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The days were becoming more and more of a drag for the old stallion. His sheer will alone was not helping and he had been traveling for a long time now. He lost count, but it felt like months even if it had only been a few days. A few days of traveling over the vast plains seeing the whether get warm then get cold again. So now with the grass gently frosted over with a thin white crusty topping, he trudged through it. He always loved the winter. It reminded him so much of when he use to travel to the mountains and see the snowcaps. It felt like it had been ages since he did something like that. Ages since he did anything like that in general. He wanted to do something dangerous like he used to do in his youth. Now that he was older and had seen most of the world, he doesn’t have a need for it. Maybe he was finally calming down. Maybe he was finally at the point where he could settle down with a mare. He didn’t believe that idea since he should have a mate as well as some children by now.

Adventuring always reminded him of the stories that he used to tell the children in his herd. They would love to hear them and loved to find out what was going to happen next. Sometimes he wasn’t allowed to stop telling the story until it was finished. He loved that kind of enthusiasm and loved foals a lot. He had a lot of stories to tell and when the other party was interested in them it made it better. When he was a foal, he would get told crazy stories from his grandfather and even sometimes Gabriel. That stallion was older then him, which always surprised him since he thought he was the oldest in the herm, but apparently he wasn’t. He remembered one story very well. A story of an epic battle where good stallions died defending the mares of the herd. A story where bravery meant everything and you weren’t allowed to be a coward. They were the stories he preferred to tell and listen to. They were always so filled with morals and life lessons, which made them the perfect things to tell to young foals.

Right now wasn’t the time to be thinking on such trivial things. There was no one else around and the more he traveled the more it became clear. He was wandering alone across the frost-covered field. His eyed staring forwards into the distance hoping someone appeared or at least something that would interest him. He wanted to see something he never seen before or maybe meet someone that was someone he could talk to. It had been a long time since he had a companion or someone that he could share stories with. Maybe it was time he made a friend. If he could actually find one that is and it was looking so grim.

He stopped. Flicking his mane over his shoulder, he eyed a dead tree before him seeing it covered in ice. It was so beautiful. It was something that he hadn’t seen since he was a colt. “Pure beauty..” He said faintly to himself as he examined the tree once more. He wondered what it would look like when all the ice was melted off it. He loved seeing the beauty of nature. The lovely colors and formations that natured had formed over time. It was something that gave him a drive to keep traveling.

As time slipped on by, the stallion didn’t leave the dead tree. He remained there for the remainder of the day until nightfall came. It was a cold night and one that he really didn’t want to have to dead with right now. He didn’t have a home to snuggle up against someone or a soft grassy nest to keep him warm. As he glanced around the darkening land, he noticed the sunset and watched it for a moment before slowly stepping away from the tree. He needed to get somewhere soon that wasn’t so out in the open. He didn’t like being in a place like this during nightfall. In a few hours the entire place would only be lit up by the moonlight.

He traveled forward feeling the cold air sweep by his form causing his body to shiver. His gaze then fell on some large bushes that he was passing by. The sound of rustling could be heard and he wondered if it was a predator or if it was just a small animal. He wash't afraid to protect himself and honestly wasn't scared of what it could be. He learned not to be afraid of anything a long long time ago.
