1,077 words

After the encounter with Erykk, both lions travelled in silence. Something about him had unsettled Eldahildr and had driven her to act unnaturally, and Vilhelmas' feelings for the cannibal lion were less than pleasant. And yet, she pushed on towards the swamp, depite the ugly storm clouds that crept along the horizon. The wind was starting to pick up, as well.

Vilhelmas hadn't quite recovered from the slap Eldahildr had given him. It still stung, somewhere deep inside him. She had never touched him that way before. Sure, she had swiped at him more than once, but they had all been playful, part of a game. He tried telling himself it was part of the act, but that wasn't enough to soothe the wound.

He hadn't forgotten her joke about the alligators, either.

The thrall was feeling more than just a little annoyed, which was usually Eldahildr's job. Eventually, he stopped completely, digging his claws into the sand and rocks.

It took a moment for Eldahildr to realize that he had stopped moving. She whipped around, yellow eyes blazing. "What are you doing, now?"

Pink eyes met yellow without wavering. "I want to know why we are going to the swamp." Eldahildr tried to interrupt, but Vilhelmas raised his paw. "And I don't want some brush off or ridiculous lie. Herbs? You don't gather herbs. You don't gather anything."

Eldahildr glared at him, thrashing her tail back and forth in annoyance. "Why, exactly, is this so important to you?"

How dare he question her... he was a thrall! But the little voice of reason in her knew that she was being stupid, and that they had never had the standard freeborn-thrall relationship others had. They had been raised together, been through life together, and frankly, they were more like friends. Sure, Vilhelmas did whatever she asked, but if he truly didn't want to do something for her, he didn't. Some of her anger disappated, but most of it still lingered out of habit.

Vilhelmas didn't hide his scowl. "Why wouldn't I question it? The weather is bad, this is the second time we've attempted to go this way in just a few days, and it's not exactly the safest place to be right now! So of course I want to know why we are wasting our time on some pointless errand run!"

Any of this thrall-like behaviour vanished, so he was thankful that no one else was around. He was careful to act appropriately in the dwelling areas, but in an isolated place like this...

"Tell me." He finished, a quiet threat entering his tone.

Eldahildr's fur bristled, and she rushed at Vilhelmas with a growl that sent birds and small creatures fleeing for their lives. Vilhelmas dodged a swipe of her claws, and twisted around to swat at her flank with his front paws. He got a hit with a thump, but left no damage, his claws still safely sheathed. The ground, wet with sand as it blended into the marshlands, didn't offer enough traction and Eldahildr's half fell, her back paws falling out from under her.

Everything was still for a moment. Eldahildr braced herself with her front paws, panting. Vilhelmas looked down at her, processing what just happened. Both lions' tails twitched as pent up energy was released.

Vilhelmas didn't know what to do. Apologize? Run off? It wasn't the first time they exchanged blows, but this... not like this. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

He didn't need to worry. Suddenly, Eldahildr sighed, and then laughed, a quick, bitter laugh. She pulled herself up from her position and looked at him, resignation on her face.

"All right, you want the truth... The only reason I want to go to the marsh is... to get away. It drives me crazy, being stuck doing the same thing, day in and day out... and I know you feel the same way, Vilhelmas," she admitted, using her paw to wipe some sand off of her face, and just making it worse. "I thought, maybe, it would be a good change of pace."

She looked around, her eyes settling on the river that was close enough to be in view. "Some part of me wishes that I could be carried away by the river, and see the world outside of the pride. Perhaps I could become a reaver, or even a captain, someday. But I don't know know how. Who would look twice at me? I have dreams, but abilities... hah. This may seem childish, but I want to find my own adventure, you know? Maybe we could battle an alligator." She spoke almost without meaning to, spilling out her thoughts unrestrained.

She turned back to Vilhelmas. "And I know you feel the same way. Being a thrall. Having no known family. I know that Sunniva made you think... I don't know what, but I know something had happened there."

Vilhelmas was quiet as she spoke, listening to her words carefully. He had always known she was restless and displeased with her life, sometimes, but he had never heard her speak of it out loud before. He came to her side, and sat down.

"You are right... If I have relatives in the pride, why didn't I get to know them? Why was I made a thrall? Do not get me wrong, I am grateful for your mother's care, but I don't know anything about my past. I sometimes wonder how life could be different."

"I could set you free," Eldahildr blurted suddenly. "You are kind of a terrible thrall, anyways. Too independent. Too pigheaded." She grinned at him, feeling a release of tension between them that neither of them had really known had been there.

"Oh please, then who would clean up after you?" Vilhelmas teased, batting at her again, but this time much more gently. "Or keep you from making a fool of yourself?"

Then he spoke much more quietly. "Why should one of us be free, when the other is not?"

Both lions let that sink in for a while. Eldahildr shook her head. "It doesn't seem fair. I..." She paused again, for a long time. "Maybe we should make it a habit to go to the swamp..."

Vilhelmas chuckled, having nothing more to add. "Perhaps we could catch you an alligator skin to sleep on. You still lack a pelt for your den."

Eldahildr smiled. "That would be nice."