Dulce was rather weird. A loud dog to be sure, very ditzy at times, and others the magnificent hunter. Nasa was relaxed in a sunbeam when Dulce returned from a hunt, for example, today, and Nasa immediately wondered where her pack way, ears flicking at the dog looking back.

"Okaaaayyy here we are!" The canine beamed. Nasa blinked, wondering is she's finally gone off her rocker until she watched two creatures approach, the pair blinking. Nasa immediately felt her heart leap to her throat.

Oh no.

"Oh! Hi! Hello!" The pale hyena-- a female, approached happily. The male hung back, looking away.

Adhari was delighted to meet a new face. A long time she wandered with her father, a pair left to themselves. Adhari didn't hate anyone for it-- she was a grown hyena, and wanted to explore -- but her father was heartbroken, feeling used for nothing less than pups. Sad really. So when a wild dog greeted them for the first time, well, ever, Adhari jumped to say hello, and to happily follow. Angaza was much more reserved of it, but he didn't want to be alone again. He was abandoned enough. Dull eyes flicked to his pup, then the lioness in front of them, Angaza staying back. He did not trust her yet-- not after being hauled into the Mava'Bunda. Not after they were done with him. He was a tired, and worn male now, older than he should've been, and he let his daughter approach, the lioness evidently as surprised as the male was to see the other.

"Hello." Nasa responded to Adhari, slowly. She looked to Dulce, who was feeling -- visibly -- proud.

"Are we on a Hyena pack's land, or are you a slave?" Nasa's ears dropped at Dulce, the canine giggling.

"Noooo, I found them huntin' lizards!"

Hunting lizards. Nasa's head turned towards Adhari warily.

"No, we're not in a pack." Adhari smiled, tail flip-flopping happily as it wagged. "We don't belong anywhere. We're travellers!"

Nasa's eyes turned to Angaza, the male blinking, and frowning.

"She's right. We have no home."

Nasa blinked, and Dulce slid next to her.

"Can we keep them?" The roan asked suddenly. Nasa blinked, looking to her.

"Wait, what?"

"They need a pack and it's lonely with two! Pack is better!" Dulce nodded. Nasa thought on it. All three of them were a social species, really, and the idea of mixing things... Well. Nasa wasn't sure what to make of that. Hyenas? Huh.

"I don't see why not." She shrugged. Angaza coughed.

"I do. I've been in packs that hunted lions. Tried it. Couldn't kill." He snorted. "Someone's sure to kill us."

"Daddy's a pessimist." Adhari smiled. "My name is Adhari, Daddy's name is Angaza." Her tail began to flop about again, beaming. Nasa's eyes flicked to Angaza, Dulce whimpering hopefully at her side, and the female groaned at her.

"Dulce, sit, before I ruff you. Don't think I don't know how." She looked to Angaza.

"And as for you, friend, you couldn't. That's why you're better than they were. You spared them, and that's your difference. You're not a monster."

Angaza looked down.

"I abandoned a friend. He disappeared. I abandoned his memory."

Dulce and Nasa exchanged looks, both seeming concerned before Nasa approached, nosing him.

"You still remember. So you didn't. You carry a little peice of them with you. That's what's important."

Pale eyes glanced up, the male half-smiling. She was kind... His species certainly wasn't normally kind in this way. Dulce smiled, bouncing and dancing. Adhari joined in.

"Yay we're going to be travel buddies yayayayayayay!"

Nasa sat next to Angaza, ears down some as she watched the pair dance, looking to him. Angaza had a tired, sad sort of smile on his lips as he watched, tip of his tail flipping a bit in a wag, but little else. He was in pain, visible emotional pain. Nasa nosed him.

"Hey. Come on. We won't judge you."

"I just wish my daughter could find a home." He said quietly. "But I fear any home with our species will take her kindness from her. Her warmth. Compassion." He frowned. "I was raised isolated. I hate seeing how alone she is, too. What if she can't survive when I'm gone?"

"She will." Nasa chuckled. "She seems smart.... Not sure. Dulce's a bit..."

"A little like an old friend. Not the same. But definaitely a reminder." Angaza smiled a little. "He didn't... Belong there either. They hated lions. And he was a good soul."

"Daddy's from the Mava'Bunda. Not originally. But he learned there." Adhari surprised Nasa. The female was calmer, padding over. Dulce followed, sitting next to Nasa. "They hate lions and they enslave wild dogs. He left.. Then we were chased from our home from those we thought were safe. My own siblings and mother. Weakness.... We had no choice. We left. So, we roam." Adhari put it bluntly, simply. Angaza seemed horrified his child brought it up, Dulce's ears dropping rapidly at mention of 'dogs' and 'slavery'.

"You won't slave me right?"

Angaza snorted.

"Hardly. I don't have a taste for it." He shook his head. "That passage of my life is behind me now anyway. I'm simply an old man biding my time."

"Not so old." Nasa smiled. "You walk well, you're healthy. Maybe a little sad. Not old." Nasa smiled. Angaza raised a brow, but Adhari bounced.

"Not old at all Daddy! Still young! Healthy! Strong!" She nodded. He raised a brow, and shook his head. Well.

"Perhaps." He shrugged. "But... We're welcome to travel with you two?" He was still surprised. Dulce nodded, beaming. "We're friends! and two is just lonely."

Nasa rolled her eyes. She didn't feel loneliness much, but, well, dogs. Adhari nodded.

"It can be! Thank you!" She smiled, dancing and licking the faces of everyone present. Nasa froze, looking to Angaza in alarm. The male chuckled weakly.

"Adhari is very affectionate." He explained. Much too much like when he was young, or Mabozi. Less cocky than he was, though. "A good pup. Just... Wired."

"ASeems like it." Nasa chuckled. "Hey, Dulce, did you find actual food out there?"

Dulce stopped, and froze, blinking a moment before she looked wide-eyed.

"Uhm... I forgot. Jus' lizards. And them." Her ears went down. "Sorry."

Nasa sighed. Great.

"I'll go hunt. Don't. Leave. Dog." She poked Dulce with a paw. Adhari giggled, dancing.

"It's okay! We can play till she's back, right Daddy?"

"You may." Angaza nodded slowly. "I think perhaps I'll help this..."


Angaza snorted.

"Miss Nasa hunt, for now." He nodded calmly, smiling.

"Okay." Adhari smiled. Her father, doing by himself? Good. Very good. Angaza turned to Nasa.

"Shall we?" He offered. She nodded. "Yes, we shall that would be lovely." She nodded, and the two pad off together to hunt.