Shukura watched her little brood of children play with one another, a small smile on her face. She hadn't expected to become a mother at such a young age, but now that she had her three little bundles of joy, she wouldn't have had it any other way. The rainbow trio reminded her so much of Mlinzi that it made her heart ache a bit. The poor male didn't know he was a father...but she couldn't leave while her cubs were still so young. Perhaps he didn't want to be a father, either...that thought had never occurred to her until now. No, it was best to stay here with her children. She doubted she'd ever see the lion again, even though he had been so kind and cute...ah. It was for the best. She had to keep telling herself that, otherwise she'd ache to go find him again.

She had a job now, though, she reasoned with herself as she settled her head on her paws, eyes flicking to the cubs once again. She had to take care of these little ones, raise them properly and with all the wisdom she could give them. Shukura, who had been abandoned as a cub, wasn't about to do that to her kids. Once they were older she'd feel better about letting them wander and letting herself explore the lands once again, but for now they would stay in the relative safety of the pride.

Lifting her head, Shukura sniffed the wind as it blew her way. There was a fresh kill that she could partake in, but she didn't want to leave her cubs alone. A few lions were coming back from their meal and, after hailing them, she left her cubs with them so she could go eat. She didn't waste any time in doing so, scarfing down enough food to fill herself and supply her cubs with the milk they still needed. Feeling horribly full - nearly pregnant again - she waddled back to her spot under the tree to watch her cubs. The nannies departed, leaving her with her children and a smile on her face.


She didn't realize she'd fallen asleep until a drop of water hit her nose. Lifting her head to the sky, she spotted the huge rain cloud that was just about overhead. With a call to her cubs, they darted over to her and she quickly led the way back to their den. The playing continued as the rains came down hard, creating a curtain of water at the mouth of the den. Shukura shifted to lay on her side so her cubs could eat if they wished, speaking softly to them as they settled down to nap.

Once the den was silent, she got to her feet and moved to the mouth of the den to stare out past the rain. Mlinzi had made her realize having a male in her life as a permanent figure would be nice. Having someone strong and kind to protect her and their children from the dangers of the world made her feel warm and happy, even though it was a bit damp and cool where she sat. If she closed her eyes she could picture that perfect male. Friendly and funny, like Mlinzi had been, but bigger and stronger and younger, someone her own age. A dash of intelligence never hurt, and the idea of a sweet but gruff male to covet her and their family made her grin. Of course, no male like that existed, she was sure. There was too much to ask for in one package. She'd settle for someone that had a few of those qualities, of course. She couldn't be too picky, considering she wasn't much of a catch beyond her willingness to help others.

With a little sigh the young lioness turned to look at her children once again. They were all asleep, cuddled up with each other, and she smiled just a bit. She was glad she had had a decent litter, even at her young age. She had been an only cub and the loneliness had nearly killed her. Now if something happened to her, the gods forbid, they would at least have one another to rely on to get through their hard times. Of course, she didn't anticipate having anything happen to her. She would be here as long as she had a say in it.

"Ah...little ones," she said with a chuckle as she moved to lay down beside them, curling her tail around them to keep them warm. "What a life you'll have here," she murmured, nuzzling the eldest cub, Xolile, as she stirred just a bit. "Shh...sleep," she murmured, purring softly before she started to hum a little tune she had heard the nannies singing to other cubs. It worked, the gentle lullaby soothing the cub back to sleep.

Settling her head on her paws, Shukura closed her own eyes to doze lightly. The rains stopped by the time she woke again, but she didn't move to get up just yet. Her cubs had sprawled out on her and she didn't wish to wake them yet. Turning her gaze to the plains, she watched steam rise from the earth as the sun baked it dry once again. The rain probably caused mudslides elsewhere, but thankfully they were on a fairly flat area. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a little breath, and started to feel her cubs stir. They rolled off her back and she stood, stretching her legs before moving to the mouth of the cave. She sat down once again, smiling slightly when she spotted a rainbow in the sky. It seemed no matter where she went she'd always be reminded of the friendly blind lion.

A little noise let her know her cubs had woken up and, after some coaxing, she had them eating their dinner. She lifted her paw to stroke them in turn, enjoying the warm fur against her paw pads. She was glad she wasn't alone anymore, that was for certain. Now she just needed to find someone to be hers when they grew up and started families of their own.
