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The night was young but the hunt was on. Heidrun did not enjoy hunting for anyone other then herself, but her forced duty to Risheera put her into a situation where she would either hunt or be hunted as she had learned that the striped lioness had little patience when her stomach was empty. Both of their tempers did not mix well and their personalities clashed on almost a day to day basis. With a flick of her tail, Heidrun continued her march further from where the group had been camped for the evening.

Little known to her and even him, the young cheeton was close by. The darkness did nothing for him as his eyes failed him when light was scarce. A hunter by day, the young male was lost at night, wandering aimlessly through the dry grass until daylight finally found him and let him get on with his day. Day would not be his friend this evening and the night would betray him once again.

There, movement in the brush. A feline would have crouched to the ground, stalked further before pouncing but Heidrun employed no such tactic. A quick glance around confirmed that no one else appeared to be hunting the same prey as she and that Bjorg was not in her company that evening. The female hyena scowled at the absence of her male companion. He was likely off running some pointless errand that Risheera had made up to get him out of her tail for an hour or so. With a clack of her teeth, her claws raking against the ground, she rushed the shaking brush.

Beyond the grass had been the poor cheeton who was now the target of some horrible hyena's vengeance. His eyes widened as he saw the glint in her eyes as she came bursting through the brush to his right. His paws scrambled underneath himself as he tried to find footing but there was none. Instead, his flailing paws managed to kick at the attacking hyena. "G-get back!" He hissed, finally finding his voice.

A yelp came bursting from Heidrun's mouth as one of her prey's good kicks landing squarely on her shoulder. Staggering back, she licked at her shoulder before turning return his horrified look with a glare of her own, a snarl not far behind as it joined in. She could not help but stare at him as confusion began to set in. Her anger subsided and curiosity overcame her. He was no hoofed preybeast! He had a mane after all, but he was far too small and thin for any lion she had ever seen. Too much leg as well. She couldn't help but cackle just at the sight of him, an unknown creature, too terrified to run.

Damn right he was terrified! He had been in the rogue lands for some time now but never had he had to deal with an attack. Most attempts had been during the day when he could easily outrun whatever was after him. Thank goodness he took after his mother when it came to his build. At least those other times he had done something worth fighting him, like resting or hunting in pride territory or drinking out of turn at a watering hole. He was sure that he wasn't in any pride's territory at this point, or pack for that matter. There had been so scent markers anywhere! "What do you want?" The orange-maned cheeton called, his voice still shaky, but it was there and gaining strength with each word.

"What do I want? I want you to be a worthwhile hunt, something I could actually eat." Heidrun snarled in reply to his question as she began to circle him. "Just look at you! You're nothing but skin and bones! There's hardly any meat on there at all." She commented, poking the cheeton's backside with the tip of her paw.

He quickly turned his head around, catching a glimpse of her stalking around him as she continued her circuit. EAT HIM?! Oh gods, this was worse then he had thought. The others just wanted to chase him out, well with exception of some blue lion...He seemed intent on killing him, but that was still different then being eaten! "You're right, I'm not worth you time. I'm sure there is much better game that you could be hunting inst-"

"Silence!" The hyena growled, her head jerking around to snap her jaws closed mere inches from her quarry's face. "You may not fill my belly with your own body, but you are still a predator..despite whatever you may be. You will hunt for me and in turn, I will spare your life so long as you serve me." Heidrun took a few steps back, turning her back to him as she strode proudly away. "And don't even think about running. I've got friends not far from here who could track you down with ease. You have a rather interesting scent after-all." She called back to him, not even gracing him with another look.

Oh mother, what was to become of him. Was he to become a servant? A slave? Something else? The petite feline did not know as he finally got onto his paws and followed after her, keeping his head down and his tail low. The grass brushed past him and it was only thanks to the heavy musk of too many days unbathed and blood caked on the hyena's coat that he was able to follow her.

Once did Heidrun glance back to make sure that the feline was following. She could not help but smile as she saw him sulking after her, defeated so easily. In truth, she would have let him go had he chosen to run, to grow a spine and say no. Instead, he followed without a fight and now the hyena had a new servant to do the hunting she did for her own mistress. Heidrun's fangs ground against one another at the thought of Risheera. One day she would have her revenge against the lioness that had put her into servitude. For now, she would return to the striped feline and introduce the new addition to their small travelling party.

[word count: 1040]