Hi, my name is Iñigo Águilo Lazaro Renaldo Albion-Alexandré

But I mostly go by Iñi (in-yee), or Lazarus

I'm a male

I'm 17 years old.

My birthday is the 17th of September

My dream job is to be an Auror or Hit wizard

My blood status is Pureblood

This is my seventh year here at Hogwarts

The house I'm in is Ravenclaw

I'm interested in girls

I'm currently with Lexine Vance

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm extremely intelligent...at least...that is what my father has told me...and my mother. I always am on point and I exceed everyone's expectations from a mental aspect. No one believes me to be as smart as I am, but I can outsmart almost all people my age, and most of those double my age.

I am also confident, but I do not show it. I do not brag about much, because despite the good that I do, I can never feel good enough about myself to ever brag about what I do...ever since the death of my mother...I don't feel good much at all. Confident, but humbled.

I am not as introverted as my father. I am very outgoing, despite all the anger that I have bubbling inside me. I keep up the facade very well and am always acting as if I am good, but when alone...all I see...is the scene of my mother and uncle dying right before my eyes. I miss them and find it hard to care about anything anymore, for fear of losing it.

I am mentally mature for my age. I don't really play pranks, I don't play around like those my age do. I am often caught solving sudoko puzzles, kenken puzzles, any kind of puzzles that I can get my hands on or I am studying up all the textbooks that I would need to buy in preparation of Hogwarts. I want to become one of the best wizards ever born

I have flaws however, when alone, I am enraged...I mentally beat myself up every time. I feel as if it is my fault that my mother is dead. I could've protected her. I want her back...I lost her too early.

My background story is eventful by all means of the word. Before the age of seven, I was a normal boy who always seemed to be doing something. I always was found in my room reading...at the age of five and six. I picked up everything extremely quickly, thanks to my mom reading to me to put me to bed when I was growing. She also taught me Spanish so I stayed in touch with my culture. And now I am fluent...mainly because of our vacations to my other grandfather's villa. I thank her for teaching me and am glad she did it. I read current events in the Spanish language as well, which helped me extend my knowledge of the language as well.

One night, all of that changed, when I found myself dreaming while I slept. I foresaw it...my mother and my uncle dying in front of me at the hands of a brute. A week later...it happened. I remember what the man looks like even to this day. He took everything away from me! Everything that meant something to me! They are gone. All I have is my father left because of that brute. Somehow I am going to find him...I will find him and face him. I am too young for now. But I will put him behind the bars of Azkaban. That man, he used the death curse...I remember it. He had hit me in the head, and knocked me to the ground and went to kill me too, but my mother had confronted him before it. He had a knife and stabbed her to death, and then used the death curse on my uncle! That's all I saw before started to lose consciousness and before I knew it, I woke up in a hospital bed. I was disoriented but my father was there. I secretly hoped it was a dream, but my father confirmed that my uncle and my mother were dead. Why me? Why were they taken away from me? I want them back, but I know it isn't possible. My father is all I have left.

I live with just my father now, in my grandfather's castle. We moved away from the house to get away from the memories and now we live in the gargantuan place. I miss our little home. I really do. I loved it. We had a yard...just enough space to get around...a lawn. This place is...too big.

I am glad I have a place to live though. We always used to rent out rooms to people who needed a home as well. So I got to meet some people. There was also all of the balls that they were invited to. I met other kids, but none of them are like me. None of them shared the same interests. All I wish is for a friend, but I can not trust anyone. I find it hard too. For now, until I go to Hogwarts, I'll be fine. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts though. That seems to be a happy point of my life.

I enjoy problem solving, reading upper level books, bringing justice to the world, my father, saving lives.

I despise my mother's killer, the corrupt, evil, idiots, and the upper class who can not solve even the remedial problems.

I'm afraid of foreseeing my own father's death

My strengths are my intellect and my ability to solve most problems

My flaws are not being able to get over my grief and taking the blame for my mother's death.

I look like this

My wand is a 13", Blackthorn, with a chimera scale core(Approved)

My pet is a Black Owl named Jéssica

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
Alchemy ~EE
Astronomy ~A
Care of Magical Creatures ~O
Charms ~O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~O
Divination ~EE
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~EE
Herbology ~A
History of Magic ~EE
Potions ~EE
Transfiguration ~O
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~O
Wizard Law ~A

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
Divination ~ A
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ P
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE
Wizard Law ~ EE

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I am a seer (Approved)

~ ♥ Cara ɱк
