Special and newly updated rules will go here. Will eventually be emulated into the old 'main rules' thread.

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So, after much thought, I'm going to be implementing a rule to prevent characters from getting stuck in RP due to waiting on others.

RPCs are now, by virtue, capable of RPing in as many threads as they desire. You can almost consider this like an alternate timeline; perhaps in one thread it's day-time and you're conversing with your spouse. Perhaps in another you're at a bar with your group of friends. Whatever. You might think this seems strange, but essentially it's harmless and far from immersion breaking except in the strangest situations. There are some specific clauses for these scenarios-

#1. If two RPCs just get finished RPing together in one thread, and one of the two enters a different thread, if one of the [alternate timeline] characters is present there, they may choose to entirely ignore them in every way shape and form, even if attacked. This is to prevent characters from literally replicating in every thread in order to metagame, godmod, and pursue against other characters.

#2. You may not be in multiple fights at the same time. If you are attacked explicitely by another character after another fight has been initiated by or against you in a different thread, you may choose to simply leave that thread.

#3. You may not use training from one thread to supplement your character in another thread, even if for example your training is being done in the morning and your fighting in the night.

#4. Don't do anything stupid that you know I'd penalize you for.

I am completely willing to ban and strike people as well as smite their character with a heavenly ray of death if they obviously exploit this for an unfair advantage. I don't want to see kicking and I don't want to hear screaming if I tell you that you can't do something. Ultimately this is a privilege and it can be taken away.

Beyond all that, good luck and have fun role-playing!

#5. (I'll be updating this as time goes on-)

You cannot be in different nations using this. You can't leave one nation. You can however inhabit the capital city and the countryside.