on the surface...
          ↪REALNAME Pancras Percival Strudwick
          ↪AGE 18
          ↪BIRTHDAY 6/16/2015 (birthday given after his amnesia), 11/28/2014 (actual birthday)
          ↪ZODIAC Gemini, Sagittarius (real sign)
          ↪GENDER Male
          ↪BLOODTYPE B
          ↪SEXUALITY Homosexual
          ↪BLOODSTATUS Pureblood

      digging deeper...
              ✚Cautious - I'm cautious, as in I tend to not jump into things too easily. I would rather observe and determine of something's safe or not, but feel really uncomfortable when I venture into the unknown. There's a lot of unknowns for me though, which doesn't help.
              ✚Cynical - I'm cynical. I've seen a lot of bad things in my youth that I would rather forget, and have had a lot of bad things happen to me. I think the worst first and foremost, and have to be proven wrong to change my mind.
              ✚Flamboyant - I'm flamboyant. I rather like being dramatic and expressing myself, even if sometimes what I'm expressing isn't the true me. I'd rather be heard than fall into the background, and would rather be known for who I am now as opposed to how I used to be.
              ✚Evasive - I'm evasive. I always try to change the subject whenever the subject of my past comes up, and lie more often than not when confronted with questions about myself. I try not to let people know about what I've done as much as possible, as I'm afraid that I'll end up in jail or worse.
              ✚Focused - I'm focused. I start on a task and stick with it until it's complete. As a result, I also happen to be highly organized. I can remember quite a bit from everything I pick up, and because of it, happen to be pretty good with details.

              ✚Food of any kind
              ✚Adventure heroes
              ✚Any music
              ✚Bad movies

              ✚Having nowhere to go
              ✚Anything about himself

              ✚Finding good hiding places if needed

              ✚Trust issues

              ✚Being out on the street again

              ✚Card games
              ✚Snogging his boyfriend

      a history lesson...
            I was born to Hamnet and Josephine Strudwick. I am the oldest of two sons, being born two years before Hamilton. We grew up together under the same roof, where we were practically ignored by our parents. Our mum never wanted to interact with us, and our father was always busy with work and maintaining the family image. Instead, we were essentially raised by the house elves, and we spent many hours with them. While it might have been a lonely childhood, it wasn't all that bad. That is, until Hamilton displayed magic and I didn't. Shortly after Hamilton turned five, he managed to grow flowers in our nursery. Father was happy with Hamilton, but when it became apparent I wasn't casting any magic, he started trying to push me, trying anything to get me to display it. However, it never showed. He came into the my room late one night after his attempts and dragged me out of bed by my hair. I tried pleading with him that I hadn't done anything, but he didn't listen. The last thing I remember is a flash of light, and then darkness.

            When I came to, I remembered nothing. My first memories were of me finding myself on the street, with no recollection of how or why I was there. I wandered for a bit, until I was picked up by local children services. They took me to an orphanage, where I lived while they tried to piece together my identity. I could offer nothing, so they stuck me with a name until they could find out what happened.

            I didn't like it there though. They kept on asking me question after question about where I was from, and I kept telling them the same thing: I didn't remember. I ran away after a while, and ended up on the wrong side of things. A man took me in named Paul, but that's where my troubles start. He decided to use me for a decoy for some of his shadier things, and I helped, mostly because I was afraid. I didn't want to go back to the orphanage, but I had nowhere else to go. Finally, weird stuff started happening around me, and then an owl of all things decided to show up. It had a letter for me, and I read it, pocketing the tickets inside. However, Paul found the letter and told me it wasn't happening, and I decided to run again. This was a chance for me to do better for myself, and I was going to prove it.

            First year wasn't so bad. I was sorted into Slytherin, and found myself surrounded by other people I didn't know if I could trust. I made no friends, but I attribute that to the fact that I pretty much looked like I just came from the street, and acted like it. I also had a tendency to lie like nothing else.

            Second year wasn't bad either, unless you count the fact I started finding myself looking at guys instead of girls. I managed to get by well enough on my own during the summer, and didn't even think to look for Paul and tried to survive on my own. Afterward, when I went back to school, I well, I found myself staring at Benjamin Rivers-Blakely, a lot. I ended up seeing if maybe it was just a phase, and tried to see about taking a girl to the Yule Ball. Sadly, I think I must have screwed up, because I guess I insulted Arianna Davenport and well, yeah...

            Third year, that started as a mess. I thought I was safe during the summer, as I hadn't seen Paul at all during that time. However, he caught up with me. That was a mixed blessing, as I had to deal with him, but I also met the Holts. Elliott and his brother managed to get him to let me go to their place, and well, I didn't go back to where he was. The school year was okay, but only insofar as I enjoyed my classes. My social life, well, it just sucked. I was of the mindset that if Paul found me, then he could find me again, and with my realization that I was gay, well, that meant that Paul would murder me. Literally. I was in such a state of denial about it, that I tried to date another girl, Jojo, but that ended up backfiring spectacularly. In the end, I guess Elliott and Jojo decided to blackmail me into staying at Elliott's house for the summer, and I decided to agree, partially glad that I wouldn't have to meet Paul at all over the summer.

            Fourth year, well, it was pretty interesting. I think I worried Kenneth with a sudden dizzy spell from me trying to remember something about my past, which brings me to what I've been trying to do, remember. He also managed to manipulate things into a way to actually take what he's been trying to give me. I have a pseudo-job at his work as a result, and refused to take anything unless I paid for it myself. Then during school, I ended up running into Strudwick again. This kid seems to have it out for me or something, calling me a squib and harassing me. He even assaulted me after one of my dizzy spells and we ended up exchanging insults. Later that year, I found Elliott in the library studying about legilimency, and I decided to ask him if it would work on amnesiacs. He didn't know, and it came out about my issues remembering anything before I was seven. I think I horrified Elliott, especially since not long before, we had actually started dating. He said he'd ask about it, but well, I'm not sure if I want to know the answer. The end of the year, however, ended with a bang when some psychos decided to attack the station when the students were departing. I don't recall much of the attack, since Strudwick decided to shove me into the path of an oncoming curse. When I came to, well, something made me realize that maybe I needed to reevaluate my view of the world, since I had been working under the assumption that everything I got, I had to earn. I mean, it's not a bad thing to go by, but not to the extremes I had learned from Paul.

            Fifth year, I was made a prefect, and was constantly harassed by Elliott for it. Not that it meant much, since I harassed him right back about campaigning to make him head boy. We also made a pact to study before snogging. Benji swore that I was going to make him look bad, but I don't frankly care. Besides, if he was so adamant about people making him look bad, he should really look at what he's doing and fix himself. In any case, we took our OWLs, and well, I think I did all right. I won't know until the summer though.

            Six year was pretty quiet at first. Since me and Elliott had passed our exams, I managed to persuade Kenneth to take us to the beach for a vacation. We also went to a party, where Jojo and Elliott proceeded to try and outdrink each other. Jojo won, and Elli was left a drunk, clingy mess afterward. I didn't touch a drop, recalling what usually happened when I actually did drink and reminding myself that I didn't need that in my life. When we returned to school, I proceeded to work hard in my studies, especially since Jojo asked me to join her in Animagus studies. However, Valentine's Day, the school had a masquerade. I went with Elli naturally, but then ran into a problem where he became upset about me seeming to make fun of his drunken confession. I didn't react well to him being angry, instead going into a panic attack when he stated that I wasn't telling the truth when I admitted I loved him too. When he finally calmed me down enough, I finally admitted a lot of what happened to me when I was younger. I didn't go into all of it, because I really don't want to remember it, but it was enough that I don't think I'd ever seen Elliott angrier. Toward the end of the year, I managed to complete my animagus training and turn into a cat. I guess that explains why I'm always lounging everywhere, especially Elliott's lap.

            The summer before my seventh year was bad. Just really bad. I went out to get a birthday present for Elliott, and ended up being kidnapped instead. My kidnapper turned out to be my father, who had decided to restore my memories and I guess rewrite the rest. I escaped, but not before he had already undone the memory charm that had been placed on me, sending my mind into a complete mess. When I escaped, I ended up wandering around London and its suburbs for a while. I... don't exactly remember how long, as my mind was such a mess that I couldn't even remember if I was Pancras or Jesse, and it didn't help that I had somehow transformed into a cat and couldn't remember how to turn back. Elli ended up finding me, and took me back home, where for the rest of the summer I had trouble trying to stay in the present, even freaking out at Kenneth and Verily a few times since I literally was having major flashbacks. Elliott didn't think it was a good idea for me to go back to school, but I did it anyway. That was when I discovered that I had a cousin I didn't know about, as well as Hamilton being disowned. I spent the good part of the first half of the year recovering from my mental trauma, and then the last half desperately studying for NEWTs. Which leads to the fact that Arden, my cousin, decided to seek me out. Apparently he wanted to know about why I had been cast aside, since he hadn't heard about what happened to me. Needless to say he was horrified, though not as horrified as I was when I discovered that Hamilton had apparently been bitten by a werewolf. Then Elliott and I found out that Jojo had disappeared. Just up and vanished. I'm not an optimist, and I'm afraid that something horrible has happened to her. I wish I was, but I'm afraid that I'm going to be proven right.

            info here

      occupational hazards...
          ↪WAND 11 1/2 inch walnut with dragon heartstring at its core
          ↪HOUSE Slytherin
          ↪DREAMOCCUPATION Cursebreaker
            ✚Astronomy ~O
            ✚Charms ~O
            ✚Defense Against the Dark Arts ~O
            ✚Herbology ~O
            ✚History of Magic ~O
            ✚Potions ~O
            ✚Transfiguration ~O
            ✚Arithmancy ~O
            ✚Cursebreaking ~O
            ✚Study of Ancient Runes ~O
            ✚Wandless Magic Practice Class ~O
            ✚Wizard Law ~O

            ✚Charms ~O
            ✚Defense Against the Dark Arts ~O
            ✚Herbology ~O
            ✚Potions ~O
            ✚Transfiguration ~O
            ✚Arithmancy ~O
            ✚Cursebreaking ~O
            ✚Study of Ancient Runes ~O
            ✚Wandless Magic Practice Class ~O[

    anything else...?
        ↪FAMILY Kenneth Holt, Verily Holt, Sawyer Holt, Ruthven MacEacharin, Hamnet Strudwick, Josephine Strudwick, Hamilton Strudwick, Gladwin Strudwick, Francine Strudwick, Arden Strudwick
        ↪FRIENDS Elliott Holt, Seymour Ryans, Timothy Cherri, Persephone Tempest, Arianna Davenport
        ↪SIGNIFICANTOTHER Elliott Holt
        ↪PET Rat named Templeton
        ↪MISCELLANEOUS I am an animagus. My form is a cat.

~ ♥ Cara ɱк
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- Updates Accepted by Weasley 11/14/15