xxxxC A S HxxxT R I S T O NxxxM E A D O W S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
              NICKNAMES Cash 

              AGE 19 

              BIRTHDAY September 7th, 2013 

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn 

              WAND 11 inches, Ash wood, Unicorn tail hair 

              GENDER Male 

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bisexual 

              FACECLAIM George Shelley

          xxxS C H O O L   A N D   C A R E E R xxxxxx 
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 

              HOUSE Ravenclaw 

              YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh Year 

              BEST LESSONS 
                  Wandless Magic 
                  Care of Magical Creatures
              WORST LESSONS 
                  History of Magic
              OWL SCORES 
                  Astronomy ~ P 
                  Charms ~ A 
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A 
                  Herbology ~ EE 
                  History of Magic ~ A 
                  Potions ~ O 
                  Transfiguration ~ A 
                  Art~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures~ EE
                  Wandless Magic~ O
              NEWT SCORES 
                      Charms ~ E
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                      Herbology ~ P
                      Potions ~ O
                      Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                      Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Nothing 

              DREAM JOB Protestor 

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
              ■ HAPPY He is happy with whatever life hands him because he doesn't expect to draw anything but the short end of the stick. He realizes that if he wants to be happy all he has to do is choose to be happy and makes an effort to do just that. 
              ■ QUIRKY He's a bit of an oddball. He doesn't quite follow any of the trends other children seem to be hooked to and just likes to do his own thing at all times. He also tends to state whatever is on his mind. Whether it be viewed as weird or not doesn't bother him at all.  
              ■ CONFIDENT Cash is highly confident in himself, but not in a cocky way. He is just comfortable in his own skin and it tends to shine outwardly. He wears what he wants and acts how he wants to act. He is perfectly comfortable being exactly who he is and doesn't let other people's judgements bother him. 
              ■ CALM Its hard to piss him off. You could scream, yell, insult him, insult his family, anything and he wouldn't bat an eyelash. He is very zen and doesn't let his emotions take control of him. He finds that actions speak louder than words and by not responding to things with heated emotions, he is being the bigger person in the long run.  
              ■ HONEST He will never tell a lie. It doesn't matter if the lie will save his butt from trouble, he won't lie. He thinks lies are wrong and immoral and just mean. Plus he will always own up to his actions and words because its the right thing to do in his mind.  
              ■ OBLIVIOUS He's just kinda off in his own world and doesn't take the time to bother with things that aren't within his interests. He isn't stupid or slow per say, but he doesn't always make passing marks in school because he doesn't see the point in taking time to care when something doesn't interest or mean anything to him. 

                  His family 
                  Making Clothes 
                  Anything Artsy 
                  Keeping his emotions under control 
                  Being Himself
                  Not knowing when to reel it in. 
                  He can come off as apathetic and uncaring at times.
                  Disappointing his family 
                  Losing himself. 

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
          CHILDHOOD Cash's father died soon after he was conceived in a freak car accident. His mother died during labor and Cash was left at an orphanage with no name, no family, and no home. The orphanage named him and in his mind he believes they named him Cash because that is what he would cost them. Triston Butler Incorporated was the name of the company who had manufactured the blanket he was wrapped in and so his middle name came, and he was born in Meadows Hospital and so he gained his last name. Having never known anything but the orphanage he felt nothing missing in his life there. All the sad kids around him made him sad for them, but he never truly understood it. When the Roach Rojas family adopted him he didn't believe he needed them, but now that he has a family he understands what all the other kids were sad for. From his new family, he learned that he had magical powers like them, even though it is believed that he is a Muggle-born child.  

          SCHOOL YEARS  
              FIRST YEAR II got sorted into Ravenclaw. My sister was put in Slytherin and my brother in Gryffindor. I joined the Quidditch team and got put as their Seeker reserve. I met this girl named Mirbonna, but I just call her Bonna. We somehow became best friends and we both agree that Drarry existed. We might have harassed our history professor about it... a lot.... 
              SECOND YEAR Life is pretty average honestly. School is school 
              THIRD YEAR Life is pretty average honestly. School is school 
              FOURTH YEAR Life is pretty average honestly. School is school 
              FIFTH YEAR Life is pretty average honestly. School is school. I passed my O.W.L.s 
              SIXTH YEAR Nothing much happened 
              SEVENTH YEAR His seventh year was just an uneventful as his sixth fifth forth third second and first years. He graduated
          POST GRADUATION Information 

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
          FAMILY John Roach, Cecilia Rojas Roach, Camila Isabella Roach, Axel Everett Roach, Adrian Jayce Gordon, Cher Joyce Delphine, Marius Kristian Forren, and Bison Annalyn Merr Frost.  
          FRIENDS Mirbonna 
          BEST FRIEND Mirbonna 
          GIRLFRIEND Mirbonna 
          ENEMIES Name 
          PETS Name 

~ ♥ Cara ɱк