((Good LORD, a very overdue log. Like, months old. XD))

User ImageEurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
Most of the pride was... needless to say a little hesitant about visiting with the master craftsman. Calling the male eccentric was really an understatement at best. But then, one really couldn't fault the male currently on his way to the master's den, for the head fortuneteller was what one might also call "eccentric." They were a pair, the crafter and the fortuneteller. Both throwbacks from a time when the muses flitted among the pride with abandon, both still a little odd even after those muses had fled.

Euri stopped in the den entrance, clearing his throat for attention. There was a smile on his face, because he sort of considered Reginault to be one of his friends. Of course, he considered most of the pride to be his friends, but that was another story altogether.

Reginault / Hatter:
Reginault was busy working a mess of random mixed patterned fabrics together. His paws working smoothly, though that was usually the only thing he did that required much focus. He stepped back from his creation, and was less happy with it than normal. These colors just did not go well. Not well at all.

He was not expecting company, though the social male didn't mind it. Especially a friendly face such as Euri. He smiled, a grin that was goofy and .. mad. Hatter, as he prefered to be called, stood from his hunched position and straightened out his back. He felt it release pressure in a few places and he resumed a normal standing position.

"Good evening to you." He said happily.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
Euri grinned and nodded his head in greeting.
"And good eve to you! I hope I'm not interrupting?" Pleasantries, pleasantries, never were they missing from the charismatic head of the seers. While his charm was mostly spent on lovely ladies, the Godchild had a way with people. Somehow despite his upbringing and how his moods had been when he had first come to the Kizi, he was a very sociable, jovial lion. It was probably in part by his relaxed position and the lingering effects of the insanity on his mind. In this place, he had no worries.

"You doing well, my friend?"

Reginault / Hatter:
Hatter turned and looked at the monstrosity he felt he was creating for a moment, then turned his head back to his friend.
"Only if you consider this being well." He grumbled, but then sighed and shook his head.

"No, No. I'm quite fine. Would you like a snack of some kind perhaps? It's not your birthday yet, is it?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. Hatter was a .. flambouyant character. He was friendly, mostly, though he could have a temper if pestered.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
Euri chuckled and shook his head, making the bells in his mane jingle and finally made his way into the den to survey the work. He was surprised, normally Hatter had, well, better taste in colors. But then, his tone when he spoke about it had been rather surly, it reminded Euri of his nephew. he guessed Hatter didn't think much more of it than he did.

"Nope, my birthday's still a while yet. And glad for it. I don't need another reminder I'm getting old," he replied, tossing a grin over his shoulder to show that he was in good spirits despite the remark on his age. His attention returned to the craftwork and he carefully lifted a strip of cloth with one paw before letting it fall with a slight quirk of his maw.

"Gods, Reggie, this is certainly an off-day's work for you. Did a certain little lady really throw you off that badly?"

Reginault / Hatter:
Hatter watched the other male walk over to his hatwork. He knew that it looked horrible, and he wasn't quite sure why he couldn't get it to look right. But he knew that in the end, taking chances made the best pieces of work. And he had just taken the wrong route this time.

"Well a merry Unbirthday to you, my friend." He said in a sing song voice, clapping his paws together. His favorite days were unbirthdays, though he knew not everyone shared that as much as he did.

Though his smile fell and he looked confused at Euri. He positioned his hat better on his head and then snorted.
"I have no idea what you are referring to." He said honestly. He hadn't seen any little-... He frowned. He hadn't heard about Aliss for some time now, and he had almost been happy for it.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
A frown passed over Euri's face for a moment as he turned back to look at Hatter, then dipped his head a little, narrowing his eyes in thought.

"Little blonde thing, petite with a creamy complexion? Wit as sharp as a sea urchin?" Confound it, had he done it again? Really, this was silly. It was as if the gods wanted him to play matchmaker or some such, he kept getting visions of his closest friends and a member of the opposite sex who caused them problems. Well, except those hazy ones he kept getting that he was certain had something to do with his own future, but that was beside the point.
He would, however, wait for a confirmation before he decided that he had gone and done it again, confusing his Sight with reality.

Reginault / Hatter:
When Euri described her, he confirmed who he had thought. Aliss had been a burden the last time she were here. A youngster, she had not been ready to deal with all that she saw. She had seen the true wonderland. One that he could still see thankfully. Though every now and again.. The sights would stop for a few minutes, and he was forced to see reality.

"You had best stay away from her. She is far from good. She's rather obnoxious." He nodded a bit, and then walked back over to his hat creation and began tearing it apart feverously. Though he had been meaning to do that anyway, he felt now he was doing it to almost change the subject.. Though he knew it wouldn't work.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
The fortuneteller moved out of the way and found a comfortable place to sit down while he watched the other lion dismantle the piece. He sighed.
"You know, sometimes it gets really annoying not being able to tell what's happened from what I've Seen." Hatter was probably the only one besides his nephew that Euri would confide in over his Sight, at least in the negative perspective. It was in many ways a disability and it confused other more often than not. Though, once things were sorted out, it could be very useful. Such as this moment when he knew that his friend would be getting a visitor from his past.

Euri was given the choice then, to tell his friend of the upcoming meeting or to, well, not. A moment of thought and he decided to say nothing. Might be all the better for Reggie to go into the reunion without forewarning.
"Obnoxious was she? Sounds like there's a story behind this opinion of yours."

Reginault / Hatter:
He stopped the movement on his work and sighed. He knew that his friend had the gift, same as he. Though Hatter was lost in such a wave of insanity, he never really noticed visions of any sort. If anything had ever been just a vision, he was unaware of it. His talents were saved for the crafting he ejoyed.

"Well for one, she didn't like the flowers. That is just unnatural. The flowers and their singing, and dancing. Well..kind of dancing. She was quite a bit overwhelmed, and how can you be at peace with someone overwhelmed in what you consider normal life?" He asked, though he wasn't sure if he made any sense. It was common for him not to.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
Now that, that made Euri throw back his head and laugh.
"Wait, wait, you're telling me she came to this pride, from the outside, and she was overwhelmed by the flowers? Good, gods, Reggie, what would you expect from the poor girl? Back then, I was half surprised most newcomers didn't end up rocking back and forth in one of the caves or launching themselves from the cliffs," he replied with a shake of his head. He didn't have it so bad. The land just sort of messed with his head. He didn't see things that weren't real and he only ever heard the voice in the mist. It wasn't a bombardment of sights and sounds he couldn't explain or a fierce paranoia like some of their fellow pride members. Reggie had grown up with it, and a cub's imagination at such a young age could normally handle such a thing. If she had been much older than an infant, well, it probably would have scared her something fierce. Especially if she was alone.

"I don't remember her coming here before. That might have been before I arrived. How old was she then, an adolescent?" He hadn't come to the pride until he had almost grown into his mane.

Reginault / Hatter:
He supposed his friend had a point, but then again he didnt see things the way Reggie did. He wasnt really sure if he saw these things because he had been blessed by the goddess of Insanity still, or if it was because his mind had corroded into allowing him to see these things. But normal to him, terrified him. In his sane moments, he was usually withdrawn and would retreat back to his cave until he was over it.

"Well still. It did not make for very amusing times, of that I assure you." He chuckled, and sighed. He was hoping that this vision didnt mean he would see her soon. No, he was sure that his friend would divulge in information such as that.

"She was quite young. little more than a cub. But..well..not a cub."

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
Euri's eyebrows shot up into his mane. A little more than a cub?? No wonder!
"Well, that makes more sense. Little more than a cub, she must have been terrified. Unless she took it in stride..." He waved a paw in an off-handed fashion, sort of dismissing the topic of her as a youth. There was never really any telling how an individual would change as they grew up. Why, he had been a little brat as a youngster, more like Fiach than he was now.

"Don't forget that we can always change when we grow up. Of course, there's no telling how the outside world affects growing cubs..." He trailed off there, settling down, propping one of his front legs up so that he could rest his chin on his paw and tap his jaw with one toe in thought.

"You know, if you used a gray or maybe a yellow in that instead of that green, it might go better. Just saying."

Reginault / Hatter:
"That doesn't mean I want to test your theory, either." He said, and then turned to look at him. "I suppose she took it well, but that was until the flowers called her a weed. She takes things far too seriously." He nodded, and then shrugged a little.

"But I like that green." He snorted. "Besides, I'm the master crafter remember?" He smiled though, his comment lighthearted banter when it came to his friend.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
"Just because I'm a fortuneteller doesn't mean I can't have a hobby," Euri shot back without missing a beat, grinning at his friend. Oh, he should tell Hatter about his vision, he really really should. But then he was far too meddlesome for his own good sometimes. Sometimes it was better to be unprepared for a chance meeting. And that was really all he knew about it. They would meet, and have a bit of a spat, but beyond that he was as clueless as the rest of them. If he told his friend about that, Hatter might just cut the meeting short. Ah well, it would all turn out in the end.

"I think I'd take exception to a bunch of short, obnoxious busybodies calling me a weed, too. It's not a compliment."

Reginault / Hatter:
"They only meant it in jest!" He argued for them. Normally he didn't really take much interest in the flowers. He had no need to give them much attention. They didn't call him a weed, but Aliss had been quite snotty to them, or so they had said. He didn't take too much stock into either story though. He preferred to think what he wanted to happen..Happened. And that meant the flowers had been teasing, nothing more.

"Let's just be thankful I never have to bother with that sort of thing again though. Life here is far too wonderful to make all..fuddy duddy." He said with a wave of his paw.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
"Pfft, a cruel, feminine jest no doubt then. Bad form to insult a lioness' appearance, even a young one's," he replied with a small shake of his head. Ever the ladies' man was Euri, he would do almost anything in his power to make them happy. Within reason of course.

"Fuddy duddy?" An eyebrow rose in questioning. "What do you mean by that?"

Reginault / Hatter:
"Fuddy duddy. Boring. Plain. Far ... unable to understand outside the box." He said with a nod. He felt he knew what he was talking about. But perhaps Euri was far too much a romantic for his own good.

"I think you would take their side, no matter what the question." He chuckled.

Eurimewn’niwl / Godchild:
"Ahhhhhh, I see. Well then it seems to me that a girl like that could use someone like you around her. Everyone needs to open their eyes to the fantastic, even if it's just a little bit." On Euri's end it was the romantic side of life. The happily-ever-afters and watching those around him become better individuals from a little bit of outside persistence. Nothing wrong with having a healthy combination of grounding and dreaming. Too much of either was what caused problems in life.
At least, in his opinion, anyways.

"Of course I would. A lady needs a champion every once in a while and I'm perfectly happy to accommodate," he replied with a wink and a grin. He looked off for a moment before standing. "And on that note, I think I've bothered you long enough. Time to go bother my nephew. Say hello to Thackery for me!"
And before any more could be said, he was gone.