The day started as any other sort of day. Ke'ala had started off her patrol quite early and Shou soared over head keeping a keen eye out for any thing on the boarder that might need to be reported. As usual, there was nothing really that serious. Not even a herd of prey animals to report back to the hunting party. It was a bleak and boring patrol for the most part. The most exciting thing maybe being that Ke'ala had stepped in a pile of dung and Shou had laughed about it.

Shou was lucky he was a creature that could fly because Ke'ala had many thoughts about how to deal with him for his laughter.

Really that had been the most excitement the two had gotten all morning and they were rapidly approaching noon. Ke'ala had opted to take a break and climb up in a tree so that she could still have optimum vision and slack off. Shou joined her at the very top of the tree. He was still keeping a good deal of distance from Ke'ala. He had been a little s**t and not helped when she'd stepped in that dung. The upper most part of the tree was safest as lions were to big to safely climb.

Lucky for Shou, Ke'ala was no longer mad about the birds teasing and laughter. She was content in her branch and content watching over the boarder.

"It must be nice being a bird," She commented, "Always having a vision such as this." She mused.

"Oh you have no idea. It's a lot better than that dinky branch height you've got. You lions wouldn't know what to do with your selves if you could fly." Shou just loved to tease. The bird did so in a loving way that was hard to be completely mad at. Shou was lucky he was born a charmer or he'd had been lion meat.

"I suppose you're right. I wouldn't know what to do with my self if I was to live up high for a long period of time. Shou, how do you stand it?" She laughed.

"Well... I'm not sure what you're saying. I'm a bird. Birds were born to live high in the sky so uh." Shou wasn't really sure how to reply so he rambled in circles for a good chunk of time. The two both rambled back and forth some relaxed none sense for a good while. It was nice and refreshing to just be able to ramble. Not that the two didn't ever ramble, they did so every day, but it was always nice.

However, Ke'ala got quiet for a moment. Shou noticed and shut his beak as well wondering just what had caught the attention of the lioness. She was looking at something almost intently. The bird quickly swooshed down and landed on the lionesses head to see if he couldn't get a better look at just what his partner was looking at. He did not see the dark shape at first but after a while of staring right in the brush he saw it. A dark shape of some kind of being. Shou gasped.

"Who is that Ke'ala? Do we actually have a potential intruder? Should we report back our findings or should we deal with him... or rather, you deal with him," The bird had retreated from the top of Ke'ala's head to her shoulder blades. A new face could be bad news. Not only that but it was unclear what species this creatures might be.

"Don't be such a baby Shou. For all we know this is someone seeking out the pride to join with. We've been getting a lot of new faces as of recent." It was true. Ke'ala her self had greeted at least two newer lions in to the pride by the boarder. If this lion, or what ever it was, wanted a fight than Ke'ala was pretty confident that she could handle such a thing.

"Shou why don't you stay over head. If things go bad you can always tell the rest of the pride. I don't think this one's got a bird partner. And even if he does you're one of the quicker wings in the sky," Ke'ala gave him a nod of approval. Shou turned a little red.

"Ah... Sure Ke'ala," He was always a bit nervous with new comers at least at first glance. Their intentions were always unclear but there had not been an attack on the border in some time. Or really ever in the birds or Ke'ala's life time. "I'll stay in the sky and keep an eye out. But be careful." The bird warned, "We don't even know if this creatures a lion or not."

The bird had a point. This was an unknown entity they were both dealing with. Ke'ala shrugged. She was not overly worried. This was her job after all.

Quickly, the lioness climbed down the tree and crossed the boarder where the shape had been spotted. She practiced caution, of course, and approached very slowly as to not scare or threaten who ever it was the two had spotted from the branches of the tree. A greeting was given first.

"Uh," Ke'ala began, "Hello. I'm here to inform you that you're dangerously close to our prides borders and I'm here to ask why you've come and ... uh.. what not." She nervously smiled at the shape in the distance.

The shape remained completely still and completely silent giving no reply back. Ke'ala's smile faded quickly and she took a few more steps forward.

"I really mean you no harm but I must know why you've come this far out. This is a prides lands and not to be traveled with out reason. I do need to know who you are and what sort of intentions you have... sir or mam? " She still kept her distance from the shape. Still yet, there was no reply, only stillness. Ke'ala's patience had begun to wilt. She took some more aggressive steps forward.

"LOOK buddy. I don't know what your game is but I really insist you leave if you're not willing to comply with my request! It is my job to protect the border an-" She stopped and blinked. Now that she was up close she could see what the shape really was. The lioness let out a good hearted laugh.

"SHOU !" She cried out over head. The bird quickly swooped down and landed on the lionesses head.

"What ever is it Ke'ala? Is this guy not complying?" The bird tilted his head at his partner.

"No. This isn't even a feline. It's a bunch of sticks and brush," She laughed, "The wind must have blown hard last night and rearranged some scenery."

Shou was not as amused by this as the lioness. The two would return to their post after Ke'ala got her laughter out of her system. Meanwhile , Shou just perched looking very annoyed by this whole thing. They were guards and they had been had by some scenery? Shou would urge Ke'ala not to repeat this story ever later.

word count: 1191