
Keionx had left Beastdad with Zariah during the WACKY incident, but she didn't have to ask Beastdad if she was doing the right thing in escorting the redblood home.

It was dangerous. And lower, higher, or in between on the hemmospectrum, she had an obligation to protect her fellow troll with her strength. That was what Beastdad would have wanted of her, and he would be so proud when she came home.

She had ulterior motives too. She rarely got the chance to go to Chittentown and its library - she spent much of her time training or exploring Busthind - and he happened to live in Chittentown. So, she'd be able to stop by some of the places in Chittentown and pick up some things. Like new weights or inks or books... things like that.

She also had a more personal motive, too. She wanted to see that cute gerbil again, and she had been trying to figure out - for the entire trip - how to ask Wallas about it in the proper knightly fashion. Was there a proper knightly way to ask to coo over a gerbil?

Keionx had no idea, and she didn't know what she would be doing about it. "We have arrived!" she announced, as they crossed into Chittentown, "Where to next, oh honorable sir?" It had taken her a while to figure out what to call him alone. He wasn't noble, or a princess, but he had fought, so... She wasn't sure. His title was subject to change.