User ImagePale gold eyes glanced down at her growing round belly, it was so strange to think that there were living creatures inside her and gaining strength each day. Her mate was very attentive and always there to offer a helping hoof, but worry clouded the mare’s thoughts. Where was Eve and what diabolical plot was she devising? For it was not like her to interfere during a joyous time like this. Gwenevere let out a loud sigh; she really should not worry, for there were constant guards around her, ready to risk their lives for the heirs of the kingdom. The mother knew that she was carrying one boy and one girl, but did not know who would be the heir to Camelot and the savor of their kingdom should Eve ever attack with full force. Her knowledge of the foal’s genders came from meeting with the midwife, who was an ancient crone like creature. The wizened mare had looked into the expectant mother’s soul, and with a croak revealed to the mother that she would be having a son and a daughter, it was then the crone cackled and would say no more.

The Golden Queen would not have been this concerned had it not been for Eve. Her twin sister was a deranged mare who had locked Gwen in a cave and taken her place by King Arthur's side. Eve even had the gall to consummate the mating (Gwen and Arty's) with Arthur and get pregnant with a son. Arthur had tried to get his son back from the evil clutches of Guinevere but to no avail, somehow the wicked mare had melted into the shadows and had not been seen since. Many want to believe she died in child birth, but Gwenevere knew better, her sister was biding her time for something, for something big.

Thoughts returned to her mate, and even though Arthur has apologized constantly for that error, Gwen cannot help but feel a constant pain of hurt whenever she thought about that betrayal. Yes she knew that they had only known each other for a day before they were lifemated, but how could he not know it was not her? Eve and Gwen were so opposite in personality that one would believe that are not even related.

Gwen shook her head and winced when the foals in her belly gave a hard kick. Her wince was replaced with a smile, her children were fighters and that is what would be needed to win this war against Eve. Her son and daughter would be the ones who defeated the sinister Eve and brought the country into its new age. The queen knew that her and her husband would not be able to rule forever and the fate of the kingdom rested in the hooves of her unborn foals.

Quickly her thoughts went on to another matter, for her foals had kicked again. Arthur and she had been discussing names for the past few months and finally they came to an agreement: Viviane for the girl and Taliesin for the boy, after Arthur’s grandfather. The soon to be mother smiled, the names were perfect for her children and she could not wait to see how they would grow and change to become the soquili they were meant to be. A wistful look appeared on the queen’s countenance as she looked out at the world. Only a few days longer and her dream of foals would become a reality.