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Gunju had been relaxing on his day off from his duties. Generally, he didn't normally take a break, but it was nice to sit down and enjoy the day without having to do anything. The pride was big enough to have rotations now, and that was good enough for him. He smelled the air and smiled. The day was lovely, the snow was lightly falling, and everything was at peace. Or at least, for the moment it was.

Gunju was laying on a rock that he happened to dust the snow off of. Of course, normally he didn't mind laying on snow, but rocks and snow really made things a bit slippery. A very dangerous combination sometimes. It wasn't too much work to do, so he didn't mind doing it at all. Was just a quick swish of a tail, and some paw movements and bam, clean spot.

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Lisimba was taking a nap, and Riikano was quite bored. Normally he didn't find himself wondering off from her, nor did he go too far anyways. After all, she was helpless without him. Or at least that's what he liked to think. He found himself hopping about coming to Lisimba's dad comfy on a rock. Well, this was the first time Riikano had really seen the lion since he was given to Lisimba to care for him.

"Hello, Gramps!" he said as he hopped up on the rock and on the lion for a closer look. It had been a while since he had bugged the male, and well, today was his lucky day. Or was it unlucky? Luck of course, anyone who was in his presence was lucky

It didn't take long before Gunju was already annoyed with the little hare. "Hello, Riikano" he said with a sigh of a voice. He wondered how that rabbit could be so much like his daughter, yet not at all. He eyed the hare that was now on his back wishing he'd just go away and come back when he wasn't trying to enjoy the relaxation he needed.

"Where's Lisimba" he asked eyeing the hare. Perhaps if he could do enough hinting that he wanted to be alone, the little guy would get the hint. Though Gunju was too nice to actually come out and say "Get lost" to him. He sighed but kept a pleasant smile upon his face.

"Oh, she's sleeping" He said with a nod and a couple hops to get comfy on the lion. "you get me all to yourself, big boy." he said with a chuckle. Sure this wasn't his ideal time spent, but he needed someone to bug, why not him. He tried looking for other’s to pester… Okay, that was a lie, but Gunju needn’t know about it. Not that he was going to say that he wanted to bug someone anyways. He flicked his ears back and forth, not really seeing that the other wanted to be left alone.

“Isn’t it great?” he asked without really caring about the answer. It wasn’t something that really crossed his mind. He just needed someone to mildly amuse him for the time being. He tapped his foot on the lions mane, as if he was fluffing a pillow before resting on it. “Plus, she won’t be up for a while, I imagine.” He added with examining his paw.

Gunju gave a small grown, hoping the other wouldn’t hear it, but not sure he really cared too much. “Well, go wake her up?” He asked with eying the hare carefully. “I am trying to relax and have a quiet moment” he finally said. He wasn’t sure if he was being rude, but he didn’t care any longer. Riikano was just lucky he was a hare and not some other creature. He smiled at that.

“I’m sure she’ll be worried about you if you’re not around when she wakes up.” He tried to insist more for the little hare to leave him alone. Maybe this time it’d get through to him? Though Gunju loved hares, and he really wanted to bond with one his own, and one day he would, but first he wanted to make sure his children had them before himself.

Riikano shrugged. “Well, I can enjoy it with you.” He said as he started to hum. Of course he still wasn’t’ getting that the lion was wanting to be alone, nor was he seeing the other was slowly starting to become very irritated with him. Still that didn’t seem to bug Riikano any at all. He continued to make himself comfy and continued to hum as he did so. He wasn’t worried about it. The most that could happen would be he’d get yelled at. And even then he didn’t think Gunju could.

Gunju sighed and stood up. He had enough of this. Riikano had slid from his back and Gunju shook his body. He’d need to find a new place to sit down and enjoy alone. Perhaps this time the hare would pick up on his vibes. He really hated to do this, but what else could he do? He was just as stubborn has his daughter, and Rashida. That was where she got it from, and Riikano got it from Lisimba. He shook his head, but couldn’t help but to smile on that. He loved his mate and his daughter, so in truth he loved Riikano too.

“Hey!” The hare barked as he fell off the lion but didn’t seem to say much else. “Fine, I get it, I get it.” He said finally moving off on his own. Hopping slowly off the direction he had come. Perhaps next time he’d just find someone else to bug, but probably not likely. He shook his head and looked back at Gunju, who was now laying back down satisfied with the outcome of the situation. Riikano wasn’t, but that wasn’t something he could really play upon at the moment. He’d complain later to Lisimba. Not that it’d do any good, and she’d probably get mad at him for leaving… Oh well.