Teshi didn't mind following Kankri to the border, so long as he didn't begin preaching. The juvenile was a madman, really, always trying to fix things, though he suspected that the boy's demon was watching, and that made him wary. His own Loki giggled behind his eyes, watching always, always waiting to jump and pounce trouble, which the even-tempered Teshi was not as keen to do. Loki, however, didn't care, and when the demon wanted out, then Teshi excused himself from cubs, for the time, to keep from harming one.

Kankri, for his part, was curious, the juvenile climbing a rock, unusually silent, and watching the outside in avid curiousity, ears alert, the small male blinking eagerly. It was so large out, so vivid, and--

And there were travellers.

"Oh! Travellers!" And Teshi frowned, moving to try stopping Kankri, before tripping-- ungracefully -- on a mound of fur.

Tencho had been sleeping damnit. The spot was warm and her area cozy, but now, now someone had stepped in dung by stepping on her and the leopon jerked aswake, snapping at an errant pink paw irritably, and bli9nked at a startled lion.

"GAH." She wiggled away, moving back. "Watch your feet!" She huffed. "I'd hate to mar beautiful feet!" Where was Koiboi when she needed her brother? Ugh. A juvenile pushed past her, and sher blinked, the adult imitating to follow.

"HEY." She rose, moving to follow. "Don't ignore me!"

Three sets of paws began moving, Tencho chasing the males, Kankri eagerly running to see who the new faces were, and Teshi -- the poor exasperated male -- running after Kankri to stop him in case the newcomers might hurt him.

Nasa didn't expect they were near a pride border, blinking at a juvenile, a lion, and a hybrid barrelling towards the party of four, and she stopped in alarm, unsure if they were attacking, or what. Angaza came to a stop beside her, and Adhari beside him, though Dulce seemed not to be as bothered, turning to bound to say hello.

Teshi blinked at the light wild dog, and increased speed, grabbing Kankri's ruff and growling roughly. This was NOT a lion, and for all his fluff, he wasn't letting it harm a cub, even if the cub was an idiot. The lanky thing coming up was treated to similar treatment, and Kankri mewled pitifully at the suddenness, as Tench braked, blinking.

"Rude. She snorted at him, looking to the dog. "Hi there, lady."

Dulce was glaring at Teshi first, moving behind Nasa when Tencho spoke, and she blinked.

"Hullo! He's mean to me!"

Tencho nodded.

"It's okay. He steopped on me. Pretty, but a jerk."

"You triggered them all. That's not very nice. They arte guestys and--"

"Shut it, Kankri. They aren't our kind." Teshi moved, putting Kankri in a space he felt sure the wild dog, THING, and Hyenas couldn't reach before stopping at the dark female looking at him in mild annoyance, pausing.

"Oh, are.. These your slaves, ma'am?" He asked. Nasa blinked. WHJAT. She got a flat look.

"I don't believe in slavery." She snorted, moving towards him.

"We were simply passing through." Nasa pad up to Teshi, leaning in his face irritably, and snorted. "Is this a problem to you?"

"N..No... HEY!"

Adhari had taken the free oppurtonuty to approqch Kankri, nosing the juvenile down and the male moved to investigate them, nose twitching. He'd never seen non-lions in his life, and he curiously sniffed each, circling, and sat.

"You two are very large." He stated. Angaza grunted.

"You're a runt."

Kankri looked horribly offended, looking to Teshi. Teshi moved toward him, eying Angaza.

"I'm not a RUNT." Kankri exclaimed, horrified. "Check your privelege, mind your height slurs, good sir! That was rude and mean! You might offend someone or trigger then I'm quite sensitive about my size you know--"

"And you set him off, thank you, thank you very much, a*****e." Teshi growled at Angaza, standing firmly. "Now Loki's going to go off to annoy him and--"

"Loki?" Nasa blinked. "Who? There's only my group, fluffy there, and you two."

Tench looked offended, Adhari shrugging to her.

"I was just using this as a spot to doze while my brother was hunting, thanks." Tencho grunted.

"He's mean." Adhari nosed Teshi, the demon snorting.

"I'm a demon. And--" He ticked, and his composure changed. "I do what I wish."

The pink male sat, looking rather indignant. Kankri's ears flicked towards Teshi, and all eyes went to him. Nasa puffed her chest.

"Oh do you." She regarded him, Dulce hiding behind Angaza, the Hyena looking disgruntled. Adhari pounced.

"COOL!" She flopped her tail, the appendage wagging in a floppy manner eagerly, and Tencho sat next to Angaza. Teshi snorted, pushing Adhari away.

"Ew, don't touch me, you dirty animal." He made a face, looking to Nasa.

"And yes, I do." He rose, circling. "Now why would you lot roam close to the Aikanaro'Hini? Looking for captivity or simply to admire your superiours?" Nasa looked to the others, Tencho shrugging, Angaza's fur bristling, and Adhari looking just... Wounded. Kankri was gaping uncomfortably, looking to Dulce. They weren't things! They were neat! They were--

"We're travellers whom belong noplace." Nasa leaned her face in Teshi's. "And I believe the pridal border scent is twelve feet away to our right. We're not in your land." Her grin flashed chaotically. "Attacking us is an attack in rogue territory, lovely."

"Teshi.. Can we not fight them..." Kankri frowned.

"Sit down Kankri. There's lessons to learn. These--" He motioned to the non-lions. "Are slaves. And this," He poked Nasa. "Is a fool deluding herself. Waste of a pelt really."

Inside, Teshi groaned at Loki. She was a pretty lioness, but... Well, travelling with the wrong company. Defending a hybrid too-- an abomination.

Nasa flattened her ears.

"The deluded one is yourself. I don't practice hatred." She snorted. "But by all means, go homer, little man. Leave myself and my friends alone with your poison."

"You little--" And Teshi lashed, swiping the female.

Immediately, Dulce yelped, paws going over her head, but Angaza and Adhari bared teeth, jumping beside their friend as they snarled. Tencho watched, ears flicking, before she moved, swiping back at Teshi. The demon took the moment to jump back effortlessly, grinning wildly. Internally he groaned. Loki was taunting them-- why did his Trickster-Demon have to trigger now? Why?

However, the male wasn't done, bouncing to feint an attack on Angaza, earning a strike from Adhari, the group spinning on him. Nasa groaned, shaking her head. His claws got her face easily, but nothing vital, and Kankri approaching in concern surprised her some, the cub pawing her face.

"I apologize." He said softly. Nasa shook her head. "It's not your fault."

She looked over. Adhari danced about on the outside, the new face, Tencho, moving parallel as Angaza growled, shielding Dulce from the offending demon. Kankri huddled.

"It is, and now his demon is out--"

"Demon?" Nasa blinked. "Oh, so that's why his attitude changed." She rolled her shoulders. She'd honestly said nothing of it, but she did hear whispers of them.

"My ancestors were exiles. Being beaten isn't new, if I run into members of their pride. But I don't, so I'm okay. I just... Would rather not fight."

"I agree." Kankri sat. "Fighting is poison, a terrible toxin that pollutes the mind."

"Heh. You sound like The Sufferer. Or Signless." Nasa shook her head. Kankri looked up.


Nasa watched, Adhari biting Teshi roughly.

"A lion... My ancestors believed the teachings of. He was against hatred, and pain. He was.. Killed trying to pacify them. His followers, and family were exiled." Nasa sighed. Kankri listened attentively.

"And he was called The Sufferer?"

"He was.. Tortured. Beaten. They say his last sermon ended with pain and sorrow." She sighed. "But his teachings survived through his mate, cubs, and followers. I'm a descendant of a couple exiles." She smiled. Kankri was silent.

"I had no name."

Nasa blinked.

"A demon with no name. Your Sufferer... Sounds a good lion. Might I have the honour of his name, my lady?"

It took a moment for Nasa to register the voice was calmer, less holier than thou than the cub, and she was surprised he had a 'voice' so young. Just what pride was this? But... The voice was also kind. Soothing. She sighed.

"I don't know. Sufferer... He taught patience and love. Equality. Kindness."

"That's all I ask of my pride. Slaves... Are they necissary? Is the hatred necissary? My pride has lived in darkness a long time. Thre's good in them... Somewhere." He sighed. Nasa was quiet.

"...You have no name?"

"I do not. And Kankri is expected to find it, I'm afraid."

Nasa thought.

It took a while, the female finally opening her eyes.

"It won't hurt, I suppose. Stories say he never denied those in need."

He smiled to her, grateful, and looked.

Adhari and Teshi were struggling, fighting with one another as Tencho moved to help guard a terrified Dulce, Angaza's eyes on them. Teshi flipped Adhari off him, and the female rolled, teeth bared and snarling before Kankri hissed, approaching slowly.

"Teshi that's enough. They aren't on our land, they aren't taking me away, leave it be." The demon in Kankri's tone was calm and firm, the cub glaring. Teshi moved, turning towards him and leaning in his face.

"They intrude and they need punishment."

"They do not!" And Kankri's paw switched out, clawless as it swatted. Teshi stared.

The cub hit him? A cub. Hit. Him?! Teshi tried willing Loki not strike back when the female reacted before him, swiping him roughly, tone angry.

"If you're unstable and seem to need to strike a child, you'll have to fight me first."

"You fight poorly."

"Not entirely." She flexed her claws, fangs baring. "Becauswe I'm not fighting alone."

Angaza moved next to her again, Adhari and Tencho following, even as Dulce cowered, watching. Teshi snorted.

"Why throw your lot in with inferiour beasts?"

"Because I'm not a monster attacking passers by." She raised a paw. "Last warning."

Teshi huffed, then looked to Kankri. Was the boy's demon triggered?...It was. He lowered his paw, moving and lifting Kankrio.

"Stay out. All of you." He grunted. "Or You'll all regret it."

Kankri waved slightly, looking to Teshi as he bolted, and Nasa shook her head. Oi. She turned, looking to Tencho.

"Well, hello."

"Hi. Have you seen a gold and white leotah like me?" She smiled.

"No, sorry!" Adhari sighed. Dulce slowly crept over, Nasa shaking her head.

"But we can help you look. Or you both can join us."

"Thanks, though I'll probably leach with Koiboi when I find him. He's my brother, you see."

"Alright. Well, for now. welcome aboard." Nasa nodded. Hunting was going to be hectic. Adhari yipped excitedly, and Dulce followed, pouncing and bouncing against her. Angaza looked to Nasa, and the female shrugged, motioning.

"Let's go, before Pinky decides to bring an army." She noted. "We can sleep in a safer area."

The others nodded, padding after her rapidly as they too, disappeared into the night.