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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
[J-SRP] Lemme-in! Lemme-in! (Vaenn & Don)

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Jovi of Shadows rolled 5 4-sided dice: 3, 4, 4, 2, 1 Total: 14 (5-20)

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:49 pm
((Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Roooollin'!))

User Image Today had started out well enough, but it had quickly all gone down hill! He didn't know how word had spread so quickly across the savannah, but he was sure to make a quick exit before any of that lioness' brothers caught up with him. Earlier he'd stopped to relax, believing he had lost them in his made dash to safety, but he'd seen them in the distance, tracking him. This was absolutely terrible! She hadn't even been that good! Okay, well, yeah she was, but she didn't have to go running off to tell her brothers that the stranger she'd fallen madly in love with didn't want anything more to do with her.

In retrospect, maybe he should have told her as such right after, but that's what he got for trying to spare her hurt feelings later on! Now? Well now he was running for his life with those bozos hot on his heels. He could see them in the distance, and he was certain they could see him too. The only thing that could save him? If the rumors were true, the Stormborn strong hold might be the only thing between life and death.

Upon entering what he knew to be their territory, he let out a roar. Again another tidbit of information he'd managed to gather from those who'd lost their challenge and escaped without becoming thralls to the mighty pride. "Hey! Anyone there?!" He was panting now, slowing his stride to glance around him. He just hoped someone was around to hear him!
Jovi of Shadows rolled 5 4-sided dice: 3, 1, 3, 2, 4 Total: 13 (5-20)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:50 pm
((Don is too slick for rolling puns.))

User ImageAs luck may have it, there was a reaver on patrol in this particular section. Don had just returned to the pride after a very long viking, and had already fallen back into the habit of patrolling the pridal border for challengers. Its not that he didn't want to go back and enjoy what the pride had to offer, but rather he was still much too thirsty for battle. A spar may have been fine, but Don wanted something more. He wanted to battle and to feel claws and teeth sink into flesh.

He couldn't do that back in the main Stormborn hold. Or so he assumed as life inside the border held other fancies for him to enjoy. Ones he liked to keep separate from his lust for combat. Why? Well, it was simple really. Don was quite the different beast in these opposing situations: one suave, collected, and decent to talk to; the other, a brutal barbarian that spared no one. It just seemed to make sense to keep the two lifestyles away from each other.

Despite his musing he did hear the roar of a challenger, though it lacked confidence and sounded more urgent than fearsome. That gripped his curiosity. Don roared in response, finding the challenger with little trouble. "Do you wish to challenge the Stormborn for entry?" he called, claws already digging into the hard earth. He hoped he said yes.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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Jovi of Shadows

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:41 pm
He was antsy to get this over with and to bolt straight into Stormborn territory, where he assumed he'd be safe. Glancing over his shoulder he was alarmed at how quickly they were catching up, even at this distance, and weighed the consequences of charging into the pride's territory verses getting caught by the pack of lions that tailed him. Neither sounded pleasant. Upon hearing a roar answer him he quickly turned his attention to the golden lion that now stood a little ways in front of him. Adorned in pelts and bones and from the looks of it much larger than himself. He shuddered as a chill went down his spine. This guy looked much scarier, and larger than the three that were chasing him, but there was no going back now. No alternate route to solve his problems.

"Yes! Now lets get this over with!" Frick! Why couldn't the Stormborn have open borders like most everyone else? With a quickness he charged forward, hoping to stumble his way into a good blow, and what would hopefully be a quick battle to gain him entrance.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:07 pm
Hmph, this guy at least wasn't going to waste his time. Don braced himself for the charge, ready for the brawl to begin and his claws to sink into the other's fur. In an instant they clashed, Don's larger body able to take the blow with little to no backlash for him. Now, at this moment, when he had his opponent up close within the reach of his jaws he would have sank his teeth straight in, but his sharp eyes caught sight of the approaching males, barreling straight for them and getting closer with no signs of stopping.

Don had the time to let loose a blood curdling roar in their direction, as warning. "Do not interfere! This is a challenge-" Before he knew what to expect a heavy blow struck his face, claws slicing through the sensitive skin around his eye and the corner of his mouth. The sudden sting staggered him, ruby eyes flashing back to the small male who was now dancing away from him with bloodied claws. Don's snarl turned savage, a painful thing in spite of his now tattered skin, blood dripping down his chin and brow, blurring his vision. To say the least he was pissed, to say the most, he was considering what consequences may await him if he outright killed this lion during his challenge. Vision obscured, the reaver lunged at his opponent, further aggravating his wound.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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Jovi of Shadows

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:59 pm
Don wasn't the only one who noticed the pack of lions was charging closer, and so he'd been hoping to end the battle with a quick swipe to the face. They were painful, and he'd seen many a lion back down after receiving them. What he didn't expect, was for the Stormborn to turn on him with snapping jaws, snarling and spitting blood as he did so. It was all he could do to scramble away, barely missing the brunt of the massive lion's blows. "Just give up already!" he shrieked, half from fear and half frustration.

This... really wasn't a good plan, was it? Now stuck between a rock and hard place, he wondered which would get him first: the pissed off Stormborn or the irate brothers? He'd laugh if he wasn't preoccupied by running away, because honestly, it was kind of funny. In that grim sort of way, that is. While he was stumbling his way out of reach, literally scrambling like a cub, one of his back legs kicked out from under him, the claws slamming against something solid before he managed to get out of the way again. If he was panting before he certainly out of breath now.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the pack of brothers was nearly upon them, apparently choosing to disregard the warning the Stormborn had given them. He cringed, panic taking over as he spun back toward his enraged opponent, barreling head-long into him. In his attempt to run through the Stormborn, the two merely exchanged flailing claws, teeth gripping at each other as one tried to run away, and the other attempted to pin down the panicked opponent. All the while the group of brothers drew closer and closer, until the challenger was certain he'd feel their teeth rip into him just like this Stormborn.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:00 pm
The notion of giving up hadn't even crossed his mind, as Don was not a lion to turn-tail at the slightest hint of pain. Yes, it stung, but he would live and so he would fight. A vicious snarl erupted from his throat, frustration at the escalating situation confounding him. Who would dare interrupt a challenge to the Stormborn and for what purpose? Were they all hoping to gain access at once? To overtake him with numbers? The thought was maddening enough without the constant sting of flailing claws and the stench of blood and fear swirling around his nostrils. Not his fear, but his opponent's. This lion was small, with little muscle to throw against his blows. Don could rip him limb from limb if he had the mind to. Did that make him a distraction for the other three to come charging up?

This wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind when he'd decided to go on patrol before entering the pride, but it wasn't entirely unwelcome either. It was an odd sort of feeling, to have the tables turned on you and still have the will to keep on fighting. In fact, Don reveled in it. His snarl broke through all the noise, of the shouts of the encroaching transgressors, and the pants and wheezes from his opponent. They were in close combat at the moment, neither able to gain ground over the other, with claws and teeth snapping in every direction. Don had to take his head out of its anger and blood lust to consider the situation, when he noticed his opening. The challenger went in to bite him, so Don side-stepped him, thrusting a paw outward to knock harshly against his flank, sending the smaller lion off balance and getting some distance between them. "When I'm done with you, your buddies are in for a world of pain", he snarled unpleasantly, advancing on his fallen opponent with every intention of ripping into him before his 'friends' arrived.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:26 pm
He was panting much worse now, hardly able to suck air into lungs. Little cuts ran along his legs and face, and his hip was certainly bruised. He wasn't all that accustomed to pain, and he wondered if he might die from it. Fighting was not something he did very often, and tried very hard to avoid it; as evidence of his problem solving for his current situation. He heard the Stormborn's words and fear gripped him further, the fear of death and dying. His ears flattened against the sides of his skull and he gathered his limbs under him, attempting to stand in time and get out of the way.

"They're not my friends! They want to kill me!" he shot back, sputtering as his legs gave out from under him. Too tired to stand, too tired to fight or argue, he laid there expectantly. If one didn't kill him then the other would. Funny to think it was all over a single lioness, and the broken heart he'd left her with. Women. They were trouble alright.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:51 pm
Don paused, an ear flicked backwards to listen to the approaching lions. "Lies", he muttered between clenched teeth. Many a lion had lied in their last breath, anything to lessen the pain or get the threat to go away. It was too obviously a lie, to catch him off guard so he'd hesitate to kill him, giving his friends an opening to attack. A coward's strategy. Don took another step closer, ruby eyes dangerously focused on his fallen opponent.

"Leave him, we'll deal with the little p***k." A voice from behind caught Don's attention, and he partially craned his neck around to watch all three lions come to a halt.

Huh. Funny. If they had any intention on attacking that would have been the moment. All three were larger than the challenger, but they looked just as exhausted. Don's brain snapped back into place, his rage dissipating quickly as his usual cold callus took over. They'd likely been chasing him all day. He turned to fully face this group of three, head held high through the blood that covered his face, torn lips still bathed in a snarl. "This lion has won his challenge, he is Stormborn now", Don informed matter of factly, taking one large step towards the group, claws unsheathing.

He supposed the challenger had won the battle now that he thought about it. "Attempt to harm him, and I will kill you." Cold, calculating words, measured out with each breath. It was a threat, but if they pushed him into it Don would attack and he would not hold back.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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Jovi of Shadows

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:59 pm
It had to be coming soon. The death blow. From who he wasn't sure, but it was coming one way or another. Oh gods, and he was bleeding everywhere! Is this what it was like to live a life of fighting? The fear of death and blood fricking everywhere? It was gross, and unsavory, and gods everything hurt! He was starting to wonder what was taking so long, so the little male opened his eyes to glance around him. Yup, the Stormborn was still there, although he'd apparently turned to face the other way. He dared looked past him, and saw the faces of his pursuers. Great.

The exchanged words surprised him though. He'd... won? How? Baffled at the statement he blinked a few times, relief swelling in him. Not only had he won but now that he was 'Stormborn' this guy was defending him! Holy goddess he could kiss the earth-

"Is that so? Seems to me there's three of us, and only one of you."

Shits. These guys didn't give up easy, did they? Sure, he'd ruined their sister's reputation and broken her heart, but its not like he'd hurt or killed her! He half expected the Stormborn to back down facing such odds, but to his surprise the large lion rumbled another warning growl. He could hardly believe it. Swallowing what fear and anxiety he had left, the little lion shakily rose to his paws, a rogue'ish smirk plastered onto his maw as he took a few steps towards the Stormborn. "Seems like two against three, not bad odds... for Stormborn", he replied devilishly. Oh his plan had worked alright, there was no denying that, and he wasn't above rubbing it in their faces.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:30 am
So the little guy had some fight left in him? Well, he wasn't sure how reliable he'd be, but for now it worked well enough as a intimidation tactic. The three seemed to hesitate, so Don took matters into his own paws. Without warning he lunged at the nearest interloper, a massive paw swinging out to strike him in the face, claws extended. Red lines appeared and Don heard him scream. A sound he was quite familiar with. Another snarl ripped from his throat, the sting of his torn mouth fueling him into another maddened strike at another of the brothers, this time a heavy downward strike to the muzzle and nose. And finally, for he last of the transgressors, who seemed to be more prepared this time, Don crouched low and lunged upward arms to extended to grapple with his foe and strong jaws latching onto the flesh of his shoulder.

It was a brief tangle, his opponent readily backing down as the other two had already turned tail to run. "Last chance", Don growled, taking a meaningful step towards him. The last of the three seemed to hesitate, but begrudgingly turned to limp away. Don watched him go, having not the energy to chase him further, nor the stupidity to turn his back on him just yet. When all three seemed to be out of sight Don huffed, the tension gone from his body. If all three had decided to regroup for another attack together, he was doubtful he'd be able to fend them all off in his current condition. He turned towards Stormborn land, grumbling at the challenger- now Stormborn, to follow him. With a quickened pace Don would see him to a Lawspeaker, before he himself went to get his wounds cleaned and healed; in particular, the large and painful slices around his eyes and mouth.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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