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[PRP] Downpour (Skah Achak Shen x Kurai)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:56 am
This is a private AIM Rp between me, XxXPandamoniumXxX, and Huroggmeten.
Do not post without our permission.

Teepee's: XxXPandamoniumXxX | Huroggmeten

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:58 am
The days were becoming longer and longer for the older stallion. Sleep never came easy and he always had too much on his mind. Between his daily duties and then worrying constantly over his older brother, he couldn’t really settle down for a peaceful night slumber. So he was tired. No more like exhausted. He would travel for days then try to rest, but it never happened. So he would go a week or more without proper down time and it was beginning to takes its toll on him. He could feel his body getting weaker and weaker with each step he took across the plains. The rain was a nice added comfort that helped cool things off especially since it had been hot for day’s prior.

As the rain poured down on the stallions weary body, he let out a small sigh. He knew he had to stop soon and after seeing a small gathering of bushes, he knew that was the perfect place for him right now. He walked over to the shrubbery and plopped down feeling his body ache. His muscles began to relax and for once he didn’t feel like moving. He didn’t need to sleep as long as he received a much needed rest every once in awhile. When he felt the rain start to fall harder, he watched all the other animals in the area scurry away for their homes. He didn’t mind it. He loved days like this and sometimes found himself watching the rainfall quietly against the ground. He was perfectly okay with living in a place with constant rain. It calmed him.

A loud boom tore through the darkening sky and he could see flashes of lightening every so often lighting everything up. It was beautiful and chaotic. He missed when he would tell foals stories on days like this. When they would stare at him with awe as if expecting more from him. He would always deliver and then before he knew it, the foals were grown. He hated watching them grow up. He hated seeing things age to the point of death, but it was life. It was his duty to be there for them as a guide. Someone who knew spirits existed even if he couldn’t see them. He would pray and tell their story to others. It was the one thing that made him feel like he had a purpose. Other then that, he was just a simple stallion. His brother was more unique then him. Was more special and he was fine with that. He didn’t think he could be the bearer of that burden.

He shifted his body slightly before hearing movement. He didn’t know if it was friend or foe, but he didn’t move. “If someone is out there let me know.” He called out hearing the movement still and the rain padding down against the ground.



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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:32 am
Kurai slipped through the storm, watching the rain tumble down in ceaseless torrents from the dark and crackling sky.
She was ever moving, never staying. Seeking an understanding that could not be gained through silent and stoic mediation, rather must be achieved by passing through the magic of the world around her.

Kami (spirit, spirits) all around her. In the trees, the rocks, that blade of grass. All of these, divinity and their sacred essence...
Who could stand still when so many things were here to see?

A rather serene yet distant expression playing upon her face, she peered up and watching the rain fall down around her. She was not afraid of the cracks of lightning, or the bursts of thunder, for she knew that the tallest trees would draw their energy away from her small form.
So little, amidst something so huge, and yet her mind encompassed this all.

She was not too lost in a dream-scape on this night; the present world was far too... interesting... for her to retreat to a fantasy.

Her ears flickered as a gentle command reached her, the words slightly broken up in the storm and yet still comprehensible.
"I am here." she replied, honestly trying to be helpful and yet still failing to grasp the concept that it was not enough that simply someone had said they were here, and the other may desire her name.
A word that meant her, true, but she was so much more than a mare called Kurai...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:26 pm
The stallion eased himself when he heard the soft voice knowing it was a mare and it was non-threatening. He rose to his feet for a moment and looked around for any sign of the one that spoke before his eyes fell on her. She was a rather dark creature and it was hard to make out her appearance in the rain as well as the darkness. The only time he could see her is when lightening lit up the sky and he only could get a glimpse of her in a few seconds time. It kept him intrigued and he took a few steps towards her. His mane now sticking to his neck and the feathers twirling into his hair some more every time a breeze swept by.

"We should get out of the storm..I know of a rock formation that has an over hang so we could rest under that. Unless you prefer the weather and if so, I don't object to staying out here with you." He didn't mind the rain unless it got too out of control. Snow was his enemy and he hated trudging through it. He looked up at the sky seeing the piercing lightening ripping through the darkness and if his brother were here now he would tell him that he shouldn't be out in a storm like this. Hania was always so protective and would rather stay in the forest to keep safe then be out in the world. To each their own, he supposed.

"What is your name? I am called Skah Achak Shen, but call me Skah for short." He told her seeing her facial features for the first time. She appeared emotionless much like him. Maybe this meeting was fated. He hadn't met others who seemed to share his affliction and he would love to actual have someone else close to him that he could confide in. He usually kept everything to himself no matter what it was. It was always better that way or so he thought.

"So what will it be?" He could tell already that she wasn't much of a talker, but either was he. He simply wanted to get a few simple answers out of her before deciding the next course of action.



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:58 pm
Pale silver and white eyes stared at the ghostly form in the darkness, waiting for each flash to reveal a little more.
A swath of black amidst a white canvas, a great crown of ebony antlers- a Cerynei, she named him in her mind, a flicker of curiosity stirring at this familiar breed- and were those feathers amidst the mane plastered with rain against the stallion's neck? From a friend or collected from strangers, she wondered...

He spoke.
Meeting his gaze directly, with an unblinking stare that many found disconcerting when met with her full unbridled attention, the mare cocked her head slightly though no other expression greeted his words.

Get out of the storm? But why?
It was so... interesting.

"Kurai." she responded, responding to his second question first as it was the one which required no thought.
Puzzling over his offer in her mind, she remembered that most individuals found rain to be an... an 'inconvenience'.

"Are you cold?" that simple question, so common-place from any other, was the equivalent to her taking a great soaring jump up in both caring and manners. It wasn't that she was purposefully rude, it just didn't occur to her that things so simple should be exchanged for no other reason than this concept of 'politeness'.
Yes, next step cave. She could stand outside and watch the storm, in any case.
No, next step no step. Error try again.

There was much to learn, from other beings of the lands. It was just.... harder to interact with them, than it was to observe and slip through a storm.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:32 pm
Watching her intently, the stallion found her to be a little strange, but strange was never a bad thing. Most didn't understand those kind of individuals and it was a shame since they were always the most interesting. He lifted his head a little more and eyed the sky for a moment. He didn't need to leave to find shelter. He didn't need any of that at the moment. He was at peace and the rain was calming his mind. He was always worrying about things he shouldn't even bother with. His family or lack there of and then his nephew being a little off his rocker. He worried about the kid in more ways then just one. "No I'm not cold. I don't get cold." He locked eyes with her and it was the truth. He rarely felt anything. If he did, he probably wouldn't know what to do and it would more then likely freak him out. He didn't need that right now. He had enough problems as it is.

"It's nice to meet you, Kurai." He said in a deadpan voice. His eyes showing no emotion and his voice fading away with the loud bouts of thunder. He lowered his head for a moment thinking of what else he could ask her. She definitely was quiet.

"Are you lost or simply wandering?" He had a habit of helping lost souls find their way. It was something him and his brother had in common except Hania actually helped real souls. He couldn't believe he was given such a gift and it was indeed fascinating. "If you are lost I can help you. I know my way around this place rather well." He spent more time out of the forest then his family. He made sure he traveled just in case they needed some kind of escape or he found a place he could call home. The forest was nice, but he preferred his own home away from family. They were becoming too large anyway and he didn't even know half of them.

He stepped a little closer to her feeling the rain still beating against his back in a rhythm he was enjoying. "Do you have any family?" He didn't talk too much, but he was curious about her. Usually others were pestering him with nonstop questions, but now this mare. She kept to herself and kept looking at him with wonder. This only made him want to know what was going on in that head of hers.

"Come. Sit with me." He invited her over to his little notch of heaven. He walked back over to the bushes and laid down waiting for her to join him. If they weren't going to get out of the rain then they could at least enjoy it together.



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:00 pm
She nodded, once, at his answer. Not getting cold was a logical response to the rain.

Ignoring his deadpan response as a meaningless sequence of syllables that had been used so often it truly meant nothing, she kept watching him as he seemed to think for a time.
It would be quite obvious, she thought, if he did find any pleasure in their meeting.

"I wander and I do not know where I am, but I am not lost." she replied, her eyes wandering back to the sky now that the stallion had turned away from pleasantries. The rain stung her eyes a little, when she looked straight up, but she did so enjoy the swirls and patterns of the falling droplets of prismatic light... when there was light enough to reflect.
Seeking shelter was by no means a priority to her, but in this particular shelter there was a rather... intriguing... stallion, and so she would follow him there.

She was not lost because wandering was how she learned of the world, and to loose oneself implied some sense of beginning and end- a destination, somewhere solid in mind, the path to which one had misplaced or misread and thus wandered off-course for a time.
She was simply learning. And learning could be done anywhere, so she had nowhere to be.

She moved beneath the shelter of the tree, admiring the twist of the climbing branches for a time before responding.
"I have family." She paused for a few moments, considering that he was perhaps trying to... share. She liked sharing; she often found out interesting things about others, and she had come to accept the idea that to receive knowledge one must give some away. "Mother and Father are Lifemates. My siblings and I have grown, and so we wander, but they expect us to return time and again to share." Her extended family tended to keep to themselves, and little had been shared about her grandparents.

Considering his offer to sit, she thought that she would much rather prefer standing. Her knees locked of their own accord, and she found that she could see much better when she was upright.
"This is home?"

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:04 pm
He could understand her reason for wandering perfectly because for him, it was almost the same reason. He wasn’t lost, but he didn’t feel like he had a home. He was always wandering endlessly it seemed even though his half brother had a home not to far away that he was told he could be a part of. He shook his head very slowly before looking upon her once again. “I know that feeling very well. It’s something that I feel almost every day.” He said to her as he lay there taking in the weather and watching as the skies continued to light up from the lightening. “It’s good that your family remains close. It’s something that I think a lot of families completely forget to do. My family is so large that we don’t have the time for that. We come and go. New faces all the time and most have their own families now.” He said to her remembering that his brother told him that he rarely sees his children anymore. He expected as much since they were all grown and had their own things going on.

“No this isn’t my home. It’s simply a place I like to visit when my mind decides to wander. I’m sure you have a place like that as well?” He asked seeing her continue to stand wondering if he made her uncomfortable. There was nothing wrong with what she chose, he was simply making his own observations because of this. “Sometimes I come here when I have nowhere else to be. Other times I simply stay with my family.” He told her and wasn’t fully sure what else he could say.

He wasn’t very talkative to begin with and it appeared she wasn’t either. He let his eyes fall to the ground again as he listened to the rain beat down on it. It was still such a nice sound to him.

Sorry my brain went kaput half way into the post D8 I didn't know what else they could talk about.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:33 pm
He'd... connected... to her. To what she said, true, but nonetheless he had made one of those overtures of- bonding- that she had learned were quite valued when interacting with others.
We're similar, because of This, and though that could be just one tiny speck amidst a canvas of their own being it was... enough. For those... bonds... to form. She'd never really been very good at it, but he'd just made the natural connection that others could make so easily in conversation. 'Me, too.' The simplest version, simpler even than his.

He seemed to be quite good at interacting with others.
An illusion, or a simple fact?

She watched him for a few moments, then continued watching him. She was monitoring the rain, but it was rain. And he was here.
He'd continued talking, about family and largeness and extended relatives. And this was not his home.

"My mind does not wander, so much as it seeps and flows and integrates and appreciates and does all these at once and more." It was the best she could do to describe her thought process. And she'd made the effort because sharing something of herself meant his tiny little overture had gone... reciprocated. This was the key to interactions, was it not?
"I learn."

If she'd learned more about how to express oneself with physical gestures, she might have shrugged. As it was, she blinked. A rare occurrence, with her penetrating yet somehow entirely un-threatening gaze.

She summoned greater effort and played back his earlier words in her mind.
"You are lost in your large family? They do not wish to share so much because..." she thought "... they have others to share with?" She did not make assumptions, she simply wondered at the Why.
"I return to family-Home, because it is expected. I try, because Mother is Mother and Father is Father and siblings are themselves and bonds are expected from such connections." She would admit that more than simple genetics had something to do with the similarities between them, more than simply that they had all been raised by those who had birthed them together. She... loved... her family, in her own way. But, for others, that kind of intelligent connection had never been quite enough.
She didn't have friends.

Her gaze flickered to his carefully-tucked form, his relaxed pose, and she realized that her own locked knees sent a message of disharmony. It was not right, to stare down at him so.
In one simple movement, she sat. She sat in a rather awkward position, as one who is not used to thinking that how their body is arranged should affect her comfort level, and then eyed him to mimic his posture.

She'd Related to him, and Accepted his offer- if somewhat belatedly.

She was Interacting.
And she found she... quite enjoyed this change of pace.

She locked her eyes on his once more. Your turn.

Sorry for the delay. heart
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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