright above the canopy - many would be climbing about, gathering, or out in the forest hunting. The nests were hidden, as always, high among the trees - but to the trained eye the vine-ropes that led up to the village were visible, meaning there were bound to be shifters down on the ground gathering, or using the space on the forest floor to craft things.

Lucijah knew some shifters disliked visitors so close to the village - and disliked, even more, the idea of letting their village be mapped by outsiders, or Alkidike, but the war forced their hand and surely as long as the visitors agreed to remain out of sight, it shouldn't be a problem, right? Now that they'd arrived, the young shifter crossed her arms over her chest and stepped to the side, gazing boldly at the strange man. "We don't get a lot of visitors, but if there's not too many people I'm sure there'll be families willing to house you for the night."

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:51 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

Gyuri thought on her words for a moment then said, "Not too many." He counted them mentally, "Five from the troupe, including myself, plus a couple others that escaped with us." He hoped that wasn't too many to get the protection of the small village. After a moment more of thought he added, "The troupe and I, we'll leave soon, the others... some are injured." If it meant the injured finding a place to stay then he would be fine with the troupe and himself leaving early. None in the troupe were hurt after all, none with injuries that made him unable to move, so they were able to leave sooner then later if needed.

"Any help is welcome." He added, wanting her to know that her help meant everything to him. It was up to him to keep the troupe safe but it was nice to have the extra help that Lucijah was providing him. He had taken all of the responsibility on his own shoulders and while they were broad ones it didn't make it a simple task. It was something that he was thankful for, though he knew he was bad at voicing everything, his thanks included.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

scarlett arbuckle

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:36 am
Orpheus Solon

Well. At least this time the quiet man was giving some information. If she was bringing a stranger to the town, she really should have pressed for more information - been sure that he wasn't an Oba spy! After all, he LOOKED Shifter, but her mannerisms and dress were too strange. It was far too late for such thoughts now though, of course.

Really, Lucijah could disappear up into the trees now - leave him to his frustrating quietude, and let her 'work' be done. But it proved much more interesting, after the boring time she had, to stick by him and 'help'. "Well..."Lucijah mused. She wasn't nearly important enough to promise away people's homes - for that she'd have to wait until the rest of his group had assembled and spoken with the adults in the village. For now, the girl shifted her stance, her hands slipping to prop on her hips, which tilted forward in a 'I'm important, pay attention to me!' gait. Of course, the necessity for that stance felt diminished when he thanked her - something the prideful girl wouldn't have done very easily.

To be honest, it made her tilt her head, surprised that such a large adult Shifter-... thing... would so readily accept help from what he must see as a child.

It was new, but a sort of respect Lucijah found she liked, quite a bit. "Now you know where the village is. I'd say you should go get your friends now, but..."She gave a wide, impish toothy grin. "You don't look like a forest kinda guy - are you sure you even know how to get back to them, through all this?'
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