As it tried to capture the pre-show environment backstage, a camera made it's way down a random hallway, making it's way to the locker room to get some opinions about the night's matches. But as it passed by one of the men's bathrooms, it was able to catch a whisper of someone talking inside. Despite the cameraman's better judgement, his field of view moved into the bathroom, showing a distressed Brody Robinson hunched over a sink, hands holding his body up while he stared into the sink.

"Alright alright alright. What're the odds? What am I up against here? Lets see...."

He reached up to scratch up his chin, before running his hands through his hair while he tried to think.

"We've got a couple-a seasoned vets looking to show the their not all washed up by beating up rookies, one of them a returning favorite trying to prove he's not a junkie and the other one being a man who think's he's good enough to be what everyone dreams of being. Then of course we have the raging Canadian that used to call himself the 'Red Death', which I assume was not used lightly. On top 'o them, there's the fastest rising rookie I've ever seen enter the ring, which I'm pretty sure he's the reason they call him the human elevator. And last but not least, we've got this Lion fellow, who I know nothing about and therefore am terrified of his wild-card status."

Placing his hands back on the sink, he looked up from the drain and looked at himself in the mirror, a worried look reflecting back at the camera.

"So what do I have...other than that mental disorder that makes people talk to themselves? Well, I've got experience on two of the guys, but that doesn't seem to mean much, since everyone still thinks I'm a rookie. I've got a mean left hook, which isn't going to help me climb a ladder faster than any of the other guys. And I've got a solid losing streak in any match that has had a ladder involved in it."

Brody fell silent for a moment, before pushing himself away from the sink and looking at the ceiling, letting out a heavy sigh.

"But I can't lose. Not this time. The odds can stack themselves as high as they want."

Looking back down at his own image, his nervous demeanor switched to a more determined visage in less than a moment.

"I already broke my promise to become King of the Canvas, but I refuse to walk out of this without something to show for it. I got my second chance at glory tonight, and I don't plan on letting it pass in the night. I don't care if it's Warner, Leone, Griffin, Croft, or The Lion. If they think they have a chance, they have to make it through me. And at this point, I've got nothing to lose."

Turning himself away from the sinks, Brody walked towards the door, and the camera backed into the hallway as he got closer. The camera followed Brody as he walked down the hallway, before the well-mannered brawler turned around and stared down the barrel of the camera, acting as if he was going to throw it to the ground. Instead, Brody gave the camera a smile and a thumbs up, before backing away from the camera himself.

"Keep that whole speech, will ya? It's gonna make a great video when I bring that briefcase home with me."

Nodding one last time at the cameraman, Brody turned his back on the video and kept moving down the hallway while the video faded to black.