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Chamba had scurried away the moment she thought she had been seen. Her heart was pounding as she quickly hid behind a boulder, hoping she was hidden. She couldn't understand how such a normal day could turn so bad? Her breathing had gotten so loud that she couldn't hear if anyone was around. She did her best to calm herself down. It was difficult though. Whenever she saw a hyena this was her first reaction. To run and hide.

Her sister had been captured when she was little by a hyena and ever since she had a deathly fear of them. She knew not all hyena's were evil, but it still didn't stop her from running away as quickly as she could. Quietly she peaked around the boulder to see if she could see anyone. To her relief the hyenas didn't seem to move. At all.

The realization made her even more afraid. What if they were planning something? What if this had all been some sort of trap?

Her heart began beating quickly again as she watched the hyenas, not taking any notice to her intimidate surroundings. She took a couple deep breaths as she watched them, doing her best not to move.