User ImageNephi was thoroughly tired of hiding away and studying.

Sure, he knew he wasn't exactly the most up-to-date and active of the Squires considering he had spent so long in bed rest, but there had to be better use for him than studying all day, right? Finally convincing the fairies of that felt like nothing short of a miracle, and Nephi about burst outside and hit the ground running as he decided that he was inclined to do about anything but studying for the next couple days.

Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't out looking. He was still the eyes of the Guardians, and as he wandered, he knew he would come across things that would be of interest to their eyes. Perhaps that was why he had a small telescope hanging around his neck, ready for usage when necessary to observe from afar.

As he walked along the beach, he pondered what news he would come back with.

Maybe some news of some ultimate villainy?

Perhaps some news of the faeries finally going off the deep end?

Maybe he would see those heretics in action ... oh, that would be juicy...

Nephi curled his toes in the sand, preferring his barefoot state though wishing there was not so much heat radiating upwards, taking in a deep breath. There was no use theorizing what could be done for the Guardians if he were not to just go do it. With that determination, he continued on, eyes constantly open and mind alert with everything that passed him by. His location near to the waters especially had him cautious--there were heretics here, after all, and he never knew when he was right within their villainous grasp--

Oh, that was not a naiad he saw ahead, those beautiful wings fluttering. No, that was a faerie. This, somehow, only made the highly suspicious Nephi even more determined, and so, he marched himself right up to the fae that was standing there.

User ImageMagnus didn't know exactly why he found himself outside.

Okay, yes he did. Texas literally marched up to him and dragged him outside, nearly kicking and screaming. Said something about Magnus needing to see some sunshine before he became paler than a ghost. Magnus honestly didn't care about how pale he looked--he was holed up in a very comfortable bed with some very luxurious drinks, and that was enough for him!

But no, he had to go explore the world and adventure and all of that crap. Magnus would honestly rather not and pretend he did, but that did not seem to be an option...

Great, there were other people on this beach.


That made it worse, especially since the teenager was ... marching right up to him. Oh what in Telrunya had he done this time? Was something wrong with his hair? What made him grab the attention of a damn teenager?

"What?" the flat words from Magnus did not seem to be what the young teenager was looking for, if his offended expression hinted at anything.


"How dare you not greet your leaders with the utmost respect!" It was true, Nephi was offended. In fact, he could hardly believe anyone with anything like a heritage linking to the Guardians would not know where to show their respect! He did not greet him at all, did not bow his head, did not even wish the best of the Guardians! This only proved it--those faeries were barely any better than the heretics themselves!


Huh, and this stupid faerie didn't even think he had a leader! What an absolute idiot!

"Let me get your head on straight, sir," stated Nephi, confidently. "My name is Nephi, and I am of the Holy Squires. We have a direct connection to the word of the Guardians, and we will bring their will and their words to the Isle. This makes us the authority of the Isle, sir."

Authority of the ... Isle.

Magnus blinked a few times.


After clearing his throat, he continued, "I'm sorry, Nephi, but you are no authority I have ever heard of." Honestly, this was mostly because he and his family lived away from Telrunya City, and Magnus had spent much of his time as a shut-in for the last few months ... hell, the last couple years in all reality. He didn't really get around much and didn't hear much of the Squires, other than a few mutters of annoyance from that crazy Ignatius kid.

And Texas, for that matter, had mentioned them. Perhaps he should have paid more attention. Still, they didn't exert any authority over him.

"The Guardians are bringing teenagers to lead people, eh? Doesn't sound that smart."

The sound Nephi made was absolutely appalled.

"Sir, I should bring you in for treason!"

"Treason? Against what, a bunch of snot-noses?"

Nephi felt his blood begin to boil the more this other man continued to talk. It was clear that this man was already influenced by the heretics, failing to understand the truths he spoke. The darkness had already invaded into his soul, and quietly, Nephi murmured, "May the Guardians bring peace to this tortured soul I see in front of me, for he knows not what he says and those words he say mean."

When he looked back up, his golden eyes almost seemed molten.

"You do not know what you say, if I may be so bold, sir. It is lucky that the Guardians do not smite you where you stand!" He snorted. "Especially for a faerie to say such things, created by the Guardians themselves so long ago. No wonder you were all discarded as failures."

Magnus narrowed his eyes. This little snot-nose wasn't worth the annoyance, but he was starting to piss Magnus off. "Failures, you say."

Nephi's laughter was a bit ... dark.


He glanced up, staring Magnus in the eyes. "But you have a chance to redeem thyself to the Guardians above. They are always willing to accept more into their light and protection, no matter what their sins of the past may be. They will even accept those of the heretics, who are willing to bring the Guardians into their heart," he pointed to Magnus' heart, "their soul!," he pointed to Magnus' gut, "and their mind," as he finally pointed at Magnus' head. "Good sir, it is never too late!"

With a pause, he added, "Not even for such a blasphemous faerie."

Really, this man only supported his theory that all faeries were up to something or other. He couldn't believe that any of them would be so flippant about this!

"Blasphemy? You want blasphemy?" Magnus' eyes twinkled. Honestly, now he was just rather amused. "May the Guardians ro--"

"Do not dare say such things!" Nephi shook his head. "May the Guardians cast out the darkness that has found its way into your heart! Open your mind, sir faerie, and believe in the light of the Guardians, for it will cleanse even the darkest crevices of your deepest sins."

"You really do fancy yourself a paladin, don't you?"

Nephi's eyes narrowed.

"May the Guardians have mercy upon your soul, for I, their faithful follower, may not."

Before he did things that would shame him, Nephi turned around and left the blasphemous faerie behind. He so hoped they were not all like this, as there were faeries that lived in the City of Telrunya who did not seem to be such horrid creatures as this one were, but the more evidence mounted, the more he believed that all creatures that called themselves faeries that lived outside of the City were barely any better than the heretics.

As he looked behind him one last time at the faerie--who was happy to be left alone, it seemed--he scoffed, marching forward and further away.

Perhaps, in some ways, their constant questioning and oblivion was worse.