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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:18 pm
Guide to the flock: Religion Extended
Sacred Mothers and Whistle Stallions

reserved for info on Whistle Stallions and Sacred Mothers  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:32 pm
A Summary

Sacred Mothers and Sacred Daughters

Sacred Mothers
~Other names: The Sacred Motherhood. Followers of the Three Daughters.~

Sacred Mothers are a sect of the priestesses and healers that focus that focus their attentions on "Fertility Magic". These mares weave breeding baskets from Sacred Spirit Reed, provide counsel for expecting and new mothers, teach young mares (and stallions) that are entering adulthood about what to expect as their bodies change, assisting with the labor and later stages of pregnancy, and create herbal remedies for encouraging, preventing, (in rare cases where a mare's life is at stake) ending pregnancy, as well as boosting the strength of children and their mothers after birth. They also play a role in most males rites of adulthood, young adult males having gone through their ceremony of adulthood, often joining the priestesses for an evening, with the Motherhood handling the clipping of bird, descaling of flutter, and piercing of leather wings to show the mark of adulthood for stallions with such features. They Also collect feathers, locks of hair, or an icon crafted to represent a stallion with neither, to tie the males spirit to the flock as the final sign of adulthood.

Another job of theirs is to train the Whistle Stallions, since the male's jobs are important for the rites of passage for most Mares, keep an eye on their activities, tend to them to insure their continued health and well being, and distribute their allowances. They often encourage popular, devoted, and/or fertile whistle stallions with bigger allowances and private rooms if any are available. The males also often act as attendants along side Acolytes

As a group, they tend to focus more attention on 'The three Sisters", the mares born from the great mother as the source of their breed, and because of this it is often believed their magic is strongest when they are still exhausted from the labors of birth, being closest to the spirits at that time, and when full with child. Because of this, the highest ranking mares are those that are the most often pregnant, and spend their time crafting baskets, the grand feathery capes and capelets of the order, and are often asked to bless other mothers in their early stages of pregnancy.

The mare must be devoted to the concept of breeding and fertility being separate from romance, and cannot Lifemate or have preferred pets. They are the 'caretakers' of the Whistle Stallions however so they are often with them, but are not restricted to them. Sometimes other types of priestesses will study under the Sacred Mothers, and a few even take it as a secondary role.

The Uniform of a fully ranked Sacred Mother is a white or cream cape of feathers (With pale colored accents or very minor darker color accents), pale gold or silver, white/pale colored accent accessories (Flowers, additional feathers, fabrics), and gemstones matching their eyecolors. Those who are high priestesses majority have some sort of headdress.

They do not have to be Hippogryphs of any sort. Any breed but Skinwalker, mini breeds, and mers are allowed.

They do not have to be flockborn or start from a young age. However Flockborn ones tend to be "high priestesses" at a much younger age, while most non-flockborn spend a longer time as Sacred Daughters.

Sacred Daughters
Also known as Sacred Mother Acolytes, Sacred Daughters Wear capelets similar to the Whistle stallions and tend to not have as many decorations, and are more often to leave uniform with other colored accents. They do much of what the Sacred Mothers do, and are part of the 'group', but are less experienced.

Some members of the Sacred Daughters lever train up to become Sacred Mothers, instead keeping themselves purposely as acolytes, acting much like female whistler stallions, sitting in as a surrogate for a mare unable to birth her own, or simply because they arent as devoted but want many children to raise as their own.

Note: Sacred Mothers/Daughters cannot have preferred pets, cannot lifemate, and are protectors of whistler stallions. While you can decide to have a breeding only OFFICIALLY 'take' with one stallion, they can't canonically only be with one stallion. They can, however, retire.

Additional Note: they CAN Be DMAB.

Whistler Stallions and Sacred Sires

Whistle Stallions
~Other names: Whistlers, Preening Stallions, Strutters, Peacocks, Wiggletails~
Whistle stallions are males that take the non-profession of' 'breeder' (A title which most males can claim), to a whole different level and turn it into an actual profession. They often help with a young, newly turned adult mares first rights into adulthood, making sure it is enjoyable so they will continue to try breeding with other stallions. They're also often assigned by flock mares to show outsiders who had recently joined the flock a good time and allow them to see that stallions are not at all tormented and are often quite happy and at ease in the flock, the entirety of it true though it helps make the new mare comfortable with the idea of their children being raised in the flock, knowing their children would be happy regardless of their gender. They also will often sing, dance, have conversations with, and generally provide various entertainments for mares, sometimes entertaining whole parties with their songs and dances. They're easily accessible for quickly relieving an 'itch' for those who don't have the time or desire to actually seduce a stallion, and often are willing to, depending on the stallion and as long as it causes no physical harm, play out scenarios for the individual mare, as well as for if a mare is completely uninterested in men and simply want to 'get it over with' when they want kids. Some Whistlers also entertain stallions much like they do with mares.

Their title name comes from how they were originally requested: A Hippogryph mare would go to the edge of the save zone and call a particular Whistle, and all available stallions of their profession would head over to the mare and show off in hopes of being selected. While the whistle is still used to this day, with the inclusion of non-hippogryph members of the flock and the slightly more spread out nature of the stallions with the introduction of the artisan guild, other calls and methods have been adopted.

Whistle stallions that are 'available' and on duty wear a white tabard that is specifically marked and colored, and when they're busy with a job they put on a feather caplet of white feathers. If they're currently busy with a mare but wish to still advertise their status to others, they were both (Example. A mare can approach the one they want, call out for a Whistle stallion, or leave some sort of artifact at a post set up specifically for whistle stallions, and return the next day to a broader selection to chose from, the available and interested stallions - Some not even Whistlers but just interested stallions that recognize the cue - waiting near the post for the job.

It's considered polite to give Whistle stallions trinkets, and the Whistlers often have a small allowance provided by the flock to use for their job, though usually they're dependent on what you have to provide when it comes to food and drink when entertaining parties. Some of them work other jobs as well in order to afford decorations in order to advertise themselves and have gifts to give to mares, though those with additional work are often a little picker and will prefer mares that provide better trinkets, tidbits, and trade items or appeal to them if they're to share their bounty beyond what is allotted to them by the flock..

Due to their exceedingly attention based profession, over all they tend to be extremely fussy and cleanly within their own areas, thus gaining them the nickname of "Preening Stallions". They often also shake their tails and rustle their tail feathers often when getting attention, so they're also sometimes called Peacocks, Strutters, and Wiggletails.

Sacred Sire

On Rare occasions in more modern times, some Whistler stallions find themselves not only just as devoted as a Sacred Daughter in the teachings, learning about the spiritual side of the aspect and taking a role as a teacher rather than just a partner, but also learn many skills and sire many healthy offspring with a higher ratio of females, entering the highest ranks of the Whistler Stallions. From These rare few, the sacred mothers test those who seem as if they'd be capable of learning the herbal skills, rituals, and skills necessary to become a Sacred Sire, though very few ever go beyond the most basic teachings.

A Sacred Sire is the counterpart of a Sacred Mother, a stallion not only trained in the ways of the whistler stallion, but taught in the ways of helping males with any issues related to fertility with medicines, counseling, and physical therapy, assist with some fertility rituals (originally a Random whistler was chosen and anointed as a sacred sire for rituals a month in advance for these rituals, then removed from the flock so they could not tell others of it of the ritual. Now, sacred stallions are a permanent member sworn to silence), and often reserved for only The Oracle, The Queen, Oracle Eyes, priestesses, Sacred Mothers, and mares of higher authority, though some mares may be gifted direct access to the stallion.

The uniform of a Sacred Sire tends to be a a white feathery cape similar to the Sacred Mother's, though typically with Markings or feathers in the red range mixed in. They also wear a Tabard with a modified version of the Whistle Stallion symbol.

Note: Whistlers/Sacred Sires cannot be preferred pets, cannot lifemate, and are 'protected' by the Sacred Motherhood. While you can decide to have a breeding only OFFICIALLY 'take' with one mare, they can't canonically only 'perform' for one mare. They can, however, retire.

Additional Note: they CAN Be DFAB.

Sacred Acolytes and Sacred Experts

Much of what can be said about Whistlers/Sacred Daughters, Sacred Sires/Sacred Mothers relate to those who are Non-binary within the Flock that follow the same interests and pursuits. They're simply given a gender neutral term and learn both sides magics/skills.  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:33 pm
Sacred Mothers in depth part 1  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:35 pm
Sacred Mothers in depth part 2  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:43 pm
Sacred Mothers in depth part 3  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:45 pm
Whistle Stallions in Depth part 1  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:47 pm
Whistle Stallions in Depth part 2  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:12 pm
Whistle Stallions in Depth part 3  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:23 pm
Sacred Sires
Looking for a Greater Purpose

How to be Chosen as a Sacred Sire

How it usually happens

In most situations, Sacred Sires must first be a whistler stallion, though on RARE occasions a non-whistler may be chosen as seen in the next category.

Most Whistlers are just interested in getting their own private areas to work in, or simply spending time with ladies or other whistlers if their preference leans that way. They may only be part time or spend more time goofing off. Stallions like these usually do not have the heart to be chosen until they choose to focus on the path of the Sacred Sire.

A Sacred Sire is chosen from a stallion who does the following

  • Spends at least Four days a Week Working a total of 8 hours a day doing something for the whistlers (either advertising themselves, working with the sacred mothers, Officially with a mare, or assisting in a form of formal entertainment)
  • Take the Whistler Lifestyle seriously.
  • Have reached the Ranking where they have the right to have a Private Tent of the Largest size AND Earthen Dwelling (an artificial Cave) for an official studio.
  • Shows an interest in being able to do more after reaching that top ranking, not for the Dwelling, but because they love the job and are interested in helping out beyond the simple job of a Whistler.

While not a requirement, it also helps if they show an interest in the Religious aspect of the Sacred Maidens and adopt it into their own beliefs as a Whistler stallion, adapting what they've learned to it: Those who hold their job as a Sacred tradition are more likely to be Chosen to be a Sacred Sire.

The Odd Case of Flock born Elder Stallions

In the event that a Flock-born stallion is chosen by the spirits to become an Elder (Or if the Oracle even suspects they may have the potential to be chosen for the honor, She'll assign a sacred mother to them as a protector or as an additional protector), Once the choice of the Spirits are made clear, the stallion will often end up being overwhelmed with attention.

To keep the stallion from being immediately swarmed by mares (or to keep them from being coveted by a single mare), and to make use of the spirit energy given directly to them, they are taken in and given at least some of the training given to Sacred Sires, and kept under the protection of the sacred maidens until thing's cool down and they can slowly return fully to their previous lifestyle and only be called upon for important ceremonies or become a sacred stallion of a chosen Specialty.

Making this the only say for a Sacred Sire to be made out of a stallion who was NOT a whistler to begin with.

Since Elders are super rare in general, and even rarer for one to be born to the Flock as a Stallion, grow as a Stallion and then chosen by the spirits, this is a rare opportunity.

The Approach

When a Whistler is chosen to be a Sacred Sire, he is approached and given the opportunity to take on additional schooling to become a Sacred Sire, and told it is a serious Duty and will take them away from their current pursuits and hobbies for a year, and should they last an entire year, They will then be a Sacred Sire. They can take however long they wish to decide whether or not they wish to take up the offer and start their training.

Should they give up at any time, they have a month to return to it without having to start from the beginning, and can take up to Four months off total during their learning, but they will still work for 365 days to officially become a sacred sire.

Training to Become a Sacred Sire

Once the Stallion has chosen this path (or the Spirits chose to include him into it in the event of flock born stallions), he packs up his possessions and moves from the Western quarters where the Whistler Stallions relax and nest, to East of the Sacred Mothers, in a much more isolated part of the cave system, sitting between the Sacred Mothers and the Rest of the Priestesses dwellings. Here, instead of the natural cave structures of the rest of the land, are artificial caves, mined out and reinforced to strengthen the structure and decorate it.

You enter via one of two entrances, either by the Mountain side (Where most mares/stallions will enter or through the sacred Mother's quarter. The main main hall dug out is similar to that of the Sacred Mothers hall, and Luxuriously decorated with Tapestries, Plush nests, furs, and pillows, with lanterns for Lighting. This is where Fully trained Sacred Sires often reside when on the clock, waiting for others to come to them, and from which they will lead them to their private rooms, which an upward angling and curving hallway Hallway to the East leads toward the mined out rooms, some of which are even above the main lobby, and have small windows cut into the mountain side, giving fresh air and a view: Each one carved out to be just as luxurious as the main room, if not quite as large,

To the Back, The various Rooms for the different Specialties of Sacred Sires are cut out. A Smaller room similar to the lobby is cut out as a class room, for Sires in Training and Existing Sires continuing their education.

Attached to the classroom are four smaller, though still luxurious rooms, Which act as a home for Whistlers learning to become sacred Sires (Since only four Hopeful sacred stallions at MOST are taken in at once, and usually only one is taught at a time)

They are taught eight hours a day, Five days a week for the entire time, getting the weekends off to do what they wish (or take on homework). Some days they go out and learn skills that could be useful from other experts, venturing from their classroom/work area: Going to see how medicinal herbs are grown and which ones are used for what medicines, learning from the Brewmaster on how to make the Meads, wines, and Beers often used for entertaining, and so on. They frequently spend time with the Sacred Mothers and Sacred Daughters, so with the addition of these trips (and the fact that, if they have a Romantic partner of the same Sex, they are allowed to bring their partner to their room at night to stay with them), their time with Trained sires and, if others have taken up the trial, it is not a completely lonely time while in training, though not as free as most Whistlers are used to do, not being able to set their own time.

The first year is a lot less hands on with general flock mares to begin with, as they learn the magic and spend more time with sacred mothers and daughters being their main customers when it comes to their old job, with their days devoted to training for five days a week, which can chase off most of the not-really devoted to it individuals.

This period is used for learning and training and finding a specialty if parts of it They just aren't really that Good at.

After that first year, Some stallions may have a specialty, and know the magic rituals sacred mothers and them may have to do together. Then they can start taking customers from the general public again, or can choose to take other duties other than just pleasing the ladies or lads.

There are some sacred sires who may specifically choose to specialize in being an especially high end whistler, while others may become counselors or therapists, or may specialize in medicines, fertility specialists, or even brewing.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:24 pm
So you're now an Official Sacred Sire

A truly Luxurious Nest

Once a sire has one through all the training and officially becomes a Sacred Sire after a Small, private ceremony with the sacred mothers, what's next?

First they get assigned their private room and get to choose if they want the natural stone walls, wooden walls, Woven walls, stonework, or a mix and how. They are given a budget to decorate it to their tastes. Since many still own things from their old earthen lodge, they often start with what they had there and build from there.

Room is split level, giving them their main 'area', often used for working, and the smaller upper level (with a gentle ramp against it, since some stallions have hooves instead of claws and paws and have a harder time safely leaping onto higher ledges or down from them) they can close to keep that area private, storing their personal things there or using it as a sort of 'dressing room' or some other things. Cubbies are built into the ramp and wall leading up to it,giving them storage area, And having enough space to entertain up to five guests comfortably (So can invite their five favorite customer in for drinks and food, which is encouraged)

A day in the life  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:32 pm
Sacred Sires in detail  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:10 pm
Sacred Mother Territory

General Area
User Image

The sacred Mothers and the whistle stallion territory are within "Temple Mountain" and bordering the east side of the nursery and maternal quarters, allowing quick and easy travel to aide in the rearing of children and assisting expectant and new mothers as they recover from their birthing process, should they decide to get assistance and be watched over.

There are many camps with tents for Sacred Mothers and their acolytes as well as whistle stallion within the territory. Whistle stallions, while in uniform, are free to travel within the territory boarders with only minimal observation and without direct escort. Back in the ancestral homelands they lived in a semi private valley but now, instead, they live within a guarded subborder

Territory Map Aerial View
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Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:11 pm
Territory description1  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:36 pm
Territory description2  


Ghost Trash

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Ghost Trash

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:10 pm
Ancient Rituals and Known Relics

Ancient Rituals and their more modern versions.

Origin of the Sacred Sires
In ancient times, Sacred Sires used to be be selected from some of the most productive of the Whistler stallions, and he'd be anointed as a Sacred Sire (the root of modern Sacred Sires) once every decade. For a Year, this stallion was pampered and frequently (and ritualistically) paired with Sacred mothers, and given a luxuriant life. Then, on the Spring Equinox, one year after his being anointed, the final ritual climaxed with him being sacrificed, sent to The Great Mother and the Three Sacred Sisters for their harem, and his bones turned into spiritual tools and reliquary for the Sacred Mothers for fertility rites to help aide in the production of children in the living.

Centuries ago up to more recent times, before the Cataclysm, the ritual changed to the anointed Sacred Stallion giving a blood sacrifice, then exiled from the Flock in secret, their wealth giving them a chance to survive and find a place of high standing outside of the flock (and thus provide possible decedents to be captured as fresher blood), but forbidden to ever return to the flock itself.

In more modern times, Sacred sires are being trained as a permanent feature within the sacred mothers, and after the Blood Offering of the Spring Equinox, the stallion is isolated for a month from all but minimal contact with high ranking sacred mothers to provide him meals, to meditate and make themselves available to the spirit world to appease the spirits and leave part of themselves there for the great harem. After his Isolation period is up, he returns to his duties as a Sacred Sire for other rituals. The wound created by the Blood offering is smeared with ash, fat, and antiseptic herbs, helping protect and heal the wound, while creating a permanent scar dyed black where fur does not grow, marking them as part of The Great Mother and Sacred Sisters harem.


Much like The Oracle, the High Priestess of the Sacred Mothers (The Sacred Mother), does not get a funeral Pyre when they pass on, but instead their bones, claws, feathers, and sometimes even pelts are used to create reliquary and tools, such as incense burners, Parchment, tools, containers for medicines and other things used by the highest ranked members of the Sacred Mothers and other religious sects.  
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