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[PRP] I Need Home For a Rest (Wrath & Hel) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:35 pm
Somewhere on some random street of Halloweentown, a large and burly Death Horseman of the Apocalypse was wandering around, completely drunk. Almost a** over teakettle drunk, in fact, if his stumbling and staggering steps were any indication, or the loud, boisterous words he sang into the chilly evening air in booming decibels of slurred speech. In his hand was what appeared to be a leather flask of some sort, one that he brought up to his lips occasionally as if to take a drink, though if anybody were to take it away from him (if anybody was so bold and wished to risk a broken neck) they would find that it was completely empty, dry of whatever contents might have once been inside.

Famine brew. It was good and strong and he liked it far too much. It did it's job, obliterating the pain that came with every passing day that he found himself still alive while his entire family had suffered and perished. It dulled his senses, and made him forget.

It did it's job so well.

Stumbling along the edge of the street, the large man attempted to step up on the curb, but his foot slipped as he stepped on the very edge, sending him stumbling forward instead, his song cutting off as he fell against a wall, his face meeting rough, black brick, and he uttered a loud curse.

He had dropped his flask in his attempt to keep himself from falling, and it skidded across the sidewalk, stopping several feet away from where he continued to lean heavily against the wall.

u asked for it
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:11 pm
On this night, it just so happened that Hel was closing and locking up the front doors of her soon to be mercenary guild. Upon stepping out into the cool crisp air, she heard the sound of merry, if not drunk singing, a ways off, and snorted in amusement as she locked the place up. It seemed though, that the source of the singing would grace the front of her guild with its presence.

The reaper stepped down the front steps of her guild hall, but paused as something skidded to her feet. “Eh?” Blinking, she reached down to pick it up, and looked it over. Looked like a flask…she uncapped the top and took a whiff, even if it was empty, and her eyes shot open. “Holy <********>!” She exclaimed. “That just smells potent! Jack damn!” She capped the empty flask, and then finally made her way over to the large being slumped against the wall of a neighboring building.

She took a moment to look at him, tilting her head before she grinned. He appeared to be a Horseman, if the horns and…clothes…or lack there of…were of an indication! Visiting the Lost Clans so often she was learning what made each Clan unique…and at the very least how to tell that one was a horseman at all. “Oi~” Hel reached out and patted the horseman on the shoulder.

“I think you dropped something.” She wiggled his flask. “Also, I do not think the wall appreciates being acquainted with your face.” She teased.




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:37 pm
The wall was his friend. The wall was all that was really keeping him on his feet, currently, though when he looked down towards the sidewalk, he sort of thought that it might be comfortable enough to lie down on for the night.

Yes, that was a good plan. He was already beginning to stoop, sliding down that wall, brick rubbing up against leather and steel as he sank down, when a voice and a pat on the shoulder stopped him.

"Death Almighty!" He cursed, somehow managing to have not even heard the woman approach. Abruptly, he straightened, broad shoulders setting as he looked down at the source of his interruption. Everything was spinning, and he tried to focus, his eyes half lidded and slightly crossed. His thought processes slowed by the drinks he had consumed, it took him a moment to realize that something was being held out towards him.

"My thanks." He rumbled, reaching out to swipe his flask away, but managing to catch nothing but air. "...Wrong one." He muttered to himself as he adjusted his aim and swiped again, this time managing to at least catch the flask with his fingers, though whether she let him have it or not was another story.

When the rest of what she had to say sunk in, he smiled at her lecherously. "Perhaps you would like to be more acquainted with my face instead then. Or other parts of me, if you'd prefer."

Hey, he was drunk, and she looked pretty good (though at this point, pretty much anybody would). How could he resist?

More importantly, how could she?

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:49 pm
Hel was pretty patiently waiting for this horseman to get up to speed, and a brow quirked up in amusement as he righted himself, and the ghoul let out a whistle. Biggin’, that one, stocky, too. Hanging around Famine horsemen so much, she had gotten use to tall and skinny! Bones, literally. It was kind of odd to be around a thick one!

The reaper let the flask be taken from her without a fight, and placed her hands on her hips as the man spoke. Now both of her brows rose as he as hitting on her, and she cackled in amusement. “Oh, ya~” She replied. “I would love to become acquainted with other parts of you…like your hand!” She held one of hers out.

“So that I can return you to your home, you poor drunk b*****d.” Hel was feeling pretty charitable right now...it helped when she was flattered.




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:58 pm
Wrath slowly licked his lips, swaying on his feet slightly as his gaze dropped to the offered hand. His mouth felt dry, and again, he lifted his flask as though to take a drink, before realizing it was quite empty.


"An odd choice, but not a terrible one. My hands are quite skilled." He smirked, but he knew what was being offered to him, and he also knew that he was quite lost at the moment. Reaching out, he took her hand in his, a metal clawed thumb brushing against the backs of her knuckles. "Wrath." He stated, assuming that this was actually a moment for introductions, and that she did not seriously intend to actually hold his hand all of the way back to his tent.

"And drunk though I may be, I am neither poor, nor a b*****d. I would say I was quite lucky, actually, considering present company." He was really laying it on thick now, tugging on her hand in an attempt to bring her closer to him as he smiled at her, a wicked flash of teeth in the darkness lit by streetlights.

"Now how about you take me to your home, and maybe you can get lucky as well."

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:09 pm
Oh, she knew she shouldn’t be playing along like this. It was pretty cruel…but she was oh so amused right now. “What can I say, I have a fettish for hands~” Actually, that part was true…She smirked as she felt the armor on his thumb brush her knuckles, and gave his hand a firm shake. “The name is Hel! It is a pleasure, Wrath! Our names make a frightening combination, ya?”

She cackled as he laid it on, and though he tried to pull her closer, she did not budge, holding her ground, but still holding onto his hand. “Well, ya, you are blessed to be in the company of me~” She grinned, and then grabbed his hand with both of her own and tugged on his arm hard, trying to start in the direction of the Lost Clans.

“Ooooooh~” She purred. “I can not take you home, boyo…my beau would not appreciate another bed mate.” She then cackled.




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:14 am
"Hel." He repeated her name, testing it out, considering it's sound as it rolled off of his tongue. Her hand shake was a little bit more confident then he was expecting. Enthusiastic might have been another word for it. In either case, he found himself nearly toppling forward, his balance precarious as it was, but he somehow managed to right himself and stay on his feet.

And then she was tugging on him, with two hands where there had only been one moments before. Wrath stumbled forward, for all of his 6'7", wide and burly frame, now being led around like a puppy on a leash.

He didn't even mind. He was too drunk to mind.

"Are you so sure that he wouldn't?" Wrath rumbled, trying to keep up without falling over completely. "Maybe we should call in on him anyways and ask just to be sure." He smiled, but it was now in a joking and jovial manner, as he even let out a low chuckle after saying it. She had turned him down, and that was okay. He wasn't one to push too hard.

It then occurred to him that she had offered to take him home, and was now trying to do so, when he hadn't even told her where his home was. Where was she taking him? He had no idea. He was so turned around and lost he hadn't a clue.

"How do you know where to take me?" He finally decided to ask.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:39 pm
“Oh, he would mind.” Hel replied with a laugh, keeping the banter up. She was pleased that the horseman gave no resistance to her leading, and since he was following her so well, she resumed holding onto his hand with one of her own. When he asked his question, the reaper looked back over shoulder at him with a smirk.

“I am just that good.” She let than hang in the air for a moment before she chuckled and replied. “Well, you are obviously a horseman, and I am very familiar with the Lost Clans! That is where my Gramps is!” The reaper led Wrath away from the part of town they’d been in, and closer to the said grounds. “But ah…I hope you will be able to point your tent out to me!” That she did not know.




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:02 am
So her chosen one was obviously the jealous type. Wrath had a moment to reflect on what a shame that was before he was being led around like an oversized puppy, back along the street. She really could have been taking him just about anywhere, and he would not have known, and seemingly would not have minded. He just continued to stumble along after her, complacent for the moment, until she answered his question.

"That obvious?" He rumbled, reaching up with his free hand to stroke at his beard, and then she said something rather startling.

"Gramps?" She didn't...look like a horseman. Or really act like one. But he was incredibly drunk so his perception might have been just a tiny bit off.

Shaking it off, he was soon giving her a wide smile.

"If you are indeed as good as you say, you should have no trouble finding it without help."

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:29 am
“Ya, pretty obvious.” Hel replied back. “YA!” Hel’s tone got excited. “Gramps! He is ah…” She paused for a moment. “…He is my father figure, but I called him Gramps since I first met him, so I keep calling him Gramps. He is a Famine Sage…ah, Salbei is his name…” She peered back at Wrath and grinned. “He let me have his last name as well!”

The reaper then had to laugh as he was pretty much leaving it up to her. “Well, we might be interrupting a lot of other horsemen in the search then.” She was still grinning. “So…why are you s**t-faced drunk this fine evening? Not that you need a good reason to enjoy liquor, but I am curious…and what was it you were drinking? That smells potent!”




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:05 pm
Salbei......Salbei....Why did that name sound familiar? It had a very familiar ring to it, one that seemed like it probably belonged to somebody of Famine. Wrath had met many from Famine since his arrival, and had yet to find one that he didn't like, no matter how much they tried to kill him----

Ah yes. Now he remembered.


Drunk though he might have been, the cogs in Wrath's brain were already turning as the woman leading him along explained about her relationship with the murderous sage.

"Mm, yes, I do know of him." He smiled. "Tall enough to nearly look me in the eyes, long white hair, blood stains, slightly chemical but not wholly unpleasant smell. I do not remember him mentioning having adopted any children, but I suppose we were quite busy with other matters at the time."

Like trying not to be smothered by a pillow or poisoned by the other horseman's hand.

Still, he was cheerful when he said it, and he cast Hel a wink at the 'other matters' comment, not going into any further detail on what that might have meant in favor of letting her use her imagination instead.

At her question, he shrugged wide and burly shoulders. "Why not? And to be quite honest I'm not really sure....Something I took with me to go from a drink establishment run by some fellows of Famine that I've come to favor."

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:05 am
Hel nodded her head vigorously. “Ya!” She cried. “That is him!” She tone was very fond as she exclaimed that, though that cheerful smile immediately fell from her face at his words. “Woah what.” She looked up at the horseman dubiously before she squinted at him. “What other matters?”

She definitely wanted an answer to that question, but in the meantime she continued the conversation. “Ah, fair enough!” She exclaimed, and then whistled. “Huh…I want to try some of this stuff!” The reaper proclaimed. “Can you get me some, huh!?”




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:36 pm
Wrath simply shrugged wide shoulders, his grin spreading at the clear exclamation in her words. It was obvious she thought quite highly of the famine sage, and while Wrath did not hold him in nearly so high regard, it was quite amusing for him, especially in his current state, to pretend that there was more between them then murderous acts.

"The kind of other matters that a lady such as yourself should not hear about." He replied, before cocking his head to the side slightly, a new idea forming as she asked him if he could get her some of the drink that he so favored.

"Of course. Anything for a beauty such as yourself, who is so willing to go out of her way to help a drunken fool to his resting place. Perhaps we can even invite Sal along for a drink as well. I am quite sure he would enjoy that."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:55 pm
Hel snorted. "Ya. I am a lady...a lady most knowledgeable in all matters...so you better spill the beans!" Did Hel really believe that Wrath was...involved...with Salbei? Deep down probably not because she knew the type of company Sal preferred to keep and Wrath did not fit that...but Salbei was secretive enough that Hel just wanted to clear any doubt...she was just a bit nosy. Just a bit.

The reaper grinned though as Wrath seemed agreeable to getting her some of this Famine brew and complimenting her. She was already imagining sharing this stuff with Mac when Wrath said something that immediately had her shaking her head vehemently. "Oh no. No. I will not drink with Gramps! Even though I am old enough I highly doubt he would let me so it is best to do it without him there!" Legit concern for Hel.

In the meantime she had finally steered them to the Sanctuary grounds and she nudged the horseman with a shoulder. "So where to from here, eh?"




Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:17 pm
Wrath feigned surprise at her words, though in his drunken state every acted out expression was slightly more exaggerated than necessary. "So you do not think that he would approve? Oh my well....perhaps we shall have to keep it our little secret than." He winked at her, before letting out another booming chuckle, reaching up to stroke at his beard with a metal clawed thumb and index finger.

It seemed that she had led him back to the encampment, and dark red eyes scanned the immediate area, past darkened tents and huts who's silence indicated that most had gone to sleep at this hour.

He took a moment, regaining his bearings, before pointing in the direction that he thought best to travel in next.

Which just so happened to be in the direction that the famine tents were located, which was most definitely nowhere near where the pyre smoke rose in the area that death horsemen made their homes.


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