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Seymour Benjamin Ryans

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:47 am
xxxxxSeymour Benjamin Ryansxxxxx
Benjamin or Ryans or Benji
Slytherin Alumni
Prefers: Benjamin

Gender: male
Currently: 18
Date of Birth: May 12, 2015
Place of Birth: England

Magical Status: wizard
Wand: 11 1/3 inches, Curupay Wood, Pixie Wing core, pliable and bent shaft.
Magical Heritage: 75% magical (one muggle grandparent on father's side)
Family Heritage: English
Cultural Heritage: Enlgish with Paraguayan cultural integration for approximately 8 years in childhood.

Blood Type: B+
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dark blonde-light brown
Complexion: Caucasian-medium/light
Current Height: 5'11.5"
Distinguishing Features: N/A
General Description: A male with light to dark brunette hair of typical height for his age, with blue eyes, and notably arched eyebrows.

Face Claim/Reference Looks: Nicholas Hoult <8-10> <11-13> <14-15> <16> <17-and on>

xxxxxPersonal Information
Personality: Seymour Benjamin Ryans is a colorful character. While he claims to have unshakable confidence, he struggles with insecurities and the fear that he will lose those important to him. From a young age he learned to adapt to his surroundings even when he is the odd one in the crowd. He learned from his childhood spent in Paraguay what it was like to be considered unusual in a crowd and he learned to embrace that as his identity though he denies he seeks to be the constant center of attention.

He has always easily begrudged those he feels who are ungrateful for what they do have. Benjamin has always had a knack for avoiding work, but he has shown if he finds a goal he can be highly driven and work hard (just as long as no one finds out he actually works for his goals as that would "ruin his reputation as a slacker"). Highly loyal, Benjamin is quick to argue and has always been able to handle himself in a fight. Benjamin hates to sit still and is happiest constantly busy even if it is being busy at avoiding "work".

Fears: getting lost

xxx(1) blending into a crowd
xxx(2) photography
xxx(1) easily annoyed
xxx(2) doesn't believe in being rushed and could care less about others schedules (he claims to have his own sense of time and will get somewhere he is supposed to be when he gets there).
Favorite Things:
xxx(1) warm weather
xxx(2) exploring new places
xxx(3) photography
xxx(4) nature
xxx(5) traditional Paraguayan dishes
Despised Things:
xxx(1) being rushed
xxx(2) cold weather (especially the snow)
xxx(3) superfluous shows of money
xxx(4) being the center of attention
xxx(5) most traditional English food

xxxxxEducation/Training/Professional History
Current Career: Spell Inventor and Owner of Shutterbuttons (*Currently Applying)
Dream Career: Photographer and Spell Inventor

Magical and General Education:
xxxxxxPrevious Schooling: Homeschooled
xxxxxxGraduated from: Hogwarts
xxxxxxClass of: 2033
xxxxxxHouse: Slytherin
xxxxxxO.W.L. Scores

Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ P
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ O
Art ~ O
Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ A
Healing ~ P
Muggle Art ~ O

xxxxxxN.E.W.T. Scores

Art ~ O
Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Muggle Art ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O

Background Information: While, Seymour Benjamin Ryans was born in London, his parents (and himself) did not stay long. Soon after his birth, his father, Edwin Ryans, accepted a position as a mediwizard in Paraguay. It was often worded as a promotion by his family though it paid less, arguably, though, where they moved to the cost of living was less than London.

There in Paraguay, Benjamin was homeschooled by his mother but they were constantly out exploring various cities, towns, and the nature of the country. In many ways it always bothered Benjamin that around others him and his mother tended to stand out-Benjamin with his blue eyes and his mother with her strawberry blonde hair. It never helped Benjamin could tell his mother wasn't naturally accustom to attention, but in the end she was always willing to talk to others they ran into.

Much to Benjamin's surprise when he was about eight, his parents began to talk about returning to England to settle back in before he would start attending Hogwarts, the school where his parents had met. Benjamin always had known he was a wizard-as both of his parents were magical-but he had always assumed that they would stay. Obviously, Benjamin was wrong.

Thus, the family moved back to England, first staying about a month with his paternal grandparents in Cambridge, and then moving into London. There his father returned to working at St. Mungo's though now as a mediwizard and through loans and their savings his mother bought Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley where the family lives above.

Benjamin at times has found it odd to hear English outside of his own home, the large city, and to not look different than most of the crowd. However, Benjamin is irritated by how ungrateful people seem to be for what they have in London-for example cars seem an expensive waste. He misses the tropical climate and people happier with a simple pace and is drove up the wall by the fact so many people seem to constantly be in a rush in London. He is of course, mostly used to it now, but he still claims he'll never adjust to the colder weather.

xxxxxPersonal Journals
First Year: Despite all Mum's claims I get my bad habits from Dad I got sorted into Slytherin like she was, so I reckon I'm more like her than she'll admit. I spent most of my time only showing up for classes I liked, and my friend I met before the school year, Timothy Cherri (Timmy), was sorted in Ravenclaw like the little nerd he is. It's totally cool though, because Timmy lets me snag his notes, which are pretty good. Well except for Astronomy, the guy will totally fail the class if it wasn't for me constantly fixing our notes. Whatever. Oh, and Timmy and I ran into the blonde (I call her Princesa for her being a royal pain) who runs around this peliroja bruja called Wendy who is like incapable of human emotion. Anyways, la Princesa Mira goes off like a moron demanding some apology even though Timmy, bless him, was trying to give her one. Not his fault the girl is stupid and hasn't realized after so many months that Timmy doesn't talk. I told her off for being stupid. I think her and Timmy made up or whatever. If it was me, I'd have had to dye her hair puke green for like a month before I even thought about forgiving such rudeness to me. Whatever Timmy is a sucker, he's lucky enough to have me looking out for him though. Oh yeah, Slytherin was totally desperate for players on the Quidditch team half way through the year, I just walked on the field and was accepted as a first line chaser. Maybe the grumpy Russian just could sense my awesomeness?

Second Year: Mum said I could get a new broom next year (I'm currently using Dad's) if I had at least a 90% good attendance record in my classes. She is bribing me but she forgot to mention that I just had to show up and not that I had to pay attention too. Timmy is mooning over Mira now (eww...), and there was the Yule Ball. I asked Mira to go as a joke since Timmy was being a total coward about it, but Mira stood me up to go with Timmy who asked her later. I went solo but that is cool. I chatted up some hot upperclassman (a goddess of beauty, Camila Rojas, and the adorable Morven Vass). They love me of course.

Over the summer, Morven stalked me to my place (she claims she didn't know Mum owns Flourish and Botts, but seriously we all know she missed me). I found her some great books that were used by someone who likes to write the answers in their book for her. She of course was in awe of my kindness. Mum may have threatened me to get back to work though, because she is a slave driver and doesn't believe in letting me be a bit friendly.

Third Year: Wasn't bad, I had fun messing with Morven at the start of the feast. She has the funniest fat cheeks when she is mad! It is so cute you just want to pinch them... not that I have a crush or anything on her (despite what Timmy and his crazy-twig sister think). Speaking of which, Timmy tricked me! The gall of him! He dragged me to some 'intervention' because he 'feared for my life' or something because I kept antagonizing Gatita (okay Morven), but I end up getting the focus on him and his obvious crush on su Princesa Mira. Totally worked in his favor because he hooked up with Mira. Well not hooked up went on a date. They are boyfriend and girlfriend now, but like all they do is hold hands. LAME! Oh and I became keeper this year which is great because I don't have to run around the pitch during a game and still have a moment or two of awesomeness per game while not working too hard. Great, right?

Over the summer, Camila dropped me a hint that her and Morven would be hanging out around Muggle London so I thought to swing by and have some good fun (and they do have a decent camera shop around there, so not like I'm not going just for Mori or anything). What I was not expecting was Morven... she got legs. And she apparently hit puberty because... damn. Good thing I've claimed dibs first because any other guy is going to have to get behind me. Or something like that... I mean if Morven doesn't kill me in the process, though I mean that would be a great way to go, eh?

Fourth Year: My year was pretty ordinary. Camila became prefect. I began following Mori around and taking pictures. I swear it isn't creepy, it is art! And she's a great subject, especially when she isn't posing or anything. Morven caught me in the library though (her hearing is brilliant-though in hindsight not so surprising), and totally went off on me about the pictures. I apologized and promised I'd stop (taking pictures that is) and gave her the film in my camera. She didn't seem happy and really upset which made me freaked out and of course Timmy noticed and had to give his advice. Well, he did give me a brilliant idea that I would just have to do something to totally wow Morven to show her I was actually serious so I started some investigation work (Timmy calls this stalking, I disagree). I found out Morven was a werewolf, which I don't see an issue with, I mean that's kinda hot: think of what she'd be like to shag (not that I'm going to get close to that point for a year or two but I like to plan ahead). But I know most people are complete cabrónes, and don't get it isn't a big deal. And there are psychos who think some once a month condition it is okay to hurt her or people like her. (and women get a once a month condition anyways that usually makes them bitches so really people?) So, I did some research and thinking and made this bracelet and presented it to her before the holiday break after she came back from a night out. We may not be 'boyfriend and girlfriend' but exclusive snogging buddies is way better than that title if it means that we'd be like Timmy y su Princesa. Like all they do is hold hands and cuddle. Still! They've been dating like forever. Timmy is so whipped. It is sad. Anyways, enough about them, back to mi Gatita and me, we're not lame. Ugh, now all I have to worry about is Mum making me study for my OWLs this summer.

Fifth Year: While everyone else was freaking out about the OWLs, I was cool and collected, despite having more at stake then most people. (I don't see other mothers threatening to put spiders in their kids beds and psychotic enough to do so-please take note Mum). Anyways, I only failed two OWLs, which was totally not my fault. Healing was because Elliott blocked all my attempts to have notes for that class and Herbology is because... I may have been distracted by the fact that Mori's "father" wants to gut me anytime I'm close to the greenhouses. Might just be the guy always wanted to gut me. Good thing I don't go to the greenhouses that much, right? Anyways I got some Os in the classes that matter or I'm naturally awesome at and an E in the harder ones so I'm obviously not dumb or THAT lazy. I am still Morven's minion. She pays me in snogging for my services. I doubt she'll get tired of me any time soon and I think I might have trouble finding a girl as great as her if I tried to replace her. I mean she's the right bit of creepy and insane and hot.

Sixth Year: My sixth year sucked. I'm kidding. Well it sort of did being that it was Mori's last year at Hogwarts. Next year is going to suck more with me having to study for NEWTs and not having Morven around. I was terrified most of the year that Morven was going to break up with me. She almost did but I cried like a baby and begged her not to I convinced her not to with my awesomeness. There was a Masquerade Dance on Valentines, too. I got to make this awesome mask. I danced with another girl to make Morven jealous and she totally did though she danced with some idiot to try to make me jealous. We hooked are dance partners up and then found a broom closet after a couple dances, the typical you know.

Seventh Year: This was the longest year of my life. It was awful! I didn't have Morven around and I had to study like a Ravenclaw to make sure I got the NEWT scores for my secret ambition of becoming a spell inventor. However less of a secret is that I plan to open my own shop. There is even a free one not far from my Mum's shop! And there is a two bedroom flat above it so I'm asking if Timmy wants to move in with me. As for other things. My quidditch team sucked. I think it is because I made a dumb choice of picking Wendy's little b***h of a boyfriend for my Vice Captain. Whatever not my problem next year. He can lord over them all he wants when I'm gone. As for my NEWTs they went well except the DADA one... seems like I can't beat a stupid bogart of all things. I was awesome otherwise.

xxxxxFamilial Connections
Birth Order: Only Child
General Family Links: Not recognized maternal link to the Avery Family Tree via Chasity Family
Family Rank: Unrecognized
Extended Family:
xParents: Edwin Ryans (half-blood wizard) and Acacia Persephone Ryans (witch, from pureblood family)
xPaternal grandparents: npc grandfather (wizard) and npc muggle (grandmother)
xxxBiological 1st Cousin: Wendy Chaisy
xxxDistant relations to the League Family (unrecognized)

xxxxxRomantic Preferences
Sexuality: Purely Heterosexual
Current Relationships:
xxxxxDating: Morven Vass

xxxPets: a Spectacled Owl named Gemelo
xxxLanguage Fluency: English (British, fluent), Spanish (South American, fluent, considered also his first language), Guarani, (some knowledge of basic words and very basic phrases)
xxxExtra Relevant Skills: N/A
xxxAny Other Important Information: None

~ ♥ Cara ɱк
~Utsuha [7/24/15]

Accepted by ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [11.5.2014]
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:51 am
Personal Bio/Hogwarts Relationship Stats + Rumor Involvement

Course Work Strengths and Weaknesses

xxxxxxBest Subjects So Farxxx
✚ Astronomy
✚ Art
✚ Muggle Art
✚ Ghost and Ghoul Studies

xxxxxxWorst Subjects So Far xxx
✚ Potions
✚ Healing
✚ History of Magic (because of his poor attendance)

Connections at Hogwarts

✚ Timothy Nikolaus Cherri (4th Year, Ravenclaw)
✚ Mira Ani Mitchell (4th Year, Slytherin)-or frenemy
✚ Camila Isabel Rojas (5th Year, Slytherin)

✚Unrecognized Second Cousin: David Sinclair League (5th Year, Ravenclaw)
✚Unrecognized Second Cousin: Cathaline Acacia League (3rd Year, Hufflepuff)
✚Unrecognized First Cousin: Wendy Madeline Chaisty (2nd Year, Slytherin)

xxxxxxEnemies/Strained Relationsxxx

xxxxxxRomantic Relations/Crushes/Etc.xxx
✚ Morven Grainne Vass (5th Year, Slytherin)
xxxxxCalls her "Gatita" or "Mori"-has a sizable crush on her-is borderline stalking her at this point in the school
✚ Camila Isabel Rojas (5th Year, Slytherin)
xxxxxfinds pretty-calls her "linda"-has a crush on to some degree
✚ Gunilda Stone (5th Year, Slytherin)
xxxxxhas stated he finds her attractive

Extra Curricular Activities

✚ Slytherin Quidditch Team
xxxxxxxxxYear One: Late Joiner-Temporary Fill-In Chaser
xxxxxxxxxYear Two: Chaser
xxxxxxxxxYear Three: Keeper

Rumors He Has Been Involved In



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Shameless Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:54 am
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:55 am
Seymour Benjamin Ryans--Second Year Schedule

COMMON HOUR: 11:45am to 1:00pm
Block 1: Charms II

Block 4: Defence Against the Dark Arts II
COMMON HOUR: 11:45am to 1:00pm
Block 7: Advanced Flying I
(3:00pm to 3:45pm)
Block 8: Astronomy II
(11:00pm to 11:45pm)

COMMON HOUR: 11:45am to 1:00pm
Block 6: Herbology II
( 2:00pm to 2:45pm)

COMMON HOUR: 11:45am to 1:00pm
Block 5: History of Magic II
(1:00pm to 1:45pm)

Block 2: Potions II
(9:00am to 9:45am)
COMMON HOUR: 11:45am to 1:00pm
Block 7: Transfiguration II
(3:00pm to 3:45pm)

Block 8: Free

Block 8: Free

Meal schedule is:

Breakfast runs from 7:00am to 9:00am.
Lunch runs from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Dinner runs from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.  


Shameless Sex Symbol

21,090 Points
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Shameless Sex Symbol

21,090 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:56 am
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