((This character was originally Xistund's, but is being adopted by Diamond Wales with his permission))

Hi, my name is Virgil Ross

I'm a male

I'm 18 years old.

My birthday is July 23rd, 2008.

My dream job is Minster for Magic, now, I don't know...

My blood status is Pureblood, and don't you forget it.

This is my graduate year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Slytherin

I'm interested in girls No one, they betray you in the end.

I'm currently with no one. I don't need anyone

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm proud, arrogant, boastful. I'm a skilled liar, and I like being in the spotlight even if I don't show any interest in the subject. I'm determined to show that I'm the best. The only one I don't mind losing to is my twin sister since we shared so much. I'd let her have some of the glory... I don't like how she's father's favorite though.

My background story is I am the eldest son of a pure-blood family. The only stain to my family's name is my half brother. As such, I would like to follow in father's footsteps to make him proud. My twin sister Jaslyn and I are heading to Hogwarts this year after some protests to mother about letting us go. Unfortunately the halfblood wormed his way into going too. I truthfully didn't think the half muggle child could do magic. Oh well, it matters not what his lot does as long as he's not in the same house as me and my sister.

My first year of Hogwarts was a joke. Darius Silver, that half-blood of a mutt made it in Slytherin. He managed to get buddy buddy with another half blood who happens to be the captain of the Quidditch team, so he got to play all the games and I got to sit on the sidelines. Oh well, just as well they lost every game. The Mutt could not even hit the ball to save his life. He also ran away with some pure family that pitied the b*****d. They even assaulted my father! It was lucky I was there to stop them from hurting father, but I was blindsided by that dog Darius. I heard that some of that family got killed. Serves the filth right. I hoped my stain of a half brother died with them. That would be a good start to a new school year.

I'm writing this in the hospital wing, Apparently I'm too much of a hero for my own good. I've got a girl by my side constantly. Let me backtrack a bit. It all started over the summer. My father got arrested for the murder of the family I mentioned last year. Apparently one of them survived and has been wandering the forest. I followed her one night wanting to kill her. But she got attacked, and then the thing attacked me. When I woke up I found out the girl has been by my side all that time. I'll update you later after I get this puppy away from me.

Quick update. I could not get rid of the girl Gracie. In fact I've grown a little fond of her. We started walking together in the forest. She was convinced she was going to defend herself with a new spell she read. I wanted to be there to see the spell and she... Next thing I knew, she was impaled upon a tree. I was out of my mind with worry and called for help from anyone. What came still haunts me. A vampire came to me and offered to save her. I took the offer, and she gets to live, though I can't see her during the day. I hope I did the right thing.

I hate that b***h! All of my second year was a mistake! I should have left her to die up in that damn tree. I can't believe I gave my heart to her and with her second life, she turns around and stabs me by having another boyfriend. She played me like a flute and I fell for it. Next year I'll get them back.

Summer, days before I start my fourth year in Hogwarts and I'm spending them with a mad woman. This all started with Gracie again. I tried to write her back to be the bigger man and talk to her again. What a mistake that was. Not only does she not show but I find Darius there in her stead. The brute broke my nose and we got into a fight. Jas got hit by the crossfire and she ended up lifeless on the ground. Next thing I knew I was by her bedside, worried sick for her, wanting to take everything back. Then when she woke up she... She told me she hated me and never wanted to see me again. You'll never know the pain I felt that day. I don't exactly remember where I ran to, but I just had to get as far away as I could. That's where I met her; a lovely but dangerous woman. We spoke, and she knew my pain. She offered to help me. Help me gain power to get back at the ones that hurt me. I just have to do a job for her. That is going to be my goal this year. With this woman I feel a kinship, like a mentor or a mother. But I know she can and would kill me if she felt like it. Am I going mad for trusting this killer more than my own twin?

I've acted as a spy for my new mother this year, sending updates of the goings on of her son and her brother who's one of my teacher's. I believe I made her son think I'm his friend. I'm also quitting Divinations, it's a useless class and I disliked the teacher sticking her nose into my business.

Fifth year was... interesting. First, I had followed one of my targets around, and found out he was friends with a filthy halfbreed werewolf. Mother took care of that for me. I also found out that my sister is friends with something perhaps closer to a mudblood than a half-blood. The half-brother of my target. I'm not sure, but I think I might be becoming obsessed...

Sixth year, I now know I'm going insane. Jaslyn barely speaks to me, if at all, and she currently is obsessed with that filthy-blooded b*****d masquerading as a wizard. The mutt is made a prefect, and then is going to be the next captain for Slytherin's quidditch team. Meanwhile, I've been sending my regular reports to a madwoman who has just had another child. I'm not even going to discuss the whole mess that is, because she's just... I'm going crazy, and there's no help, no light at the end of the tunnel for me. What's worse, I think I'm developing a crush on my target, and he even shoved me away. It hurt, deeply, even if it was to try and get help for the psycho my life now revolves around. I need help, I desperately do, and no one's there to catch me as I fall...

Seventh year... maybe I should start during the summer. I decided to seek out my half-brother, Darius, knowing he might be able to tell something was wrong if he wasn't that dense. Turns out that speaking with Whitethorne about luring him into a meeting was a bad idea, however. She used legilimency on me, and somehow that messed with my mind. I went to the meeting, all the while a small portion of my mind was pleading with the other, less rational part to stop, to tell Darius the truth. The mutt didn't notice, and I ended up carving up a part of his face. Did a rather nice job of it too, but missed an eye. More's the pity. Afterward, he fled,and I was left in the clearing alone with a broken nose, courtesy of the mutt. I managed to get back to home well enough, and got patched up. When I returned to Hogwarts however, it seemed as though the voice persisted, and grew louder. I don't know which is worse, my growing madness, or the voice that tries to speak reason.

I enjoy proving myself to others and being the center of attention, rumors, playing pranks, spreading misfortune to the people I do not like, occasionally making myself out that I am someone's friend and then betraying them, and being with my true family.

I despise non-purebloods, being outshone in any way by my dirty-blooded half brother. I dislike spicy foods and people who don't see how great. I also dislike the lying, manipulative, dismissive b***h my sister has turned into.

I'm afraid of Losing love and respect from my father or my sister.

My strengths are lying and manipulating. I also have a talent for fire spells.

My flaws are I can't take failures well and I do not think things through when I lose my temper.

I look like This

My wand is a rigid bent shaft, maple and chimera, 10 inches.

My pet is a Barking Owl named Mordred

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
    ♌ Astronomy ~ E

    ♌ Charms ~ A

    ♌ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E

    ♌ Herbology ~ A

    ♌ History of Magic ~ A

    ♌ Potions ~ P

    ♌ Transfiguration ~ E

    ♌ Ancient Studies ~ A

    ♌ Arithmancy ~ E

    ♌ Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ E

    ♌ Wandless Magic Practice ~ O

    ♌ Wizard Law ~ E

My N.E.W.T. Scores are
    ♌ Astronomy NEWT ~ A

    ♌ Defense Against the Dark Arts NEWT ~ O

    ♌ Herbology NEWT ~ A

    ♌ History of Magic NEWT ~ A

    ♌ Transfiguration NEWT ~ E

    ♌ Ancient Studies NEWT ~ A

    ♌ Arithmancy NEWT ~ A

    ♌ Ghost and Ghoul Studies NEWT ~ E

    ♌ Wandless Magic Practice Class NEWT ~ O

    ♌ Wandlore Studies NEWT ~ E

    ♌ Wizard Law NEWT ~ E

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! ((Applied to be a vampire))