1. Hi, my name is Professor Amelia Winchester.

2. I'm a female.

3. I will be your Animagus professor.

4. I'm 25 years old.

5. My birthday is April 1st.

6. My dream job is to be a professor at Hogwarts or perhaps a healer.

7. My blood status is Half Blood.

8. I was in Slytherin house.

9. I was in the class of 2019.

10. I'm interested in guys.

11. I'm currently with no one.

12. I may seem slightly uptight when teaching; sometimes I can be a little harsh and expect too much of my students (though I do see the error of my ways and see that most of the time they are trying as hard as they can). However, I do have a free spirit and deep inside I love fun; I want the students to enjoy learning. I love joking around and becoming friends with my students, but I have dueling sides when it comes to that because I am their professor as well.

13. My background story is interesting I like to think. I grew up as a muggle in the village of Ardara, Ireland. Me father was a wizard, pure blood as a matter of fact, and he met me mum in his travels with his family. I like to think he loved her, because he broke the law when he told her all about the wizarding world. He loved her, but his family was so ashamed. In the shame of their son having relations with a muggle, they took me dad and left before me mum even knew she was pregnant. She was just a girl at the time, both of them young, I’d say around the age of 16. When me mum had me, her family threw her out (teen pregnancy is frowned upon by some families in the muggle world), so it was just me and her. It was a hard life, but it was full of love. She would tell be stories about the magical land where me father was from and the magical schools and the magical creatures. When I received me Hogwarts letter she cried with joy. We got to Diagon Alley, and, with some guidance, managed to get to Gingotts Bank where me mum exchanged our muggle money for some Galleons. We were poor, but me mum didn’t care, she wanted me to have the best (even if she didn’t know what exactly that was in this world). We bought me supplies and as we walked past the pet store me mum stopped, then pulled me inside. She let pick out any pet I wanted. I remember crying when she bought me that beautiful barn owl.

I made it to Hogwarts and had a blast just knowing that all of this was real. Unfortunately fun doesn’t equal high marks and I always managed to not do well in Herbology; however, I always did great in Transfiguration, Astronomy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I excelled so well in transfiguration that I became an animagus in my sixth year. I wrote me mother every other week and every time I sent a letter I’d get one back. However, in the middle of me 6th year, the letters stopped coming and about two weeks later I got a letter telling me of me mother’s passing. I still don’t know how I got it or who sent it, but I do remember running out of the great hall, all the way to the dungeons, where I could cry in peace. I got to take leave from school to attend me mum's funeral. I got to meet me mother's family for the first time. When her family saw me all they saw was a b*****d, with nothing left but her mother’s possessions, but that was fine. I went on with schooling and graduated Hogwarts and went on living my life as I saw fit. I sold all of me mother’s stuff (except a few things that reminded me of her), but I was also able to collected a small life insurance policy when when I turned 18. With the money I made combined with my savings, I traveled half of the world. I went all over Europe, parts of Africa, and to Asia. Alas, me muggle money began to run a little sparse and I thought there wouldn’t be a better time to come home. However, the muggle world didn’t quite suit me if it wasn’t full of adventures, so now I’m back at Hogwarts teaching what I know best.

14. I enjoy experimenting with spells and potions, star gazing, taking holidays in far away lands with rich histories, classic muggle rock (hey I grew up as a muggle), reading any book about magic that I can get my hands on, pumpkin pasties, chocolate, dueling, The Irish National Quidditch Team, wolves, and exploring.

15. I despise herbology (can I just say that five times?), know-it-alls, racists, restricted sections, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavoured Beans, and cats.

16. I’m afraid of dying alone... Well and dying.

17. My strengths are transfiguration and most, if not all, defensive spells.

18. My flaws are herbology and making friends.

19. I look like this. (Accepted)

20. My wand is an 12.5 inch, ebony, with dragon heartstrings.

21. My pet is a white barn owl named Jupiter.

22. My O.W.L. Scores were:
Arithmancy: P
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Divination: A
Herbology: D
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O

23. My N.E.W.T. Scores were:
Astronomy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
History of Magic: E
Transfiguration: O

24. I’m an animagus. It takes form in the shape of a grey wolf. (Accepted)

Feel free to being posting your classroom and, if you have not already, familiarize yourself with the Professor Basics and Expectations Essy. 8.6.14