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It felt good to be back in the North.

It was where he felt he belonged, not in the West, however hospitable they were. The house just had a different feel to and a feel that he wasn't used to. Even in the Pridelands he had been used to a way of life that was easier to find in the North.

Thrain breathed heavily, inhaling the cool morning air. It had rained during the night and now mist covered the landscape. Really, he shouldn't have even been out at all. The apothecary had prescribed him a sort of tea, an herbal incense to have burned in his den and rest. Lots of rest. It meant taking it easy and not pushing himself as hard during training but with his new rank of captain, he couldn't just lay around in a den and way to get better. No, instead he was out, hoping the fresh air would help him. There was only so much he could do in a den to keep himself from getting too bored. Though the duel from a few nights ago would likely set him back on his recovery, he was still well enough to do more than the apothecary seemed to think.

A bright green speck appeared in the lowlands, catching Thrain's attention from the birds he was finding time to finally learn the species of. Was that...That was it! That was the poacher he had been tracking when he stumbled across Han and his attacker! Quickly he hopped from his rock and ran down the hillside. By ran, it was more of a hobbled jog as the scratches on his body were still healing and the new bruises weren't helping either. "Hey, hey you!" He called out. The yelling pulled at the scabbed wound that ran across his nose and under his left eye, causing the lion to hiss under his breath.

Malus on the otherpaw was hardly ever bored. She found amusement in everything, so long as it was in good fun. Part of that fun was chasing much smaller prey, hares, even birds. Mouth wide open, she was currently chasing one of those, a hare, who didn't seem to belong to anyone in the pride. Great, it was free game. Her long green body stretched and contracted as she ran through the brush, swerving and darting around larger bushes and other plant life.

One final lunge and the hare was hers!

Proudly she stood back up, blood around her mouth but the meal for the Lord in her mouth. Her eyes turned towards the sound of a voice, an unfamiliar one as the black tuft on her head fell in front of her eyes. Oh boy, it was that lion who had been chasing her. What the ******** did he want now?

She dropped the small body from her mouth but put a protective paw over it. Of course she would protect the meal meant for the Lord of the North from some rogue. She didn't know him and so she didn't trust him. "What do you want?" Malus returned the call, violet eyes narrowed as she watched him approach, eyes following every move he made.

Thrain tried to keep himself straightened, almost dignified as he approached her. "I saw you hunting several weeks ago. You need to leave." His words were met with laughter.

"You're joking right?"

He was confused to say the least. Why in the world was she laughing?! Poaching was a serious offense, one she could likely be criminalized for. "Absolutely not. If you don't leave, I'll be forced to arrest you." Both of Thrain's ears fell back as he readied his aching body for another fight. Maybe dueling Duke Shan hadn't been a good idea after all, but still he couldn't regret actually having bested one of the Lord's brothers in one-on-one combat.

"Arrest me?" There was the sound of disbelief in her voice as her laughter continued. Was this guy for real? Was he really going to arrest her for doing her job? Boy the guards in this pride were a lot different than what she was used to. "You know, normally prides don't go around arresting their own members." Malus replied as she cocked her head to the side, sitting herself down with her tail swaying behind her.

Own members? What in the world was this lioness talking about? Wait. No, she couldn't be...could she? If Thrain could have, he would have blushed a bright red as the realization of the situation hit him with the force of a charging elephant. This lioness was a huntress of the North. He had heard whispers about her from some of the other members who just couldn't keep their mouths shut. Apparently she was reckless, but a talented hunter which gave her a small amount of renown. Still...there seemed something odd about how she acted. She was someone he'd likely want to keep an eye on.

"What's your name?" He asked calmly, keeping his golden eyes locked on her purple ones.

"I'm not going to tell you that~" She replied in small song. "You seem like a nice guy though, so I'll forgive you for accusing me of poaching on the lands I'm allowed to hunt on. Though if you want to learn my name, you're going to have to earn it. I challenge you to a hunting competition. Meet me back here three days with the heads of your kills. We'll compare and if you beat me, I'll give you my name."

That was an odd way to get someone's name, but the new captain did just offend her with his accusation and there was a large amount of shame in that. Why deny the request? He was curious about her now, but before Thrain could even formally agree, she had taken the hare back into her mouth and was already racing off back towards the central denning area of the North.

"Three days huh? I suppose I should probably get hunting then." The Pridelander mumbled to himself and he headed out on this brand new quest despite his body's constant protesting.

[ word count: 1027 ]