Each race is powerful in their own ways and each have their own unique powers and political stances.

The Angels
The angels are the most wealthy of all the races, and boast a powerful military. They are rivaled in power by the demons. Both races are often at war due to their opposing natures and usually conflicting beliefs. Most angels live in Oshoku, a city high above in the sky, where they live like kings in great castles. Angelic weaponry is considered almost universally to be the best in the entire world. Common powers angels have are flight, light manipulation, and efficacy manipulation (usually only effects objects in the angel's possession such as weapons and shields). Their ruler also has the ability to create powerful storms that descend from the heavens, which is a closely guarded secret.
For a full list of typical angelic powers, please refer to Angel Physiology. (Note: ALL angels are to be considered 'physical angels'.)

Fallen Angels
When an angel is corrupted by demonic influences, or breaks angelic law and is cast out from Oshoku for their crimes, they become a 'fallen angel'. Their wings usually turn black or a similarly dark color. They often possess a slight resistance to both holy and demonic energies. Other than these things, falling effects angels differently. Some act much the same as they did before, and retain the same or similar but corrupt versions of their former powers, or they can be completely changed by falling. They most often end up either living among the other races or going to the Underworld.

The Demons
While the demons are not quite as wealthy as the angels, they possess greater military strength which is one of many reasons they are greatly feared. Most demons live in a place deep below the ground, known simply as the Underworld. Strength and brutality are qualities greatly encouraged in their society. Despite their brutal nature, few smiths can match the armor produced by the demons. The majority of the demon population can be divided into three main groups, each with powers tied to a specific element and with their respective leaders. These are shadow, ice, and flame. Over all demons rules the Demon King, widely considered to be the strongest demon alive. Common powers for demons to have include enhanced physiology and various elemental abilities depending on the type of demon.
For a full list of common demon powers, please refer to Demon Physiology. (Note: ALL demons are to be considered 'physical demons'.)

Other Demons
There is more variety to the demon race than simply shadow, ice, and fire demons. Smaller portions of the population are made up of demons such as succubi and incubi, or simply demons who have powers that do not fit with the main three demon types. These demons can have a wide variety of powers, but none can possess shadow, ice, or fire powers. These are reserved for shadow, ice, and fire demons respectively.

The Vampires
Vampires are considered the race best at stealth, due in part to possessing the natural abilities of a predator. Most vampires reside in the Midnight Manor, a large building in an area enchanted to prevent the sun's light from reaching them. They survive off of drinking the blood of the other races, but their favorite victims are often witches. The magic practiced by witches gives their blood a sweet flavor that most vampires find delicious. This makes relations between vampires and witches tense at best, and openly hostile at worst. Common powers vampires have include blood empowerment, natural weaponry (nails and fangs), some form of hypnosis, and wing manifestation (bat-like wings, and they are slower than angels). Each vampire is also gifted with a single special ability, which is often unique to the individual. The Vampire Sire, however, possesses two special abilities.
For a full list of common vampire powers, please refer to Vampire Physiology.

The Witches
Witches are an entire race of outcasts, shunned and feared by the others for both their magical abilities and their backstabbing tactics. Most witches live in the slums of the world, often hiding among humans and practicing their magic in secrecy to avoid being hunted. Their magic is widely believed to be evil in nature. Common powers witches have are flight upon enchanted brooms (slower than angels), the ability to cloak themselves in darkness to hide, potion or poison making, and using 'Blood Magic'. They are capable of using other forms of magic (you may choose only one), but witches with other magic cannot use Blood Magic. The only known exception is the High Witch, who is capable of possessing both. The High Witch also has the ability to control the blood and other fluids within a person's body to manipulate them physically.
For a full list of common witch powers, please refer to Magic. (Look under Types of Magic, not Applications.
Note: No witch may possess anything related to controlling life or death as their chosen magic.)

The Ghosts
The ghosts are primarily neutral, rarely getting involved with the various wars and feuds of the rest of the world. In fact, they rarely even have contact with the living races, which leads them to be considered the most mysterious to all. They are technically not a race in their own right, but rather the souls of the dead, kept from a peaceful rest by what ever unfinished business they have. Most ghosts can be found within a large graveyard, which is known as 'Ghost Town'. There, they mostly pass the time by mourning among the graves and lurking in the shadows. Common powers include the ability to levitate up to four feet above the ground, switching between a tangible form and a gaseous one (they cannot attack while intangible, but also cannot be physically attacked), telekinesis, and controlling ectoplasm. The Ghost Emperor has the ability to reach into a living person's body and attempt to steal their soul, though it can only be used once a day.
For a full list of common ghost powers, please refer to Ghost Physiology

The Necromancers
A once powerful race known for the ability to manipulate life and death, they were deemed a threat to all and wiped out by the combined efforts of the angels and demons. The only survivors of this genocide were a pair of twins, known in legend as the Lost Twins of the Fallen City, and the Twin Keys.
The twins have control over Psionics. One twin can control life manipulation, and the other can control death manipulation. Together, the twins are the bringers of life and death. This is unknown to the twins themselves, but the other races do know.

Dead creatures that were resurrected by a necromancer, ranging from simple zombies to sentient beings even capable of a degree of free will. These can vary greatly in terms of ability and sentience depending on what their former race was, how long they were dead before being raised, what purpose they were created for, and the skill of the necromancer who raises them. These creatures die when the necromancer that created them does, though there are rare exceptions.
For a full list of common undead powers, please refer to Undead Physiology. (Note: Special permission is require to create an undead unless it is the creation of one of the twins. Permission is also required from the creator of whichever twin is supposed to have made a particular undead.)

The Humans
Humans are considered a weak race with almost no special powers. They have weapons like swords, spears, ect. They are mostly slaves to the other races. They are also the poorest of all the races, with little to no military strength.
Humans can become cursed.