*BIO, DREAM JOB updated 7/6/15

Hi, my name is Tyson Jacob Xanders

But I mostly go by Ty, TJ

I'm a Male

I'm seventeen years old.

My birthday is April First 2013

My dream job is to be a Curse Breaker or Wizarding Archaeologist and Historian

My blood status is Muggle born? That is the term, right?

This is my Seventh year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Slytherin

I'm interested in Both. I dunno which I like more though...

I'm currently with No one yet, but I'm in no rush.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm Intelligent and slightly closed minded, he has a hard time seeing things from other's perspectives. He is a perfectionist and must have everything how it is supposed to be. He hates messes and disorganization. He is very motivated and ambitious, no one can push him off a path once he set out on it. He is a hard worker, very effective and focused. But he can get rather snappy when things don't go his way or mess up. He is very assertive and shoves himself into situations that always don't need his input. He will lie to protect himself or get what he wants, unless it puts his siblings at risk.

My background story is Born in Little Whinging as the eldest of triplets from Morgan and Ryan Xanders. The triplets where a handful, especially when weird things started to happen; like when Tyson's teddy was in his bed after it was placed on a high shelf, or when Julius sneezed and the napkins fly about the room like butterflies. Ryan and Morgan dismissed this as tricks of the eye, exhaustion and stress from raising triplets. For a while, it made sense and they continued on with their daily lives.
Things only got more difficult as they aged. While the triplets got along at most times, they did fight, and it proved difficult to manage a trio of fighting children and separate them all. Two parents could only do so much, especially considering one worked half the day. It was decided they would hire a nanny. She stayed a year, but left because of all the weird things that happened, like when the three woke up with blue hair. The kids had then started school.
Things were difficult in school. The three were oddities and outcasts due to the weird events happening. As they grew, so did the amount of bullies. Tyson got into fights, often defending himself and his siblings from bullies. It was then he was transferred to another school. Tyson was a tad calmer in his new school, mostly pushing himself into conversations and forging friendships.
Years of the same thing passed and it was when they turned 11 that the strangest thing of all happened. The family was sitting quietly in the family room. Tyson was working on a math assignment and his siblings were doing their own thing. Both parents were reading and looked worn out as ever. Then suddenly through the open window an owl came in. Of all things. It landed on the table with the family looking on in awe, and for Tyson, shock. In it's beak a letter, three to be exact. Julius took them and the owl left. The three began to read their letter and learned of Hogwarts. The parents were skeptical, that is until the self proclaimed wizard showed up to explain to the family. And so the triplets were off to Hogwarts.
As the year went by, Tyson and his siblings were sorted, each to a different house. Gryffindor for Julius, Hufflepuff for Dorian and Slytherin for Tyson. Each sibling suddenly partially on their own. Tyson soon faced adversity within his house. Some were not the most accepting, some got annoyed with Tyson's cleanliness and others actually used it to their advantage and left messes behind. Tyson saw his siblings from time to time, classes, some breaks. But not to often while at school. Dorian got attacked by a werewolf and turned into one and joined a pack all the while being rather popular. Julius was becoming a good Quiddithc Player while doing great with his studies and Tyson did his best to be perfect. It wasn't until 5th year he started to realize just how impossible that was as it got closer and closer to the OWL Exams. Sixth year started and Tyson was lost. He continued on what classes he could but he was forced to face the realization that, he couldn't do it. Julius spent a day with him out by the lake talking some sense into him. Little did the triplets know it was one of the last times for Julius to be the voice of sense for Tyson, seeing as at the Hogsmeade Station the students were attacked by masked figures. Tyson tried to get innocents out of the way, that is until he saw the woman kill Julius and wound Dorian. Tyson fought liek crazy to save his brothers and apparated them to St. Mungos. The Xanders Family have been grieving their loss, meanwhile Tyson has figured out his goals for life.

I enjoy Organization, spending time with my siblings, sweets, animals, music, watching sports, swimming.

I despise messes and disorganization, being alone, bitter foods, peanuts (allergic), Bullies.

I'm afraid of Snakes and Spiders.

My strengths are organization and transfiguration

My flaws are Keeping calm in stressful situations, and focusing on things that bore him.

I look like Mikaze Ai
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year
Seventh Year
Graduated and Onwards!

My wand is a Twelve and a half Inches Vine and Phoenix Feather Pliable with a Decorated Shaft.

My OWL Scores are:
Astronomy ~ P
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Ancient Studies ~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ A
Divination ~ T
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ P
Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
Wandless Magic Practice ~ P
Wandlore Studies ~ P
Wizard Law ~ A
World Studies ~ A

My pet is a I bought a cat! Her name is Sherbert.

~ Ⅺ
~Utsuha [7/24/15]