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Taking On A Squire - [ Kaiya, Tannin & Lord Loren]

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Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:17 pm
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While those in his Order were still settling into their new beginnings, Loren had always been there, watching over them and helping where he was needed. He had not left the area since had come to the lands, but while he had a purpose in creating a haven as well as a training ground for these young souls of the Kawani- he hadn't found the time to seek out those of his own kind, who surely knew more about the dangers here than he did at present. He had lived quite a life so far, he was a hardened battle horse, he had slain more than his fair share of walkers and savage beasts, bards sung songs of valiant deeds and roses had been tossed to him by beautiful mares. But he hadn't had time for anything but securing his honor when he was younger. Loren was older now, oh certainly he could still take care of himself in the heat of battle, but he would rather teach others how to defend themselves against the darkness that invaded their lands, it would be more beneficial to the innocents of this land to have more than his old crabby hide to protect them. Loren had never settled down, he had never opened his heart to any fair lady, his armor always stayed on and he had never taken a squire to train. Growing older had given him some perspective on many things, all of these were something to think about now, oh he was surely in his prime, but he felt like he had lived a few lives already.

But no matter now~ He spread his enormous wings, with a sturdy gallop he leapt into the air, gaining altitude to survey the area, looking for friend and foe alike. He felt something in the air today, he wasn't sure what it was, but the power in his blood fairly sang to him- Perhaps it was more young hearts, eager to learn from him, or those in need of a place to call home…But something about this was different. And he looked across the vast lands, eager to find anything to answer him.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:13 pm
Slow Uta is slow. x3 I think we decided to meet Kaiya first, and then Tannin could come in later?

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So it was, the stallion was right to question what the day might bring, for the old stallion would easily be able to pick out the form and figure of the double-winged mare. She was gliding low, just above the tree line, heading straight for Loren's territory. She had left her young ward behind that morning, assuring him she would return shortly after a morning's meditation and duty. Rumor had it an old angeni roamed these parts, and Kaiya had hoped that the spirits might guide her well. All she wished was to cross his path and see if, perhaps, he might take on the young Tanning to further his training.

The stallion had done well under Kaiya's tutelage, but she was no knight. She sought to save and redeem, and only battled when her life, or the life of others, depended upon it. So it was, while she hoped she had taught the knight spiritual properties, such as being quick to forgive, show mercy, love, and most importantly hope in the righteousness of good. . . she was ill equipped to teach him the ways of a true knight. Additionally, as always, Kaiya found that many of those she mentored often strove to follow in her shadow. Young Galahad would have bravely still been at her side had she not set him loose to pursue his own hopes and dreams. And now, young Tannin, would be doing the same. Her life was her own to live and it would not be fair of her to so selfishly keep such devoted companions. No. If they parted ways, and if, in time, they came back to her side, she would not turn them away for it was their choice. But with Galahad and Tannin both, they had followed her so young, she felt it best they learn their lives away from her duties and her calling. . . .

Where their hooves would find them when they traveled alone or without her influence and direction would be a good opportunity. Galahad was doing fine, so she heard; her own son, Kahiau, was pursuing a mare, and Tannin. . .well. . . perhaps Tannin would get to become that great knight he yearned to be.

Spirits help her, of course. No, she hoped to find . . . Loren was his name. He'd been an older angeni even when she had been young . . . Perhaps she might find him and spare a few words? Thankfully, her gold and silver gaze caught sight of a shadow flying high above, not far off. Perhaps this was the one she could seek? Or perhaps, at the very least, they might know of the elusive Loren? Still, Kaiya had a feeling in her gut -- the size alone, made her wonder, and she thought she saw dual wings spread wide. So she slowed her glide, landing in the first clearing she saw as soon as the other got close enough to (hopefully) see her!

Hopefully, the stranger would feel a need to investigate, spirits be willing.


Shy Mage


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:42 pm
Loren had spotted a winged figure flying close to the area, being always aware of his surroundings he wheeled around, wings spread wide to glide in a semi circle to check out the situation. The suns rays seemed to welcome this stranger, and soon he was put at ease as they came close enough for him to catch a glimpse of four feathered wings and an elegant build. Another like him, a sister come to greet him perhaps. A smile lit up his grizzled features as he made to land in the clearing, following suit. He landed heavily, his armor rattling as he tore up the grass to slow down, his long braid trailing out behind him. Loren was a great many things, but graceful was not one of them.

He tucked his wings in smartly and turned to greet this angeni, now close enough to see her clearly, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he knew her, or had at least met her before, but long ago, she had been younger then, but her coloring was unmistakable. Now here they were, both older, wiser and with their share of battle scars. He bowed his head politely, clearing his throat " Well met sister! I am Loren - forgive me, I do not recall your name, though I am certain as the stars that we've met before. Regardless, be welcome."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:44 am
Kaiya watched as the stallion landed, unconcerned by any lack of grace or elegance. Such things were inconsequential and unimportant -- the fact that he'd spotted her and had come to greet her was. So it was, the mare smiled warmly as the braided stallion approached, and lowered her head in a respectful bow. She had no expectations this morning, only hope that she could best serve her young ward. She had taken him as far along their journey together as she might hope, and it was now high time for him to learn under an actual knight.

"Ah, the great sir Loren, it is truly a pleasure," she spoke with a smile, rising from her bow. She remembered him from long ago, though it was difficult to forget such a stallion-- he resided over Knighthood, and all the chivalry within. "We met long ago, when I was much younger, and far smaller." She certainly had no expectation of him recalling her name. "I'm Kaiya, whom presides over Redemption. . . and I do apologize for calling on your lands so unexpectedly."



Shy Mage


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:18 pm
He snorted and laughed a little, still shaking clods of dirt from his fetlocks - while he was a rough old goat of a knight, he was still easily amused " Why good lady, I would be an absolute cad to be upset by any sudden visits by one such as yourself. It is no problem at all. I'm still new here besides, there is so much work to be done." He flicked his ears to attention and tucked his wings tightly to his sides " Redemption is it?" He gruffed, glancing over her scarred and bruised flanks " A tough calling little sister. I can't even say i'd be up for that task." He checked himself, knowing that as an angeni most of their battles were their own. " So, lady, may I ask -what brings you to this neck of the woods? certainly there's nothing but miles of mountains, marsh and my old hide. here. Are you on a mission?"  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:18 pm
Kaiya was pleased that the stallion before her seemed to be in good spirits. It had been a good, long while since she’d last crossed paths with the old knight, but at least he seemed to recognize her. They were contemporaries, at any rate, even if he was practically a legend. So it was, the mare gave a warm laugh, and dipped her head at his compliments. It was always a delight to cross paths with her own, domained kindred, and she was glad that she’d found Loren in good spirits. “It is different to be down in the Kawani itself. The world is lucky to have you to guide it,” she gave a firm nod and another smile, her words ever sincere. It had been such a long time since she had been back in the heavens. . .she doubted she would ever return. There was too much work to be done, too many she needed to save, too many that needed a new path than the one of darkness they embraced.

It would be the death of her, she knew, but it was what she had been tasked to do. She would see it through until the very end. “Ah, it is indeed Redemption. Like all of our callings, it has its good points, it has its pain points, but . . . in the end. . . it changes the world, like all of our kin.” Mmph. If only there were more who were aware of their domain, aware of what they had been sent down to do. While not all domains were overly intense or as serious as her own, every pure angeni, domained or not, had the power to change the world. Every soquili, for that matter.

“I am on a mission, of sorts, though it has nothing to do with Redemption.” Her headwings fluttered a bit happily, and humor entered her silver and gold eyes. “It is your domain, kind Sir, that has brought me to seek you out. I’m afraid I’ve given all the knowledge I can to a young soul. . . a young knightly soul, if you will. He has worked with me, but I know in his heart he desires more than what I might offer. I was hoping that you might consider taking him under your wing, or at least might offer him some advice in the ways of Knighthood. While I hope my spiritual teachings have helped inspire him. . . He needs a real Knight to guide him the rest of the way.” It was the truth, really. Just like Galahad, Tannin had outgrown her teachings. . . at least. . . he had more to learn than she could readily give. It was time for her to say goodbye, and to carry on her journey alone once more.

As always, the spirits had their reasons, had their plans, and she truly believed getting Knighthood to consider her mentee was what the spirits had wanted all along.


Shy Mage


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:03 pm
" Ah well, i've much work to do, as do we all I suppose" He replied, staring off across the flat grassy land that surrounded his home " May we accomplish much and lose little." He turned back to her, studying her face, yes, her calling was a hard one, and the end was as grim as the shadows dancing in her eyes - some domains were simple, some were vast, some complex and some were as hers, a path of occasional hope and much blood. He did not know how much life was left to her - he would enjoy the company of his sister and wish her the best on her path- hers was indeed an honorable one and he prized that above all things.

Loren raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat with a great rumble " well then - you picked up a little fledgeling knight did you? It's not entirely surprising, those with a true calling must also train their spirits as well as their bodies- he must at least have a lick of sense - finding you as a mentor." He cracked a gruff grin, a young stallion following such a devout sister, he was sure this young snip would have some ties that had nothing to do with knightly thoughts. He silently wondered if the call of his own domain had hit this young knight of hers from so far away - if he was worthy of it he would know as soon as he met him.

" Why of course sister, I of course accept and train all worthy and valiant souls in accordance with my domain. This one sounds like he's got a good head on his shoulders already." He continued to study her, it was not often he had someone bring a knight to him, usually they would find their way to him if they felt the call, some came from impressive distances, some who never thought they would choose the way of the knight came to him, all unsure. His interest was piqued - he tucked his wings sharply to his sides, his armor creaking and clinking in protest " Do bring this little knight of yours to me, I will be waiting."
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:55 pm
Kaiya could not help but smile at the others words. She always delighted in the company of her domained kin, and Loren was quite the gentleman. He was kind, a bit gruff, and would be perfect in aiding Tannin in his great quest. She knew without a doubt that Knighthood would help the stallion bloom into the hero he so wished to be. Ah, but Loren was being far too complimentary and giving her far too much credit. "The spirits had our paths cross some time ago, and for good reason. I was meant to lead him to you, that I truly believe," she stated, giving a respectful dip of her head. "I am only glad that I was able to help him to get to this point in his path, and truly believe it is under your tutelage that he belongs."

It pleased Kaiya to know that this stallion was willing to help her cause; that there was such goodness out there. Sometimes, the domained mare did feel quite alone; her path was not easy to walk, and she knew her duty would always be for those that needed her redemption. She had walked away from a betrothal, had given up two daughters, had even walked away from her son when he was of age, all so she might continue to devote to her cause and not risk her loved ones necks. Her road was often a lonely one, but there was little to be done -- it was her choice. She would not abandon those that needed her, not until the spirits called her home.

"You are far too kind, Sir. I will fetch him immediately and begin the introductions. He has no wings, but is not terribly far. If you might excuse me then, I shall return to this area as soon as I can. He has no wings, so the trip back might be a touch delayed." So it was, the mare bowed low to the other angeni, and with a fond farewell, took back to the skies. It would be faster on wing than it would be on hoof, and she was excited that Tannin might get to study under Loren's care. He would be a strict teacher, but Kaiya knew his domain, his knowledge, would be just what her knight-in-training needed.

So it was, she returned to where she had last left the nightmare.

((Not sure where you want Tannin, haha. Poor stallion doesn't know what Kaiya's about to subject him to. xD ))  


Shy Mage


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:05 pm
He wrinkled his nose a bit and nodded " spirits, yes - they work in mysterious ways, as a colt I never much believed in fate, but as i grew older, certainly - it does seem we are all pulled to our destinies doesn't it?" He shrugged his large shoulders, his armor creaking " i'm sure you have done wonders for this young spring already. More often than not folks scoff at spiritual and mental training as well as physical - when in fact all are vital." He sniffed " and your companion will certainly have no shortage of training while i'm around~"

He saw many emotions pass her face before she spoke again, as a battle hardened stallion he had seen many such emotions pass the faces of friends as well as foes - even if they did their best to hide it. But he knew they all had their burdens to bear, he had plenty of his own. He was happy he could do anything for this sister who had seen so much in her life.

"Excellent!" he remarked, standing once more at attention " I shall wait here then, there is enough sweet grass and pleasant scenery to ease my old heart until you return, I assure you." He cracked another craggy smile and bowed back to her.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:58 pm
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He had followed Kaiya through many strange lands and fought battles both mentally and physically trying - his new scars were pink and shiny against his pelt, but would soon join the myriad of others that had found their way across his flanks. He had long decided he would do his utmost to protect her, the scars were nothing if he at least could do that much. He had learned many things while traveling with her and fighting to keep her safe from those who didn't want her redemption. He realized somewhere along the line that while he was a good guard, he was still not yet a knight - he distantly remembered his fathers burning gaze, his whispered hopes and dreams for his only son while he was still clinging desperately to sanity. He had found a teacher in one thing, but had forgotten the other, his subconscious hissed that it was ok, this was fine - just to be close to her would be fine wouldn't it?

He drank his fill from a stream cutting through the sweet grasses of this land, this was much farther than they usually went in one trip, he could see the outline of a mountain range standing tall and proud above the tree line, his eyes glowed in the shadows of his helmet as he silently wondered what was beyond that horizon. He sniffed and lifted his head, water dripping from his lips, he heard soft hoof falls were coming through the trees, Kaiya was returning. She had left him here to guard their supplies and speak with the friend she had told him of earlier, she seemed very secretive about the whole thing - which made him more worried than assured. He had begun to protest that she be going off on her own, but remembered with some shame that she had been doing this longer than he had been drawing breath. And she would continue do so even if he wasn't there to shield her from harm. Was a fledgeling knight really worth the trouble of keeping around?

He knew he desperately needed the answer to that, but he also knew he didn't want to hear it.


Kawaii Hunter


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:01 am
Kaiya was pleased to know that the Angeni of Knighthood was willing to take on a new ward. It would be wonderful for the skeletal legged stallion to begin his own journey, his own path; she had taught him all that she could, but the Angeni knew that it was time for a true knight to help mold Tannin into what he wished to be. She had to wonder what her valiant companion might think, and if his objections would be similar to Galahad's. Ah, but she had a penchant for finding lost knights who wished to do good! Clearly, the spirits trusted her advice to be sound.

"Ah, Tannin,we meet again," she greeted warmly, spotting the 'spook' within the woods at the edge of a stream. Her headwings flared lightly in her good humor and delight, and the smile she wore was one of pleasure. She was excited to tell her young companion of the great news, though she was well aware that he might protest and object. Above all else, Kaiya did not want him to think she was kicking him out or dumping him on another out of exasperation, for Tannin was bold and brave. He was a good companion, but, it was time for him to spread his own wings.

"I come victorious from my quest, and hoped to find you post-haste. Have you been well in my absence? Or have the spirits caused you much mischief and trickery?' Kaiya knew above all else how fickle the spirits could be, and how a quiet day could turn into a nightmare on the spirits whim. Hopefully, her glowing eyed companion had found nothing but peace while she'd been away.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:07 pm
Tannin raised an eyebrow in the shadows of his bone helm, curious about who she could have met that made her seem so cheerful now. He quieted his heart for fear of the stab of jealousy and simply cleared his throat, standing to attention in front of his teacher " The spirits have been abuzz, but they have not bothered nor aided me one way or another" He glanced at her " But it looks like they may have helped you out, you found who you were looking for I take it?" She hadn't been exactly forthcoming with what they were doing out here, only that it was something she deemed necessary, and far be it for him to ask questions, he was simply happy to be beside her, moreso to watch that she didn't happen by a herd of testy kalona that needed her help.

" Where are we off to now?"


Kawaii Hunter


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:46 pm
Lol. She's being awfully cryptic. . . sorry Tannin! I'd make a longer tag but am being dragged out the door.

Kaiya didn't intentionally keep secrets, but sometimes she tempered her words. The gold and silver eyed mare was quite certain that her companion would object once he found out the truth, and while she didn't want to trap him, she did want him to meet Loren before he did anything rash. She remembered how Galahad had objected, how he had begged her to reconsider, and how it took her assurances to soothe his broken spirit. She was not a proud mare, or a vain one, but she was also not blind. She knew Tanin wished to be a knight, but he could not live in her shadow. It would not be fair for him, and she feared she might stifle his own dreams.

So . . . it was time to release him, to let him be his own stallion.

"I did indeed find what I needed, thank you," she smiled gently. "The spirits were very generous in guiding my hooves to these lands." She gestured for the stallion to walk to with her, so they might continue their journey in good time and not keep Loren longer than he might wish to wait. "I will show you what I found, though I suspect you might not like where our journey takes us." The angeni figured she might as well prepare the stallion, though he could not possibly know it was not to some kalona den or skinwalkers lair. "Change is in the air, Tannin, but we must trust the spirits, even when the path becomes unclear or difficult to traverse." She knew Tannin knew that well . . .but one last reminder might suit him well.

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