Since 2005, the backstage journalist who interviewed superstars left and right, Jeremy Schumacer, had been the most excited member of the roster for the annual FFA pay-per-view to call him back. He didn't have to do to much besides interview a few guys, after all. Schumacer genuinely cared about the sanctity of the sport, and loved to be apart of the crew who had passionately yet quietly helped Free For All Wrestling become the empire it was today. Without hesitation, once he received the cue from the man behind the camera, he was prepared to follow his usual formula and give his interview to a man unbeknownst to him.

"Please welcome my guest at this time, Jake Roman."

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The FFA crowd was not the traditional one that cheered the faces and raised their nose at the villains. Although, having an impressive rookie who had mutual admiration for his audience made the crowd giver a louder pop than Jake Roman probably deserved once his face was shown. It was apparent he'd never show his eyes until somebody knocked his pair of shades off or he stood in a wrestling ring. The emotionless expression on his face had shown a far more serious side to the Kid than people had been accustomed to. Jake didn't say anything yet, he just gave a respectful nod to the backstage hand who initiated this interview.

"Now Jake, tonight you go one-on-one with Jack Arson in a No Disqualifications match. What's your feeling headed into tonight's match?"

"My feeling, Jeremy? I've felt nothing but a chip on my shoulder from being treated like an underdog. A lot of these fans, as much as they cheer for me and support me, think that Jack Arson has this one in the bag because of his success. He's won world titles, he's blown up tour buses, he's stabbed his own brother in the back for a few bucks and a shot at fame. We all know what he's capable of. But there's something in my stomach eating away at me, and it's been eating away at me ever since I started following Jack Arson's career. This may not be a title match, Jeremy, but dammit, he's got something that I want. 'The One Man Wrecking Crew', as he likes to call himself, has made a career out of parading around rings, abusing ears with microphones, and spouting some self-righteous nonsense about how he's supposed to be a world champion everywhere he goes, and I'm sick of it. Because he's had that chance, he's held that fame, he's stood at the mountain top at one point, and I want that. For twenty years, I have wanted exactly what he's had and I've never asked for anything more; not even a dime."

"So Jack, you listen here and you listen good. You may not know too much about me, but I know a lot about you. You can brag about your size and how that entitles you to some kind of glory, but to me, you're nothing more than a shitty salesman trying to tell these people why they need you to hold a belt. When truth be told, they want nothing more than you to get beaten with one like the little boy you are. So first, I'm gonna match every punch you throw at me with two of my own to that arrogant mouth of yours. Then I'm gonna wrap my arm around your double chin and make you suffer with the Crossface Chicken Wing and expose you for the true coward you are. And finally, I'm going to grab everything you've taken for granted and run with it like you should've done a long time ago. You might not know a whole a lot about me, but if there's one piece of advice I can give you, from one wrestler to another?"

"Prepare to be choked by the hands of defeat."

Talk about some fighting words. The criticisms Jake Roman had made of one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling had brewed up an ugly storm that would rip apart the ring in their upcoming fight. But more than that, the passion he had displayed and the hunger for success the Kid had was so admirable that the fans' suspense of Jake Roman being able to silence the One Man Wrecking Crew had grew immensely. After his speech, Jake had turned around to head towards the locker room to prepare for his upcoming fight by reminding himself of the intense individual he truly was. Jack Arson on a tantrum had made Jake Roman's words seem like a death wish, but it was nothing more than the Kid refusing to back down to a man he was somewhat envious of. His confident and harsh-tongued words have left the backstage interviewer speechless. Good. There was nothing more left to say. Jake's work in the ring and the match result would speak for itself.

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