Hi, my name is Benjamin Rivers-Blakely

But I mostly go by Ben, Rivers, or Blake, anything I suppose

I'm a male

I'm 18 years old.

My birthday is August 21st

My dream job is to be an Auror.

My blood status is Half-blood

This is my graduated year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Ravenclaw

I'm interested in girls

I'm currently with Arianna Davenport

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm polite, I am always well-mannered. I was taught by my parents to do so, even though I am not of a upper class family, rather a upper middle class type of family. I also am kind of spoiled by my parents a bit, but no more than any other upper middle class kid is. I'm extremely ambitious as well, extremely ambitious. I will stop at almost nothing to succeed in my pursuit of knowledge, but I tend to succeed fairly, and why, because there is no need to cheat when you work hard enough. Usually working hard rewards you. So that leads me to what else is good about me. I'm diligent and just enough a perfectionist that I get things done right very well. I'm self confident, and I am confident that if I put my mind into it, I can achieve anything. I can also be friendly, if the situation permits. I'm also somewhat intelligent I guess. My parents say I am book smart, but I can be as dumb as a brick when it came to street sense.

Despite my obvious good, I do have some flaws that I am not afraid to admit. That self-confidence can lead to arrogance very, very quickly. I sometimes like to brag a bit it if I do indeed achieve something. I don't even realize I do it sometimes, but I catch myself sometimes...more times than not I suppose. When I am working however, I tend to work alone as well. I at times can have trouble working with other people...well one I can tolerate, but multiple people, I do. I don't put a lot of trust in anyone...either. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing in today's world. But I don't; so I tend not consider many people friends...more acquaintances. Although, if you are one of the lucky ones to actually earn my trust, you'll never lose it. Take a curse for you most likely. I really can't say that part is bad, like the rest of this, but it could be bad at times. Because I tend to not care about other people. I really don't...

My background story is pretty simple to say the least. I grew up under my parent's roof and I was born to a very nice and loving family. I really didn't do much growing up. I just went to Charm's School because I was already known to be a wizard and I excelled there. No exceptional story about how I found my powers or anything. Nothing exceptional in general actually. Made few friends in Charm School, which I guess was okay, but they were all went to different schools. I really hope to see one of them, but I doubt they had a change of heart.

Oh...forgot to say...was born in Manchester, England. My father is a pureblood wizard, and my mother is a muggle. My mother is an avid football fan. She follows Manchester United, and my father is an avid Quidditch fan and follows the Falmouth Falcons. So, easy to say, since I love both teams, I got to attend many games with my family. I had absolutely no problems growing up except for the random arguments that always arose in normal families.

Over the years, my time at Hogwarts was relatively good. I've made quite a bit of friends for what I had previously expected. I was on the Quidditch team, despite me losing my spot during my first year due to my own idiocy. But I had decided to quit it during my fourth year, because I feel as if I am not good enough for the first time in my life. I don't usually have problems with confidence to this degree, but my athleticism truly is not where it should be and it led to a dwindling in that confidence. And when I thought I had done great in the tryout; well, apparently I hadn't done good enough. And it just led me to believe that maybe I wasn't cut out for Quidditch and I was just wasting the team's time with even being there, which led ultimately to my decision to quit the team. My father won't take it very well, but I know that it was best for the team, because despite the fact I was getting better, they were better suited to just maybe get a younger kid who had a lot more potential than I do.

I enjoy Achieving my goals, watching my parents argue, my family, getting new things, and doing homework.

I despise nausea, elitists, killers, Dementors, and bullies

I'm afraid of Dementors

My strengths are my ambition and my resourcefulness

My flaws are my arrogance and my common sense

I look like this and when he gets older, still Bale

My wand is a 10" Ash with Fox fur core

My pet is a toad named Doby (Pronounced Doh-bee)

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ EE
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Muggle Music ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ EE
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
Arithmancy ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ EE
History of Magic ~ EE
Potions ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ P
Transfiguration ~ A
Wandless Magic Practice ~ A

»--- Shab-Chan ---»
~Utsuha [5/12/16]