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[FIN Zena] You're Hired! ~ Eira & Gyuri ~ Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:29 pm
Eira was in a grand mood, something that tended only to happen when things were going her way and today it seemed that they were doing just that. She had set out from home to take a walk, determine to see if there were any people in the village that were worthy of joining her troupe when she spotted him... damn but he was utterly perfect. While she had zero interest in those outside of her tribe normally she couldn't help but to stare at the guy who was walking by, certain that the Goddess herself had sent this man to cross paths with her.

No, no, no it wasn't love, nothing nearly so silly, no this guy was built like a walking mountain, had fists the size of her head, and was strong as a Mammu if the stuff he was carrying was any indication. Halfbreed or no she wanted him for her troupe, he could be many things from a strong man act to a bodyguard to various other tasks that she would be sure to appoint to him. Yes, she had to have him! She wouldn't let him say no, she would keep talking until he agreed!

Smiling to herself she set to running her fingers through her hair to get it completely perfect, brushed off her skirt, and adjusted her ample chest so it would look its best. Men were dumb beasts so best that she was sure she looked her best before talking to him, it would be sure to throw him off guard she thought to herself before she started to follow after the giant of a man. She wouldn't let this opportunity slip her by, she would get him for her group! The first in the group save for herself, but a vital part of the group for certain. What was more important then the one that would protect the group after all? She was certain that just the sheer size of him alone would deter any would be bad guys but she was certain he could probably fight pretty decently too, how could he not when he was built like that? Alright! Time go close in for the kill! Erm... so to speak.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:34 pm
Gyuri was doing what he always did at the moment, that being following along behind his father acting the part of the well behaved pack animal that he had become. It wasn't that it was a job that he enjoyed but it was a job that he was good at, there was that at least. Why not use the strength that the Goddess had blessed him with his father said quite often, something he couldn't really argue with... not that he ever argued in the first place. The most he'd done in recent days when it came to speaking up against his father was to get the man to allow the capramel he found, now dubbed Halsten, to stay. Passed that he'd held his silence in a manner that only Gyuri was able to do. The man was silent as the grave, something that at times gave him the bad reputation of being dangerous when it combined with his sheer size. Such a bother he thought to himself stopping when his father stopped.

"Alright, here we are. I am going to let the others know that we have arrived, how about you see to unloading the wagon." He said, motioning to the booth that they would be using to sell their wares. His father clapped him on the shoulder before turning to move over to where the other various hunters had gathered. It was trading time, something that Gyuri was terrible at, so he would stick to manual labor instead.

Of course just as he started to unload he felt the strangest itching sensation on his back, as though someone was starring at him. He knew he shouldn't be surprised, he was an oddly colored giant amongst much smaller blue colored people, of course he'd stand out. It was still unnerving though. He'd do his best to ignore it though, wanting to see to it that the unloading of the wagon was done before his father returned. He didn't want to have to tell the man that he hadn't gotten his work done because people were starring at him, that would just sound strange now wouldn't it? Most certainly not an excuse that the man would allow to fly.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:36 pm
As Eira closed in on her prey she couldn't help but to stare, the closer that she got to him the bigger he seemed to get. Sure, she wasn't the tallest person around but this guy, he was a giant, he must be blessed to have the strength of a Mammu. It was something that was giving him many bonus points in her eyes that nearly balanced out the fact that he wasn't from the Ice Tribe, not completely at least. His coloring was all wrong, but still, he was getting better and better reviews in her mind, "Hello there!" She greeted him the moment that she was close enough, knowing that she should announce herself instead of startling someone of this particular size. Geez, he was pretty wide as well as tall, wasn't he? All around huge, yes, he would be the best guard a girl could ask for!

Waiting for the man to turn she smiled up at him, arms crossing under her ample chest, a smile on her face, as she did her best to look her best and her most distracting, "You are quite a sight, aren't you? I like that! My name is Eira and I am here to recruit you to my troupe, what do you think?" No reason to beat around the bush about it, she knew what she wanted and she wanted this man who was standing before her. What she wanted she normally got so why not lay all her cards on the table now? After she made her desires clear then the negotiations would begin.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:37 pm
Gyuri gave a little jump as someone greeted him, a female voice at that, and he turned around to look at the woman that was standing there before him. His mismatched eyes went wide and his cheeks colored as the stunning woman stood there before him posed in a manner that caused his eyes to glance downward before jerking off to the side. Oh, geez, what was he supposed to do about this?! He had never been approached by someone like this before... where was his father? What if she was trying to take advantage because the man was away? What if she meant to flirt with him, talk circles around him, and walk away with various pelts for free? His life would pretty much end then...

When she complimented him on being 'quite a sight' which was something she seemed to like he was almost certain that it was exactly what she meant to do. That was until she suddenly told him her true reason for being here and he was starring at her once more. A troupe? Like... like a performing troupe? Looking her over he supposed that she did look a bit like someone that would be performing, it was hard to look away from her after all unless one really tried. Now her being in a troupe, that made sense, but why in the world would she want him there? He didn't perform... he couldn't dance, definitely couldn't sing, wasn't really good at anything that would make him useful to a performance troupe. Why could she not see that?! He didn't want to explain it all, that he wasn't good with people, that he wasn't good with talking, that he was just... a pack animal by trade. Couldn't she tell at a glance?

His continued silence much be awkward he suddenly realized, his thoughts running rampant. What was he supposed to do now? Oh geez, what to do... he drew in a deep breath, said a quick, "No thank you." Before turning away and back to his chores. Of course the moment he said that he found himself regretting it. What if that had been his chance to get away and he'd thrown it away? Damn it, that could have been the worst choice ever!

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:38 pm
Eira starred up at the man as starred down at her... and nothing seemed to be happening. He was just... quiet. It was a strange sort of thing, maybe she was just so used to her own chatter and people falling all over her with compliments? This silence, it wasn't the most appreciated thing ever she thought to herself before she put a smile on her face. Alright, surely if she waited long enough he would speak up? It took some time but he finally did, declining her offer before turning back to what he'd been doing. Not surprising, he looked seasoned, as though he'd been at this trade thing for a while, best that she didn't allow herself to get discouraged.

The woman walked around him, brushing her hands against her skirts to get ride of invisible dust before she turned to lean against the booth that he was filling with some rather nice looking skins, the sort that she wanted nothing more then to snuggle down into, "I am sure that it might come as a bit of a shock, to get such a recruitment offer in a place that is normally reserved for hunters and trappers, my father is actually a hunter you see, I am here with him." She explained, wanting to put it out there that they had ties that bonded them in a very basic sense, "I could tell at a glance that you could be quite useful to my troupe on many levels actually and I know it's probably tough, the idea of leaving behind a job you know well for someone that you don't, but I really feel as though it would be a good fit." Maybe if she chatted enough she might be able to hook the giant's interest.

"Tell me, my quiet friend, have you ever thought of travel across the various lands? I mean to collect people from all of the various races to come along and be a part of my troupe. I think it will be wonderful, all the traveling, the sight seeing, being someone other then the same place day in and day out." She said, feeling as if she had hooked onto something given the way the man had paused for a moment in his work. Ahh, so that was his weak spot? Excellent! She hadn't thought to find it so easily.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:39 pm
Turning slowly to glance at the woman as she came to lean against the booth he did his best not to stare. She seemed as though she wasn't the sort that took no for an answer very easily, did she? That was actually in a way a relief, he thought that after saying no that she would shrug him off and leave, not wanting to waste his further time with her. Instead here she was, still talking about what it was that she was planning... and somehow she seemed to take it that he didn't want to leave his current job and that was why he'd refused. He wanted to tell her that it wasn't that at all, he did this job because it was what is father wanted not because it was what he wanted! She wasn't a mind reader though, was she? No... she was something else entirely and it was quite bedazzling in a way, most likely since he'd never talked to such a woman before.

He was just turning back to his work, unloading a few more piles of warm, tanned hides, when she asked him about wanting to travel. It was something that caused him to give pause, thinking on that for a moment. It was really all that he'd ever wanted. To see other lands, meet other people, to be somewhere other then the snowy expanse of Zena. There were other places out there, he knew this for a fact else where had his mother come from? Turning to look over at the one that introduced herself as Eira he would himself listening in closely before giving a bit of a smile. It really did sound nice, didn't it? How could he say no to such a thing... but at the same time how could he say yes? His father had told him what it was that he would be doing with his life, said that he would be a hunter too, but that was far from what he wanted. The question was what did this woman want of him? Did she think him a perfect fit because he could pull her sleigh instead of pulling that of his father?

"What would I do?" He asked finally, having to take some time to gather so many words together. Sheesh, he was going to have to talk more then normal when it came to this one, huh?

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:40 pm
Eira couldn't help but to grin when the man was suddenly asking what it was that he would have to do, a good sign that she had hooked his interest. Now, to keep him with her instead of chasing him off. Lifting a hand she motioned at him, indicating his sheer size, and she said, "You would have one of the most important jobs that there is, my large friend, you would be in charge of keeping everyone safe. Just look at you! Nobody would hassle our people if you were there to protect them. I mean just look at that fist of yours, its the size of my head. I am sure you could easily chase off anyone that would want to mess with us." Yes, he would make the best guard ever, even better then the men that had been working for Lyriala. To have a chance in this business she needed to think bigger and better then what that woman had and she felt that this man was that.

Lifting herself up so that she could sit on the booth now Eira set to swinging her feet to knock the snow free of her boots, "I am aware that it might seem to be a job that is a bit different from what you are used to but when it comes down to it you will just be dealing with people instead of animals, both are equally as difficult to pummel, right?" She chuckled at that, sure that this man fought with dangerous animals day in and day out as her father did. As such he was already prepped for the job that she had to given to him. Yes, this would be amazing!

"After this, if you want to come with me, I will be going to talk with the one who will be... I thinking my animal act. I'd offer you him as a helper when it comes to guard duty but I don't think it's really for him. He's a bit of a ditz." She shouldn't be so mean, she liked Borra, but he wasn't exactly guard dog material. She would make use of him though, he seemed the sort that she would be able to order about easily after all even if he was immune to her charm just due to sheer obliviousness.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:41 pm
"Eh?" Wait, what? She had indicated his size, nearly worrying him about what it was that she wanted him for, but ended up throwing him for a loop as she explained that he would have the most important job, that of keeping everyone safe. A guard? She wanted him to guard her troupe?! It was so far from what it was that he was assuming that she was going to want from him that he couldn't help but to stare in shock and awe as she continued to talk, telling him that she was sure he could easily chase off anyone that would mess with them. She was already including him in the group, wasn't she? Was she so sure that he would join? Could she tell just looking at him what he wanted? If that were the case it would make it a whole lot easier to deal with her, that was for sure. A lot less talking on his end.

At the mention of how the job wasn't actually that different from what he did, that he would just have to deal with people instead of animals, and that both were equally as difficult to pummel he was back to starring. Oh, wait... wait... he glanced at the wagon full of various skins, some from bigger beasts then others, then back at her. Did she think that he had gotten all of htis on her own? Did she think that he was the same as his father? Maybe she didn't know that his father was his father, maybe she thought that he was just his hunting partner? Would she withdraw the offer of a job if he said otherwise? He couldn't say otherwise then! He wanted to do this, wanted to be her guard, wanted to be a part of this troupe, and as such he couldn't tell her that he wasn't a full fledged hunter but instead that he was a mere apprentice.

What she said next had him cocking his head to one side, an animal act...? That was something that he wanted to see even if he was a bit of a ditz according to her. He would have to see if his father would let him go with her after all of his work was done. Not as though he did anything but stand around while his father did the selling. Surely him leaving for a bit would be alright? He sure hoped so at least.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:43 pm
Eira gave a bit of a smile as she watched the silent guy as he just stood there, seeming as though he were thinking very hard on something. It would appear as though the idea of being a guard wasn't something that he'd though of before now, huh? No matter, he would be good at it she felt and there was no reason for her to change her mind now. Especially not when she felt that the job title was one that he really wanted. He was just battling with the idea now, huh? Should he go forth into a great big world that he didn't know much about or should he stay here where he at least knew everything about everything. It had been a question that he had to face herself and it was one that he would have to face. For her it was easy, she didn't want to sit still forever and while she loved to flirt she had zero desire to settle down right now. She had decided and he would with time.

"I am sure your hunting skills would still be of use to us too. We will have to eat after all and who best to help to find food then a seasoned hunter? It will be great!" She said in a happy, chatty manner, smiling up at him. Yes, she really felt that she had gotten him. All she had to do now was to keep him. She wouldn't allow Lyriala to appear and steal such a prized catch out from under her! Not when she had seen him first!

Looking around at the stuff he was working on she gave a thoughtful sound before saying, "You are busy, I know, and I am sorry for getting in your way. I am just the sort that sees what she wants and goes after it and I want you." She told him, giving the man her best smile as she said such words.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:44 pm
His hunting skills would be of use too? The idea that he would not only guard the troupe but also help to feed them, it gave him a rather nice feeling deep down. He would be useful, wouldn't he? Protecting and serving the group, making sure that they were both comfortable and safe, it really was something that he wanted now. She was making it sound like such a great job... especially since she said straight out that it was great.

When she suddenly apologized for getting in the way he was instantly shaking his head, not wanting for her to think such a thing. No, not in the way at all, she was great! She was helping him out so much, giving him such a wonderful job offer, and making him feel so excited about a new prospective future. He wanted this, wanted to go with her, be a part of her troupe, keep her troupe safe! When she suddenly declared that she wanted him though he tripped over his own feet and landed in the wagon full of skins, ending up quite embarrassed when he realized what he'd done. Oops... damn it! He was supposed to be guardian material, not a bumbling fool he scolded himself, hoping that she wouldn't rethink things just because he'd managed to trip himself.

Pushing himself quickly up right he brushed up and returned to unloading things at a quicker pace, wanting to cover his embarrassment with work. That had been the last thing he'd meant to do... geez, Gyuri, how are you going to be a good guard if you let your own feet beat you he asked of himself as he worked.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:59 pm
Eira couldn't help but to start to laugh, a sound she tried to smother with her sleeves, when her prospective guard tripped and landed face first into the sleigh full of furs. At least the landing was a soft one she thought to herself, watching as he recovered quickly and returned to what it was that he'd been doing before her words so easily tripped him up. He was a rather cute one, wasn't he? She'd be tempted to lay claim to him were it not for the fact that she was searching for an Ice Tribesman who was as magnificent as her father, if not more so. A shame, but no matter, at least he would be fun to have around she thought to herself as she watched him work from her perch.

"You know you are probably one of the quietest people I've ever met, coming in second after Borra's sister... though who knows, maybe she'd be chatty if she ever woke up?" She said, not really sounding too terribly interested but that was mostly due to the fact that she didn't much care for women. They were competition... though in the long run she knew that she would need to hire some of them on eventually since Eira herself was likely the only one that would be interested in an all male troupe. No, she would need to bring in females as well, "Do you think that is an act worth seeing? A woman that sleeps constantly?" She asked up Gyuri before holding up her hands, spreading them out dramatic, "She Who Never Wakes! Come see this marvel of Ice Tribe kind, a woman that never wakes! Not a coma folks, this is just regular sleep taken to the extreme! Hmm... well, when I put it that way it doesn't sound so bad, what do you think?"

"Of course if we hire her on then we will need a sleigh or wagon to load her up on and a beast to pull it for us. No you of course, you're good at that and all but I need you keeping people safe, not pulling things around." She commented to her guard, already seeing him as such, no reason not to assume he'd run away given his interest in the position offered to him.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:11 pm
He was second to someone in quietness? That was actually something that he found to be a bit of a shock... until Eira explained it in more detail. Maybe she'd be more chatty if she woke up? That was an interesting thought, making him wonder exactly how much the woman slept if she was able to sleep enough to make her quieter then Gyuri himself was. She was someone that he couldn't help but to be curious about... though he couldn't help but to be curious about the other person mentioned since he was mentioned by name, "Borra?" He asked, wondering who that might be. Another troupe member, perhaps? Which got him to wondering how big was the troupe that he was supposed to be protecting and feeding with his skills? And would there be other guards to help him?

Eira continued to talk, asking if he felt that the a fore mentioned woman would be an act worth seeing. He couldn't say really but the way she sold it sure did make it sound interesting. How interesting could it be to watch someone sleep? But if they really were a woman that never woke up that might be more interesting... and already he did have the desire to see her if only because she was someone quieter then him. It would likely be the quietest, most boring meeting ever but somehow it sounded rather calming to Gyuri. To be around someone that wasn't constantly telling him what to do as his father did would be nice too... and while he could tell that Eira would be someone to give out a lot of orders, she seemed a rather dominating woman, at least it would be an interesting job instead of the same thing over and over again. Check the traps, bring in the kills, wait, repeat, and from time to time pull the sled.

At the mention of needing a sleigh for the woman that never wakes he tensed for a moment... before Eira was telling him that as good as he was at pulling sleighs that he other work to do. What a nice thought, getting to be too important to pull a sled. How he wanted to join her group more and more as she spoke.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:24 pm
Eira paused in her selling of Sin'qua as an act when her guard asked her about Borra, seeming to be curious about him, though it clicked that she hadn't really connected who Borra was, did she? Oops! She was so eager to sell the troupe to this guy that she hadn't really thought about it... then again there were other things she hadn't thought about either, such as asking for his name. It would probably be useful to know who it was that she was hiring on, huh? Giving a soft chuckle she said, "Borra is the animal act I told you about, he has a Raoti that he trains... or maybe its a Raoti that trains him. Either way I think that he might be interesting enough for the group and then add in his slumbering sister. We could probably use them both." She nodded sagely.

The problem being getting them to sign on, Borra would be easier then his sister... given how simple he was it would be easy to get him to join. She knew nothing about his sister though and given she didn't much care for women it would be harder to bring herself to talk one into joining the group as she did to her giant of a guard and how she would talk Borra into joining. She would figure it out though, she wasn't about to back down from anyone let alone a woman.

Shaking her head she turned her full attention back to her giant of a guard and said, "Now, if you are planning on joining my troupe, which I think you are, I will probably need to know your name. I could probably give you various nicknames but I think your actually name would probably be easier." She said, giving him a smile. Yes, a name would be useful, then she would feel a little less odd about hiring someone on without even having that information.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:34 pm
Ahhh, alright. So Borra was the animal act that she wanted for him to meet with. That made sense then and now that he knew who it was it made him that much more interested when it came to meeting the other member of the troupe. Even more so when she seemed to be torn between who was training who when it came to the man and his pet. That was an interesting thought and one that he would probably need to see to believe. So an animal trainer and a woman that never woke up, at least two more members of the troupe, well possibly. It seemed as though Eira hadn't yet hired them on so that meant that they were going to be visiting so that they could meet with them? Would she be using the same pitch that she gave to him or would it be different next time? He definitely wanted to be there when she went to hire them one to see.

The woman's attention went from the brother and sister back to Gyuri and he found his eyes going rather wide at what she asked of him. His name... he'd never told her his name? Oh man, that was far too embarrassing as well he thought to himself, his cheeks coloring again, before he quickly said, "Gyuri." He wasn't sure what nicknames she would come up with but he figured that it was probably best that he give her his name instead, not wanting to end up with some really weird nickname because he hadn't given her his name fast enough. No, no, Gyuri was a fine name, one that he would prefer to keep though to himself. Given the smile that appeared on her face it would appear as though he'd said it quick enough, phew.

Giving her a nod he turned back to unloading the sleigh, taking the last few things off of it and put them on the booth, glad to be done with that bit of work. From there he moved the sleigh behind the booth and out of the way so that potential customers would be able to come up and browse their wares. He could only hope that before any showed up looking for a pelt or two that his father would return else he would find himself stuck trying to do the job himself, something that terrified him a bit. Be a guard for a troupe of performers, sure, actually chat with a customer, no thank you!

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:31 pm
"Gyuri? Alright, see that wasn't so hard was it? Well... maybe it was for you, huh? You seem to be in your own head a lot, huh?" She couldn't help but to wonder what it was that he was thinking about given that he was so quiet. Some things she could read on his face, like how eager he seemed over the offer of a place in his troupe that didn't involve him being a pack animal that pulled a sled... but other things, it was harder to tell, he was an interesting one for sure.

Clapping her hands together she said, "Good job! All set up, huh?" She said, kicking her feet again as she looked around the area, taking in those who were gathered to look for stuff at this temporary market. Her father was here as well, selling what he'd gathered while hunting as well. He was selling the meat for the most part, though there were a few skins as well. She didn't think that his business would be in any danger because of these particular men and their wares though. She turned to glance over at a customer that was approaching, over at Gyuri who looked like a Mammu surrounded by hungry hunters, then back again. Giving a soft chuckle she turned to look at the man who was pursuing the skins. She should probably help her guard, huh? It was what a good leader did, helped those under her care when she could.

"Can I help you find anything today, sir? A nice, warm Raoti Skin, perhaps? Or maybe a Mammu hide to help to warm your family and your home on a cold evening?" She asked of him, happily chatting with him as he set to looking through the skins that were up for grabs, "They are of the highest quality, my dear Gyuri here can attest to that."
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