Whoever that lovely lady was, Michael wanted to know. He wings and feathers were gorgeous. Michael could only envy her. Looking to her own red and black wings… they seemed so drab in compare. Some ghouls just got all the good genes. Huffing at her own plain wings, the siren was determined to find just who the vibrantly winged woman was.

Stalking her down the hall and nout the doors, Michael didn’t look to see if the ghoul was walking but rather up. It was only natural to fly whenever possible. At least that was how Michael operated. Taking to the sky as she spotted the vibrant ghoul in the distance she swooped down to introduce herself. “Greetings miss!” Smiling, her earwings fluttered. “I couldn’t help but notice you in the halls. You have such lovely wings- ah, if you don’t mind me asking… who and what are you? I am Michael a siren and oh my your wings are even better up close.”